Snowball effect Chapter 1, a medical investigation fanfic. He had not meant for it to escalate into this.
One slip-up, and Kate was jumping down his throat. It may have been an mistake in procedure, but he did manage to give a little girl comfort, so she could be a little less traumatized. It was just a teddy-bear. What everyone seemed to forget is that part of the job was to help keep the patients sane, as well as alive. But what did it matter now? "Miles, were you the last person to use the coffee maker? " "Yeah, why? " You didn't clean it out. Standing Up, a medical investigation fanfic. Dr.
Miles McCabe sat in the board room with Natalie Durant, Eva Rossi and Frank Powell. Miles wasn't paying attention to their conversation, nor did he even care what their conversation was about. Knowing them, it was probably some talk about the new hockey player that Natalie was seeing. Among The Ruins, a medical investigation fanfic. TITLE: Amoung the Ruins SUMMARY: Eva's thoughts while keeping watch over a recovering Miles.
Drabble RATING: T (PG-13) SPOILERS: Mission La Roca part 1 and 2 She sighed. He was resting peacefully and the quiet hospital room brought a blanket of tranquility over the saddened woman. Eva was saddened by the fact that he couldn't just go home and yet was happy that they had flown Miles out of the country for several reasons. One; she was terrified that another earthquake would strike. Eva glanced over at him. She frowned, her "patient" was becoming restless. She knew the real reason why Stephen had asked her to come back with Miles. Sigh, what can I say? Please review. Excellent! Horrible! See isn't that easy? Dark Days And Darker Nights Chapter 1: Prologue, a medical investigation fanfic. I don't own Medical Investigation but if I did and I was as rich as Bill Gates I would have paid NBC to keep it on the air.
But since I am neither, all I can do is satisfy myself by writing fanfiction. "It's a great day to be alive" His vacation nearly over, Miles was heading back home from Maine where he'd just spent a very enjoyable week. He'd visited with old friends and attended the wedding of his two best friends from medical school. One he'd gotten the invitation to be Lyle's best man he'd immediately scheduled his vacation and hoped that the team didn't get called out at the last minute.
After several months of almost no days off, Miles had been more than ready for the two week vacation. Although Miles wasn't a fan of country/western music, he found himself humming "It's a Great Day to Be Alive" as he drove along. The song was still going through his head as Miles pulled up to an intersection in Boston. The SUV struck the smaller car with a deafening crash and spun it around. Comfort Measures, a medical investigation fanfic. Comfort Measures "Comfort measures," Dr.
Natalie Durant thought ironically, as she sat by Miles' bedside, waiting for him to wake up "were absolutely no comfort at all. Unless you were the patient they were being administered to. " All she'd been able to do for the young doctor was start him on fluids to keep him hydrated and give morphine for any pain. In other words, keep him comfortable if Ccnner and Frank...
She'd been hard pressed to maintain her calm professionalism when she'd seen Miles wheeled in on the gurney. Miles moved restlessly in the bed and Natalie reached for the basin with the cool cloth to wipe his face. Hallways Chapter 1: Default Chapter, a medical investigation fanfic. Hallways, Part One "Morning, Mr Patterson.
" Joseph Patterson nodded at the young couple who held the door of the apartment block open for him. He walked past them, wrapped up against the cool weather, leaning on his stick, breathing heavily after his morning walk. He'd lived in the building a long time, first with his wife, Claire, then alone, after she'd died, God rest her soul. His son and grandchildren still came to visit him.
He'd seen a lot of changes, seen a lot of neighbours come and go, seen a lot of old friends move on, replaced by younger people, younger families. He walked on through the hallways, returning greetings from the other residents. Building Skyscrapers, a medical investigation fanfic. Building Skyscrapers Author: GreenSweetPea Ships: Implied Miles/Eva Summary: Snippets of Miles' first few months at N.I.H Title: Taken from the Ted Leo and the Pharmacists song "Building Skyscrapers in the Basement".