Connecting GD educators with the world. Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator. MakerBot says shoppers ready for 3D printers, some have doubts. Last updated 09:46, November 25 2013 Reuters ORDER UP: Twelve-year-old Leon McCarthy talks about a MarkerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer, with the company's CEO Bre Pettis, at the new MakerBot store in Boston, Massachusetts.
MakerBot, a 3D printer maker which opened two new retail stores in the United States this week, is among the companies trying to bring the cutting-edge digital manufacturing technology to Main Street consumers, but sceptics say the rollout is premature. Cs4hs: Computer Science for High Schools - Computer Science and Software Engineering - University of Canterbury - New Zealand. About 2014 This year there will be three independent CS4HS workshops.
Instead of having duplicate CS4HS workshops at Canterbury and Victoria as we have for the last 3 years, Canterbury will run one that (like previous ones) is focused on the Computer Science and Programming Achievement standards, for teachers who are at beginner/intermediate level, so the discussions will be more focussed on getting started. The Victoria one would be more general, looking more at areas of computer science that are of general interest, even if they are outside the standards (this is the model used for CS4HS overseas, and gives a broader view of the topic, which would be more suitable for those already teaching the standards.)
Unitec will also be running a CS4HS workshop this year, which is likely to cover mobile applications and devices, cyber-security, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Previous Events The 2013 website is available here Events. 22 Ways To Use Twitter For Learning Based On Bloom's Taxonomy. Last year we created a “twitter spectrum,” an image that clarified different ways that twitter could be used in the classroom in (hopefully) authentic ways.
TeachBytes has followed that up with an excellent graphic of their own that uses a pure Bloom’s Taxonomy approach. The specific ideas range from “remix trending tweets with video and music” to creating concept maps showing the relationship between tweets. We must admit to going back and forth over the exact fit of a social media platform like twitter in a formal (or informal) learning environment.
I Forgot My Phone. Twitter Co-Founder Evan Williams Lays Out His Plan For The Future Of Media. Twitter Co-Founder Evan Williams has an ambitious new plan: to shift our daily reading habits away from consuming incremental news bites and towards engaging with enlightened ideas curated by an intelligent algorithm.
Ordinarily, such a goal would seem utopian, were it not for the fact that Williams is among a handful of Internet pioneers who have disrupted the media industry multiple times. Before Twitter terraformed the landscape of news distribution, Williams’s first smash hit, Blogger, became the branded namesake for an upstart generation of amateur writers to challenge the established players Most importantly, Medium, his new platform for publishing mostly long-form content, has quickly garnered popularity — and infamy. In only a few months, its most popular contributions are making front-page headlines and snagging millions of views. In our Silicon Valley bubble, its contributors semi-regularly spark industry wide-conversations among the Internet elite.
News “Crap” Vs. Facebook and Twitter Are Converging. Facebook and Twitter used to be distinctly different places to socialize online.
One was public to the world, the other (mostly) just between friends. One was a place for news from your social circle, the other more about public events and discussion. One was dominated by images and multimedia, the other sparse and text-centric. Infinity and beyond » Ylva Lindberg. How To Make An Infographic Using Piktochart. Infographics are pretty popular. 40 Interesting Ways To Use Word Clouds For Learning. If we’re being honest (and we are), we were of the opinion that the primary use of word clouds for learning–most notably with Wordle and Tagxedo-were to help support the analysis of diction and tone.
20 Interesting Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom. Robohand uses 3-D printing to replace lost digits. Last updated 08:35 10/09/2013 Facebook.
'Fake skin' touchscreen may aid cancer diagnoses. Last updated 13:07 11/09/2013.
How To Create A Twitter List - A Step By Step Guide! By now, you already know that Twitter is a great tool for teachers . Google New Zealand Blog. The 5 Phases of Growth Hacking. It’s a spectacular feat.
Right in front of our eyes, a group of marketers helped build billions of dollars of brand equity on products like Facebook, Twitter, AirBnb, StumbleUpon, Zynga, Dropbox, Reddit and LinkedIn. Stunningly, these brands were built without traditional advertising, brand partnerships or celebrity endorsements — in less than a decade. And the people who did it blew off traditional marketing for a new set of strategies that felt more like engineering and product development than a Don Draper strategy.
But it worked. Now consider that those brands were only the freshman class. The marketers behind these brands don’t see themselves as such, though. Smartphone Application Tracks Cats. Last updated 05:00 26/08/2013 TRACKING CATS: Wellington designer Zach Freiberg has developed an application which tracks cats' movements.