Coronavirus et krach pétrolier, sale temps pour la transition - Transitions & Energies. L'armée US veut déployer des mini centrales nucléaires portables. L'idée de l'armée américaine est de se doter d'une source d'énergie quasi infinie, adaptée aux théâtres de guerre.
Le département de la Défense des États-Unis a annoncé, lundi, son intention de déployer des petites centrales nucléaires dites « portables » dans des zones de conflit. L'armée américaine ne veut plus être dépendante de l'approvisionnement en carburant pour alimenter ses bases militaires avancées en électricité. CIB commits expertise to proposed $1.6B Nunavut hydro-fibre project - The Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) has committed to its ninth project, signing a memorandum of understanding to participate in planning the proposed $1.6-billion Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link from Gillam, Man. to Nunavut.
The project, which would bring hydro power and broadband to five Inuit communities and two mines in the Kivalliq territory in lower Nunavut, is still at the proposal stage. The proponents believe if technical and feasibility studies prove encouraging, the business case is made, adequate funding is secured and permitting and agreements with Manitoba First Nations are obtained, construction of the 1,200-kilometre, 150-megawatt power line and parallel broadband infrastructure could start as early as 2023 with a possible 2026 completion date.
The region’s communities and mines currently obtain power from diesel. In a statement, CIB president and CEO Pierre Lavallee noted the project fits the bank’s mandate to support two priority sectors, green infrastructure and broadband. Le Maître Papetier - Un nouveau procédé écologique pour un biocarburant à moindre coût. Les professeurs Rajeshwar Dayal Tyagi etPatrick Drogui, chercheurs à l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), ont développé une nouvelle approche de production du biodiésel qui utilise des microbes avec des boues d’épuration et un sous-produit du biocarburant.
L.A. Aims to be First to Power U.S. City With Green Hydrogen. Photographer: Melpomenem/Getty Images Sign up to receive the Green Daily daily newsletter and follow us @climate.
Los Angeles is aiming to become the first city in the nation to use renewable hydrogen to produce electricity, with the goal of ending the use of carbon-based natural gas entirely. Explore dynamic updates of the earth’s key data points. Fukushima powers up one of world's biggest hydrogen plants. TOKYO -- One of the world's largest facilities for producing clean-burning hydrogen marked its opening on Saturday, in a demonstration of northeastern Japan's revival from the devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Located in the town of Namie, just north of the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the solar-powered hydrogen station can produce enough gas to fill 560 fuel cell vehicles a day. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the opening ceremony for the government-backed project, which involves Toshiba, Tohoku Electric Power and natural gas distributor Iwatani. New tandem perovskite-silicon solar cell breaks efficiency record. The use of solar photovoltaic cells as a renewable energy source is booming, as the technology becomes more efficient and less expensive.
Stacking perovskite solar cells on top of silicon ones is one way to increase the amount of sunlight harnessed, and now researchers at Australian National University (ANU) have broken a new efficiency record for these tandem solar cells. The researchers say that their new perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells have hit 27.7 percent efficiency for converting sunlight into energy.
That’s more than double where the technology was just five years ago (13.7 percent), and a decent step up from reports two years ago of 25.2 percent. Interestingly, this is already outperforming most commercially available solar cells, which hover around the 20-percent efficiency mark. Miners Begin Cleaning Up Their Act With Renewables. Cleaning up their act The mining industry faces an interesting paradox.
It is the lynchpin of the transition to a low-carbon economy, providing the materials that go into new grids and electric vehicles, yet miners’ extraction processes gorge on large amounts of power. Miners account for 6% of the world’s energy demand, and meet most of it with fossil fuels. Miners, which account for 22% of global industrial emissions, are facing more pressure to decarbonize than ever before – from investors, customers in the technology and auto industries, and even consumers further downstream. Companies recognize the risks to their operations from climate change, and continue to reaffirm their commitment to sustainability.
But things are starting to change, and fast Mining companies have seen that part of the solution lies in tapping into renewables. Power to Gas : de l’hydrogène injecté sur le réseau gazier par Jupiter 1000. À Fos-sur-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhône), le démonstrateur Jupiter 1000 a injecté le 20 février de l’hydrogène pour la première fois sur le réseau gazier.
Montreal group aims to turn industrial CO2 into sustainable aviation fuel - Skies Mag. As pressure mounts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the aviation sector will require a significant amount of low-carbon fuels over the next 30 years.
SAF+, a consortium based in Montreal’s east end, is planning to develop a drop-in (ready to use as is), low-carbon sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as an alternative to fossil jet fuel with over 80 per cent lower lifecycle emissions. The group, which includes Air Transat and Aéroports de Montréal, aims to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from large industrial emitters (with emissions of over 50 metric tons of CO2 per year) and transform it into SAF.