很大也很虛!騰訊——一家沒有夢想的公司|數位時代. 這家快20歲的公司正在變得功利和短視,他的強項不再是產品業務,而是投資財技。
學期專題報告 素材. 20180322. 台經院產經資料庫 Taiwan Industry Economics Services. IMF Data. World Economic Outlook Databases (WEO) Updated Download time series data for GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, payments balances, exports, imports, external debt, capital flows, commodity prices.
科技管理. The history of technology. 積體電路. Are you ready for Industry 4.0? Punit Renjen, Deloitte Global Chief Executive Officer David Cruickshank, Deloitte Global Chairman of the Board The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) has arrived – and with it, a profound shift in how humans live and work.
Industrial revolutions have reshaped the world four times over the past four centuries. Deloitte was born as the First Industrial Revolution wound down, and helped bring accountability to the burgeoning railroad and manufacturing industries, and trust to capital markets. The Second Industrial Revolution was marked by a wave of globalization, as innovations in rail, steam power, telegraph, and electricity facilitated greater movement of people and information. The emergence of the consulting profession as we know it, and enhancement of professional practices and tools used by accountants, occurred in response to the Third Industrial Revolution.
2020年台灣產業發展策略 - 制定產業發展策略 - 產業創新優化轉型. Most Innovative Companies 2018: Innovators Go All In on Digital. BCG’s annual ranking of the most innovative companies is based on a survey of senior executives who represent a wide variety of industries in every region worldwide and on an analysis of select financial metrics.
Before 2008, these rankings were based on a single criterion—respondents’ picks. That year, we expanded the scope and assessed three financial measures over a three-year period: total shareholder return (TSR), revenue growth, and margin growth. TSR reflected stock price appreciation and dividends. Respondents’ votes determined 80% of the ranking, TSR accounted for 10%, revenue growth determined 5%, and margin growth accounted for 5%. 工研院IEK 2018十大ICT產業關鍵議題. McKinsey Global Institute. Science and technology.
HiNet企業影音. 20171016 淡大產經所. 台積電30週年慶論壇 與談人安排有深意. 淡大產經所20171016. 11億美元賣掉代工團隊後,宏達電品牌的下一步怎麼走?|數位時代. 11億美元、2000人。
這或許是比起股價、營收或者銷售量,宏達電(HTC)今年最重要的兩個關鍵字。 HTC與Google的交易案今(21)日終於塵埃落定,HTC宣布以11億美元的交易總價,將旗下2千人ODM團隊與IP轉移給Google,雙方交易預計於2018年初完成。 謝謝你,宏達電 – 科技島讀. 閱讀時間 10 分鐘 我沒有用過宏達電手機。
但現在回想起來,是宏達電讓我認真開始理解科技業。 在宏達電之前,科技業對我來說是「外國的事情」,雖然精采,但欠缺討論的動力。 當時知名的品牌是微軟、HP、Dell、Sony 等,宏碁與華碩已是久遠的記憶。 是宏達電躍上世界舞台,讓我第一次覺得參與了科技業。 當殘餘價值只剩下「人才」的時候. 作者:司徒嘉恒執行董事 宏達電曾經是臺灣的又一個「品牌之光」,從掌上型數位助理(personal digital assistant, PDA)起家,在 2003 年就首先推出了搭載微軟 Windows CE 平台,結合 PDA、手機、無線上網的智慧型手機—在當時,諾基亞(Nokia)仍然是手機市場的王者,黑莓機(blackberry)還只是少數高階商務人士的黑白螢幕小玩意兒,而距離賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)與他的蘋果(Apple Inc.)發表第一代 iPhone 還有四年——。
阿 Q 一點的說,宏達電首先提出了「智慧型手機」的概念,蘋果與賈伯斯不過拾人牙慧而已。 Infographic: Google's Biggest Acquisitions. The World's Largest Tech Companies 2017: Apple And Samsung Lead, Facebook Rises. U.S. Dominates List Of Biggest Public Tech Companies - pg.1. Fortune 500 Companies 2017: Who Made the List. Companies are ranked by total revenues for their respective fiscal years.
Included in the survey are companies that are incorporated in the U.S. and operate in the U.S. and file financial statements with a government agency. The Most Innovative Companies: An Interactive Guide. This interactive guide shows the changes to The Boston Consulting Group’s list of the most innovative companies.
In the Stories tab, explore four categories of change in the list over time: iPhone X背後的中國供應商:成也蘋果,敗也蘋果|數位時代. 蘋果在全球共有13座組裝工廠,擁有數百家零件供應商。
來自世界各地的零件被運送到蘋果的各個工廠裡,經過組裝之後再銷往世界各地,這就是蘋果的全球化生產策略——其中,中國供應商的地位極其重要。 iPhone X發佈後,微博@中金線上發佈了一份關於iPhone X(256GB版本)的BOM成本清單,從清單的內容上看,iPhone X的物料成本高達412.75美元。 相較於iPhone 7(32GB版本)220美元的物料成本翻了近一倍,這也就難怪iPhone X起價高達999美元了。 Announcing The 2017 World’s 50 Most Innovative Companie. The World's Most Innovative Growth Companies List. 世界十大【未来10大颠覆世界的科技】【WORLD TOP 10】人工智能 将代替了人类。做个【神奇宝贝】也不错吧. Top 20 technology brands worldwide 2017 Statistic.
2015.06.28【台灣演義】台灣電子科技史. Analyzing ICT Trends and Policies: The Information Economy Report. Where machines could replace humans. The technical potential for automation differs dramatically across sectors and activities. As automation technologies such as machine learning and robotics play an increasingly great role in everyday life, their potential effect on the workplace has, unsurprisingly, become a major focus of research and public concern. The discussion tends toward a Manichean guessing game: which jobs will or won’t be replaced by machines? In fact, as our research has begun to show, the story is more nuanced. While automation will eliminate very few occupations entirely in the next decade, it will affect portions of almost all jobs to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the type of work they entail.
Automation, now going beyond routine manufacturing activities, has the potential, as least with regard to its technical feasibility, to transform sectors such as healthcare and finance, which involve a substantial share of knowledge work. Fortune 500 Companies 2017: Who Made the List. Companies are ranked by total revenues for their respective fiscal years. Included in the survey are companies that are incorporated in the U.S. and operate in the U.S. and file financial statements with a government agency. 產業價值鏈資訊平台. 區塊客. 【BNPP】法國巴黎銀行財富管理新聞雙週刊第14期 2017年7月6日 1. 政策研究指標資料庫 PRIDE. 本項分析報導主要採用PRIDE資料庫中所蒐集之各類指標或搭配其他文獻及資料來源,並利用PRIDE資料庫所提供之繪圖功能,進行不特定議題之簡要分析。 內容淺顯生活化,僅希望藉由數據呈現某些現象,藉此拋磚引玉,吸引更多學者專家善用本資料庫進行更有意義、更深入的研究。 從諾貝爾獎的獲獎情形探討各國研發經費. 綠色貿易資訊網. McKinsey Taiwans Digital Imperative (CN) The Citi Blog - Banking on 2030: Citi & the Sustainable Development Goals. 經濟統計數據分析服務系統.