Touchnote postcards help you send a 'selfie' postcard with no stamp. More than 130million ‘wish you were here’ postcards will be sent by British holidaymakers this summer as they enjoy a well-earned break.
Despite the explosion of social media most of us still prefer to send – or receive – a traditional postcard rather than a digital greeting. Yet digital technology is being harnessed to keep the appeal of the traditional card – with smartphone apps transforming holiday snaps into postcards. The apps allow customers to buy a card online and then type a personal message on the flip side. This is then emailed to a printing firm – usually back in Britain – and within a day gets turned into a real card and is posted to family and friends. It means you can send a more personalised postcard – and avoid the hassle of buying stamps abroad.
Digital postcard: Rachael Sara-paid £1.99 to have a photo of herself in Vietnam posted back to her grandfather The university research manager says: ‘There was no excuse this time. Send your photos as postcards and greeting cards. Send photo postcards and greeting cards easily with Postsnap.
Photography Collections. Photo Printing (UK) Photo Editing Online. Photography Tutorials. HDR Photography. Early Photography. Modern Photography. Photo Storage & Sharing. Pics & Photo Blogs. Stereoscopy. NIKON COOLPIX S9900. PhotoDirector 6 Suite - Retouche Photo et Colorimétrie Vidéo Avancées. Outils de Retouche Complets Des outils pour améliorer vos photos et supprimer les défauts.
Colorimétrie Avancée pour la Vidéo Créez des vidéos marquantes avec une colorimétrie vidéo avancée. Des Chefs d'Œuvres Créez des panoramas magnifiques, des photos de groupe parfaites. travail Rapide et Efficace Appréciez un traitement rapide des fichiers RAW. Norme Professionnelle Éditez et ajustez sur Windows & Mac, produisez des vidéos UltraHD 4K. Partage & Exposition 20 Go de service Cloud CyberLink, App Mobile en Bonus. Outils de Retouche Complets Tout pour retoucher, améliorer et transformez vos photos ordinaires en photos spectaculaires.
Effet de GrainNouveauApportez facilement de la texture ou une ambiance de film à vos photos. Courbes RVBAjustez la luminosité et le contraste de votre photo par canaux de couleur rouge, vert et bleu. Colorimétrie Pour La Vidéo Ravivez les Couleurs De Votre Vidéo avec ColorDirector 3. How do you photograph the Moon? The Moon.
Some say it's made of cheese, conspiracy theorists claim that it's a hologram projected by the New World Order, while so-called scientists believe that it's a giant spherical space rock that magically floats above our heads while we sleep. We'll probably never know the truth, but it looks very pretty and lots of people want to photograph it. Unfortunately, most people are as bad at photographing the moon as they are at taking selfies of their grainy, underexposed, Instagram-filtered faces. There's also a lot of dubious advice online - people insisting you need elaborate setups, carbon fibre tripods, or three days of planning. So in the interests of saving all our eyeballs, here's how I – very much an amateur – got better, and how you can too.
Catching the Moon The first thing you need is a decent camera of some sort. A camera that allows you to manually set the aperture and shutter speed. The moon is brighter than you think it is, about a tenth the brightness of a street lamp. The Photographer's Ephemeris: TPE for Desktop. About TPE for Desktop The Photographer’s Ephemeris (TPE) helps you plan outdoor photography shoots in natural light, particularly landscape and urban scenes.
It’s a map-centric sun and moon calculator: see how the light will fall on the land, day or night, for any location on earth. TPE for Desktop is the original – and free – version of the program, and is the premier outdoor photography planning tool used by thousands of photographers, amateur and professional, around the world. With the new web app, TPE has evolved from its original form, but the core purpose remains the same: to provide an elegant, visual way to plan the natural light of the sun and the moon for your outdoor photography. Getting Started You can start using the new TPE for Desktop web app in your browser immediately.
99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography. Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is.
It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages. You may want to explore further works of the photographers we’ve featured below. When it comes to inspiration then there is no limitation on resources. You may be interested in the following related articles as well.