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He Kupu, He Pepeha, He Whakatauki. He Kupu, He Pepeha, He Whakatauki Nga Tino Whakatauki a te Iwi Maori, Nga Whakatauki a Nga Iwi, Te Take Mai o Etahi Whakatauki no te Tairāwhiti.

He Kupu, He Pepeha, He Whakatauki

Mehemea ki te āta whakamāramatia nga tini kupu, pepeha, whakatauki, a te iwi Maori, me te take mai, ma pukapuka a motuhake tonu. Ka nui tēnei mo tēnei wā arā te tuhituhi ki te wāhi whāiti, hei titiro, hei ako ma nga tamariki. Na te Reo Ingarihi e mārama ai te tino tikanga o nga whakatauki. Ma nga whakatauki ka mārama he iwi mātau o tātou tīpuna. 1. 2. 3. Learn Maori Korero Te Reo Maori with video phrase lessons and online resources New Zealand Aotearoa. Find Marae in Aotearoa New Zealand. connecting whanau and Marae ~ WORLDWIDE.

Glossary and whakataukī / The New Zealand Curriculum / Curriculum documents. Hauora In health and physical education, the use of the word hauora is based on Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā model (Durie, 1994).

Glossary and whakataukī / The New Zealand Curriculum / Curriculum documents

Hauora and well-being, though not synonyms, share much common ground. Taha wairua relates to spiritual well-being; taha hinengaro to mental and emotional well-being; taha tinana to physical well-being; and taha whānau to social well-being. Māori Proverbs - Whakatauki aroha. Whakatauki aroha 1.

Māori Proverbs - Whakatauki aroha

E iti noa ana nā te arohaA small thing given with love 2. Aroha mai, aroha atuLove received demands love returned 3. 4. 5. Kōrero Māori: Get involved! Māori Proverbs - Whakatauki aroha. He Kupu, He Pepeha, He Whakatauki. Ko Te Reo - Language: Whakatauki @ Here is a collection of Whakatauki, or proverbs.

Ko Te Reo - Language: Whakatauki @

Whakatauki have a translation and a meaning. The meaning is usually based on Tikanga or history. This page only gives the translation of the whakatauki. Nau te rourou naku te rourou Your basket and my basket He toa taumata rau Bravery has many resting places Te toka tu moana The rock standing in the ocean Toitu he whenua, whatungarongaro he tangata The land is permanent, man disappears Toku reo toku ohooho My Language, my awakening Aroha mai, aroha atu Love towards us, love going out from us Kia mau koe ki nga kupu o ou tupuna Hold fast to the words of your ancestors Whaia e koe ki te iti kahurangi; ki te tuohu koe, me maunga teitei Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain Ahakoa iti, he pounamu Although it is small, it is of greenstone Me te koteo mau kupenga Like the post which the net is attached He reo kihikihi The cicada language.

Whakataukī - Proverbs - Kōrero Māori. Māori proverbs called ‘whakataukī’, ‘whakatauākī’ or ‘pepeha’ are sayings that reflect the thoughts, values and advice of past generations.

Whakataukī - Proverbs - Kōrero Māori

They are usually very succinct and often use metaphor to convey key messages. A short whakataukī will often be so accurate in capturing a thought or moment, there will be little need for any other words to explain it further. Proverbs are important to the revival of Māori language – they carry flair, imagery and metaphor embodying the uniqueness of the language. Māori proverbs comment on many aspects of Māori culture including history, religious life, conduct, ethics, land, warfare, love, marriage, and death. Some sayings refer to cultural practices or attributes that have since changed or no longer exist. Māori proverbs are featured in the formal speeches heard on the marae even today. Some tribes and sub tribes have particular sayings that relate specifically to their whakapapa (geneology) links, history, attributes or practices. Proverbs with their English Translation - Whakatauki. Whakataukī (proverbs) play a large role within Maori culture.

Proverbs with their English Translation - Whakatauki

They are used as a reference point in speeches and also as guidelines spoken to others day by day. It is a poetic form of the Maori language often merging historical events, or holistic perspectives with underlying messages which are extremely influential in Maori society. Proverbs are very fun to learn and loaded with advantages within language learning.

They can be interpreted as you see fit, and as your Maori improves try translating them to dive deeper in their meanings. There are countless proverbs and it will be very useful for you to remember as much as you can. Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain This whakatauki is about aiming high or for what is truly valuable, but it's real message is to be persistent and don't let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal. Proverbs with their English Translation - Whakatauki.