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Sasha Unisex (@sashaunisex) - Online Tattoo creator and tattoo generator. Design your own tattoo online. Custom Tattoo Designer. Custom Tattoo Designer. Tattoo Artists in Brooklyn, NY. Get Custom Tattoo Designs Made Online. Peter Aurisch Tattoo & Art. La brutalidad de la humanidad es una fuente inagotable de inspiración. Que la vida moderna tiene muchas perversiones, lo sabemos.

La brutalidad de la humanidad es una fuente inagotable de inspiración

Que de vez en cuando nos damos cuenta de ellas, también. Y que miramos para otro lado y seguimos sobreviviendo, frustrados e impotentes, también. El artista londinense Steve Cutts, sin embargo, no mira a otro lado, ni quiere que los demás apartemos la vista. Con sus ilustraciones, vídeos y otras composiciones artísticas señala de frente las enfermedades que trae consigo la triste realidad cotidiana de la vida moderna. Cutts dispara contra nuestra retina todo aquello a lo que le apartamos la vista mientras nos corroe en la comodidad de un sofá o de una oficina: malos hábitos alimenticios y de entretenimiento, la esclavitud del trabajo en el mundo capitalista, el consumismo más absurdo, la adicción a las nuevas tecnologías y la falta de empatía hacia los demás seres humanos.

Noun Project - Icons for Everything. Google Web Fonts Typographic Project. Dimensions Browser Extension. 40 Resources Every Designer Should Know. Ever wondered where designers get their resources to help them succeed with a project?

40 Resources Every Designer Should Know

Here is a list of great resources including sites, PSD. files, actions, UI elements, mock ups et cetera and best of all, they are totally free and available for you to download. Just click on the title or image and it will bring you to the resource. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. The Best Photoshop Tutorials to Turn you into a Better Designer – Part III'corePHP' Blog. With this article, we have now reached the third part of the series.

The Best Photoshop Tutorials to Turn you into a Better Designer – Part III'corePHP' Blog

Till now you have learned quite a lot of tips, tricks and useful techniques in Photoshop. You have also learned about the various tools and options in Photoshop, how they work and how you can bring the most out from them. In this part of the series, we at have tried collecting a variety of tutorials from different genre in Photoshop. Some are really very simple and I therefore recommend you not to jump and read those tutorial at the first instant. The Companion - A1 ink Drawing - JOQUZ. Pixel Curse. 30 Christmas Holiday PSD & AI Flyer Templates The success of any event, being it a show, a sale, a party or a simple get-together, often depends on how well you can promote it.

Pixel Curse

These flyers are diverse and eye-catching examples of promotional materials created for events that take place during the holiday season. 45 CV Resume Templates That Will Get You Hired You could make your resume in Microsoft word. Draw a few columns, write the text you need, hit tab a few times and press enter a few times. 24 Really Cool Photoshop Actions To Enhance Photography. Morning Uber Inspiration Ep.183. Relax. let the music engulf you. 8 Increíbles fuentes gratis para diseño gráfico. Les compartimos una serie de fuentes gratis para diseño gráfico bastante buenas, es una pequeña selección de 8 tipografías gratis para descargar libremente, en esta ocasión nuestra fuente fue Behance donde muchos diseñadores tipográficos publican su trabajo y algunos recursos gratis, en este caso la colección fue de fuentes sin ningún tema en especifico, espero alguna de las fuentes gratis sean de utilidad para ustedes.

8 Increíbles fuentes gratis para diseño gráfico

Wysp - Get inspired. Practice. Improve your drawing skills! ColorLife - Buscador de color. The Designer Drug. Inspirational quotes. Home - Pat Perry. Occupy Design: Visual Tools for the 99 Percent. Launch Slideshow Last weekend, San Francisco, New York, and Washington, D.C. hosted spontaneous "Hackathons" to brainstorm how to use various platforms to help Occupy Wall Street.

Occupy Design: Visual Tools for the 99 Percent

One of the ideas hatched was Occupy Design, a new website that gives a "visual language" to protesters across the country. Jake Levitas, a designer from San Francisco who's heading up the project, says it's a chance to fight back at media who characterize the movement as directionless. "These are people who have valid concerns grounded in reality and grounded in data that can be communicated visually," Levitas says. "If we get these signs on CNN instead of the ones that say 'Screw capitalism' on a piece of cardboard," viewers don't see a generic grievance but "exactly how people are being screwed and by how much. "There’s all this untapped potential for people who are extremely talented," he says.

Want to get involved? Images courtesy of Occupy Design. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. 65 Beautiful Fonts You Can Download For Free. Freebie 65 Beautiful Fonts You Can Download For Free by Alex on Aug 9, 2012 • 9:43 am 17 Comments There are so many free fonts all around the web these days and sometimes it makes me think is their any really point purchasing fonts.

65 Beautiful Fonts You Can Download For Free

I’ve decide to collect 65 fonts which are suitable for web, print, etc just overall high fonts which can be used in design projects. If you like fonts, you’ll love our favorite premium font, check it out here on Envato Market. Neuton Font Family Download Font → Color Scheme Designer 3. Matei Apostolescu - Work (higher resolution images) Sketchbook Secrets: 50 Beautiful Sketchbook Scans. The sketchbook is—to borrow a term from the new millenniums’ popular discourse—an artist’s BFF.

Sketchbook Secrets: 50 Beautiful Sketchbook Scans

It’s a diary for the visually inclined—a place where artists can most comfortably explore their personal thoughts, work out their visual needs, practice, maintain a visual history, and hopefully create the unpolished work that will eventually lead to amazing work for the world to see. But, sometimes, when we’re lucky, we get to see the process. Below are 50 beautiful sketchbook scans from 35 talented artists. Allen Sutton Mattias Adolfsson Laura More Amore David Fullarton. Iconmonstr - Free simple icons for your next project. § Amautalab. View All Fonts. Ayaka Ito. 50 Beautiful Color Palettes for Your Next Web Project. Choosing the right color scheme is essential to your website’s success. Your layout and other design choices — including font — should be developed in concert with your color scheme, which can ensure readability, cohesiveness, and beauty in the final product. Unfortunately, making that choice or creating a color palette from scratch can be quite the challenge.

That’s why for today’s post I’ve put together a collection of 50 beautiful color palettes that are ready to use for your next web project. If you like these, check out another 24 palettes I’ve recently rounded up. Getting the Most Out of This Post Before diving into the color palettes I’ve collected, I want to mention a few tools that can help you get the most out of this post. Editor’s Note: Want to make your own palettes even better? Remember that Photoshop will display certain colors far more vibrantly than they will look on the web when you use hex codes. That’s all. A different deck of cards. A different deck of cards Nice cards by Felix Blommestijn, more on his blog. 1st of September 2010 Probably Related Soviet Mayan Playing Cards YouTube – Top 100 Videos of All Time Tribute Poster.

A different deck of cards

10 Awesome Infographics for Graphic Designers. As a graphic designer, you’ve probably designed at least a few infographics for your clients – or even for fun.

10 Awesome Infographics for Graphic Designers

You can create (and sell) infographics for any topic or industry, which means infographics can be a lucrative source of income. Some designers make a full-time living designing infographics alone. And while infographics always require the talents of a graphic designer, how many infographics have you seen that feature graphic designers? The following 10 awesome infographics were made by graphic designers, for graphic designers. Follow the links to view the full infographics. 1.

Learn what different colors represent and what emotions they stir, and when and how to use them in your own designs. 2. Letterpress Printing and Design Services - Studio on Fire - Minneapolis. Free Textures: un álbum de Flickr. La compleja belleza de la sencillez en 18 ilustraciones. Contemplar las ilustraciones del coreano Daehyun Kim invita a perder el habla, a pensar sin usar palabras.

Sus dibujos nos muestran escenas que son poesía callada, meditaciones íntimas expresadas en forma gráfica. Entre el blanco y el negro de su obra hay un mar de silencios, un vacío que espanta. Pero es un vacío conocido, acostumbrado, con el que no cuesta identificarse. Querer plasmar sobre una cuartilla las cualidades más sutiles del ser y de las relaciones humanas es tarea ambiciosa, pero nuestro hombre lo consigue con una facilidad y una modestia pasmosas.