Digital Financial Services Can Help Bring Millions of Women Into the Workforce. G-20 leaders agreed last year to bring over 100 million women into the labor force by 2025.
Digital financial services are instrumental in achieving this goal because they increase women's financial autonomy, support women's participation in the labor force and improve the performance of their businesses. A new report, "Digital Financial Solutions to Advance Women's Economic Participation," outlines the role of digital financial services in improving women's economic participation, the challenges of increasing women's access to digital financial services and the opportunities that governments and other sectors have to foster an inclusive global economy in which digital financial services are widely available to everyone, especially women.
For example, digital financial services can boost economic participation for the more than 2 billion people worldwide who currently lack access to formal financial services. There is also a role in this for the private and financial sectors. 獨自在國外三年的她為何不想回來?「因為我不喜歡台灣的文化」 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網. 文:查理(於法國求學、工作,目前居住於瑞典。)
在咖啡館點餐時聽見了一首熟悉的歌,頓時變得多愁善感起來。 一個人在國外三年多,越來越覺得自己已經是某種變形的物種,想擺脫過去束縛而不停奔跑,到了遠方後卻又會往家的方向望去。 曾經有人問我為什麼不想回台灣工作定居,我說了一句台灣人聽起來應該會很刺耳的話:「因為我不喜歡台灣的文化。」 問我這問題的人馬上像被刺到一樣開始激動起來,只能怪我用字遣詞不夠精確。 台灣的文化指的不是歷史古蹟或是文學文字,而是關於人與人之間的距離和相處的文化。 我當然還是喜歡台灣文化的,但享受這種文化的副作用就是也要被它束縛著。 在台灣生活的時候我覺得很不自由,甚至覺得很痛苦,因為無論何時何地,我的一言一行都被規範,被社會莫名的道德觀和價值觀綑綁。 當然在台灣的時候我是沒有感覺的,是在法國的時候才赫然發現。 那是在法國的學校辦的一個派對,我和波蘭及巴西朋友走過了路燈稀少且暗暗的草皮,到了派對地點後就各自分開去和找人聊天。 我在一群陌生人中找到了幾個熟悉的臉孔,然後就開始不分你我地天南地北聊了起來,我們大笑且開始跳舞。 因為在這裡沒有人會問我的家庭背景及工作學歷,沒有人知道我的過去,也沒有人在乎,他們只看得見這個開心大笑跳舞的女孩。 他們不知道我是個單親家庭的小孩,他們不知道我成績好不好,他們不知道我其實是個害羞又沒什麼朋友的人,他們對我二十幾年來生活累積的歷史一無所知,只看得見我展現出來的那些。 我感到無比自由,因為我可以忘記過去家庭或是自己行為的包袱,創造出一個全新的自己,或者現在的樣子才是真正的自己。 Women, Business and the Law - Creating Economic Opportunity for Women - World Bank Group. A CEO’s guide to gender equality. Progressive executives know that gender equality is not only the right thing to do but also the smart thing.
That’s why more CEOs, heads of state, and university leaders are committing themselves to gender-equality goals for the institutions they lead. But gender equality is proving difficult to achieve. How can companies and public institutions move more quickly? This CEO’s guide synthesizes multiple sources to make quick sense of a complex issue. The promise of gender equality Gender equality gets a lot of attention these days, and for good reason: it is not only an issue of fairness but also, for companies, a matter of attracting the best workers, at least half of whom are women. A new study by the McKinsey Global Institute finds that the world economy could add trillions of dollars in growth during the next ten years if countries met best-in-region scores for improving women’s participation in the labor force (Exhibit 1). The difficulty Video. 世界经济论坛:男女平等要再等118年. Gender infographic June 11 2015. 2015 Female Entrepreneurship Index1. 世界经济论坛:男女平等要再等118年.
2015全球杰出女性璀璨之夜 - 上海站 / Worldwide Women of Influence 2015 - 2015年1月31日 星期六 19:00 至 21:30 - M1NT,福州路318号 No. 318 Fuzhou Rd., Shanghai. 学习*交流*人脉*商机*机遇 English Version 由中国女性菁英俱乐部红颜会 (HEROSE)和全球MBA高管精英平台MBA BIBLES主办的“2015第二届全球杰出女性璀璨之夜 -上海”将于2015年1月31日盛大开幕。
2014全球杰出女性璀璨之夜回顾: 出席对象 全球EMBA、MBA校友,MBA Bibles贵宾,红颜会VIP企业家会员,来自政界、商业界、艺术界等精英人士 活动时间: 2014年1月31日周六晚19:00-21:30 地点: M1NT,福州路318号 演讲嘉宾(按姓氏拼音排序) 董剑珍 上海女企业家协会会长 锦江集团华亭宾馆董事长 龚湘伟帝斯曼亲水胶体全球业务单元总监 帝斯曼旗下子公司-安德利果胶有限公司总裁 Columbia MBA校友 何江颖 光辉国际高级客户合伙人 沃顿商学院上海校友会董事会成员 Wharton EMBA校友 徐林Viva Nutrition创始人兼首席执行官. World Economic Forum - Private Investors. Industry Partners are select member companies that are actively involved in the World Economic Forum's mission.
Our Private Investor Partners are top companies from venture capital, private equity and hedge funds. Industry partnership offers privileged access to the Forum’s networks across business, government, academia and non-governmental organizations. In addition to participating in World Economic Forum events, Industry Partners play a key role in shaping the Forum’s agenda and contributing to a dialogue on critical industry and cross-sector issues. Areas of Focus Innovations in Investing: A Practice-Based Approach This initiative will focus on the experiences of major investors as they seek to mitigate leakages, manage risks and increase efficiency in their investment processes.
Speakers List - AVCJ Taiwan 2015. Gallup, ILO Partner to Conduct Global Poll on Women at Work. The International Labour Organization (ILO), a UN agency soon to celebrate its centenary, and Gallup launched their joint Global Women at Work Project on Tuesday.
Under the agreement, the two organizations will work together to get new insights on gender equality and the world of work through the Gallup World Poll. Using rigorous, standardized methodology for collecting data worldwide and covering countries that are home to more than 99% of the world's population, the Gallup World Poll data represent the largest globally comparable data set. It covers a representative sample of women and men aged 15 and older, in all regions, and across urban/rural, education and income divides, and by migration status. The new questions in the World Poll are intended to find out what women want in the world of work, what is helping or stopping them from getting it, and the support of or the negotiations with men that are essential to achieving this.