The Top Ten Places To Find Free Brain Training. Whether you’re just getting started on your brain training regimen, or you’re deep in the thick of it, variety can be the thing that keeps you going.
I’ve put together 10 fantastic free resources to give you a taste of what’s available with just the quick click of your mouse. Get comfortable, take a little break and dig into some quality free brain training. 1) Brain Training and Memory Improvement by Jim Kwik A free, 3 part video masterclass that shows you how Fortune 500 CEOs and Hollywood celebrities supercharge their brain. 2) Brain Games by Brain Pages An extensive collection of free brain games split into sections including logic, puzzles and brain training. 3) Soak Your Head “A free application of the popular dual n back working memory trainer. 4) FitBrains “Offers a large collection of Brain Games, brain health information and other fun features!” 5) The Original Memory Gym. 35 Psychological Tricks To Help You Learn Better. Have you ever considered letting your students listen to hardcore punk while they take their mid-term exam?
Decided to do away with Power Point presentations during your lectures? Urged your students to memorize more in order to remember more? If the answer is no, you may want to rethink your notions of psychology and its place in the learning environment. Below are 35 proven psychological phenomena that affect you and your students every day: 7 Lessons From 7 Great Minds. Have you ever wished you could go back in time and have a conversation with one of the greatest minds in history?
Well, you can’t sorry, they’re dead. Unless of course you’re clairaudient, be my guest. But for the rest of us, we can still refer to the words they left behind. Even though these great teachers have passed on, their words still live, and in them their wisdom. I’ve made a list of seven what I believe are some of the greatest teachings by the world’s greatest minds. 25 Killer Websites that Make You Cleverer. It’s easy to forget that we have access to a virtually limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet.
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