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QWERTYfaced - Fic: Hail, Poesie! Title: Hail, Poesie!

QWERTYfaced - Fic: Hail, Poesie!

Author: QWERTYfacedFandom: White CollarWordcount: ~2100Rating: PGCharacters: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, MozzieGenre: Gen, humor, crack! FicNotes: Written in response to the winterstar95's prompt at the White Collar H/C community's Crackfic Monopoly! Fest. It had been a long, frustrating, and above all, fragrant night in the van.

When Neal finally got home, well past midnight, all he wanted to do was collapse into bed. In moments of stress, you could always discern her expensive education. After all that, the folded paper on his kitchen table barely registered as a spot of yellow. Unexpected origami, after all, was hardly a novelty. The next morning, he was forced to revise that assessment. Nevertheless, the most striking elements were the antique silver hatpins impaling its head: one was at about mouth level on the featureless face, and the other was stuck right through the hat. Neal regarded it with vague unease. "Good morning, Peter. "Violent? Silence. It's the Great Pumpkin, Peter Burke. Title: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Peter BurkeRating: RCharacters/Pairings: Peter/Elizabeth/NealSpoilers: NoneContent Notice: Um… pervertibles?

It's the Great Pumpkin, Peter Burke

Word Count: ~400Summary: Peter and a cursed pumpkin in a closet. Oh my. A/N: *points finger of blame squarely at sinfulslasher* See prompt on the Mini Halloween Promptfest, now going on over at whitecollarhc. "Not panicking, not panicking... " “Oh, Peter, there you are! “Oh. “Is that a pumpkin?” “Only technically.” “It is! “Keep your voice down, Hon.” “I’ll keep my voice down when you tell me why you’ve got your dick inside that pumpkin!” “Well, you know…” “No, I don’t know and… oh, I see. Treasure Taxi. If White Collar met Cash Cab...

Treasure Taxi

(A parody - no offense meant to Cash Cab or White Collar. I own neither and this was just some crazy lark that came to me in a moment of insanity.) Peter was cursing louder than Neal had ever heard but was glad it wasn't directed at him. Reaching, a white collar fanfic. A/N: Happy birthday, Mr.

Reaching, a white collar fanfic

Bomer! Disclaimer: I own nothing related to White Collar. I did, however, buy four books today - all of them about serial killers. What can I say? Glass Offices, a white collar fanfic. All characters © Jeff Eastin Summary: Neal discovers he has seasonal allergies while at the FBI and tries to hide it.

Glass Offices, a white collar fanfic

Peter prefers the aphorism 'there are no secrets in a headquarters with glass offices.' Glass Offices It was coming, and there was nothing Neal Caffrey could do to stop it. But he couldn't. He silently prayed to The Powers That Be to let him retain at least a little bit of his self-preservation. The Powers That Be told him there was no such luck. Neal tried not to fidget in his chair, but he couldn't help but bring a finger up to gently prod at his nose. He tried sniffing a few times (which earned him a quick glance from Cruz on his right). Peter's voice droned on, occasionally punctuated by sips of espresso from his new ceramic mug. Apparently, so was Peter. "Any thoughts, Neal? " Neal, at the point of no return, abandoned his smug look and turned his watering eyes away from his superior.

And eyebrow rose, and Neal leaned back in his chair. "Not like that. Peter deapanned.