États-Unis. Avec les suprémacistes blancs de Charlottesville : le reportage édifiant de VICE News. After Charlottesville, Even Dating Apps Are Cracking Down on Hate - The New York Times. The Silicon Valley companies that make money off social media and online services have started to enact strong measures against extremism, barring white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis and others who follow creeds they deem racist and hateful.
Facebook and Twitter have developed tools to allow users to report hate speech and harassment. PayPal has blocked hate groups from using its financial services, and the ride-hailing services Uber and Lyft have urged drivers to report unacceptable customers. Airbnb took steps to stop white nationalists from renting rooms through its app before their gathering in Charlottesville, Va. Splcenter. Le site néonazi Stormfront, «capitale du meurtre» de l’Internet, fermé par son hébergeur.
C’était l’un des plus anciens repaires de suprémacistes blancs et néonazis sur la Toile.
Le site Stormfront, lancé en 1995 par un ancien responsable du Ku Klux Klan, a été fermé par son hébergeur le week-end dernier, alors que l’Amérique est toujours sous le choc des violences racistes de Charlottesville. Stormfront, qui avant sa fermeture attirait près de 500.000 visiteurs chaque mois, avait été surnommé la « capitale du meurtre » de l’Internet par l’association américaine Southern Poverty Law Center, selon laquelle les membres de Stormfront auraient commis jusqu’à 100 homicides. Etats-Unis. L’église de Charleston, douloureux symbole de la lutte des Noirs. America will only end racism when it stops being racist. If American racism were a thing of the past, nine men and women who went to church last Wednesday evening would be alive.
What happened in Charleston, S.C., is not unfathomable or even ambiguous. It’s a story much older than the nation, a story that began when the first Africans were brought to Jamestown in 1619: the brutalizing and killing of black people because of the color of their skin. The weekend displays of multiracial unity throughout the saddened city were inspiring, but they cannot be taken as a sign that the country has moved beyond its troubled racial past.
The gunman who so coldly killed those innocent worshipers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church did not exist in a vacuum. He inhaled deeply of the race hatred that constantly bubbles up like foul gas from a sewer. opinions Orlando Shooting Updates News and analysis on the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. Obama's glad he used the N-word. President Barack Obama’s glad he said what he said.
And he believes America proved his point on Monday: Even in the wake of an amateur white supremacist shooting nine African-Americans to death in a historically black church in the hopes of inciting a race war, we still struggle to have a genuine discussion about race in this country. Story Continued Below Aides said that walking into Marc Maron’s garage to tape a podcast on Friday, Obama knew he’d probably get asked about race, and he knew roughly what he wanted to say.
When the taping ended, he could guess that most people would focus on the president of the United States, the nation’s black president, using the most racially charged word in the English language. When the interview went live Monday morning, the news went everywhere: Obama said “nigger.” The Times's Policy on Racial Slurs: Editor's Notebook - The New York Times.
When editors at The Times’s morning news meeting on Monday talked about President Obama’s podcast remarks to Marc Maron on racism, there was a brief discussion of how we would handle one part of the story: the president’s use of a common racial slur in saying that racism wasn’t eradicated simply because such slurs were no longer used in polite conversation.
The discussion was brief because editors almost immediately agreed that, in this context, we should quote Mr. Obama in full, without a paraphrase or other obscuring device. No oblique reference to “a racial slur.” No euphemism like “the N word.” No printing “n” followed by dashes. The Times, like many news organizations, generally avoids repeating racial slurs, obscenities and other potentially offensive language. But we make exceptions when the word or phrase is central to reporting a newsworthy event. Unlike some publications, we avoid thinly disguising a slur or obscenity by using the first letter followed by dashes or asterisks.
Making a Point, Obama Invokes a Painful Slur - The New York Times. Etats-Unis. Obama brise le tabou du mot “nègre” Chose rarissime, voire impensable, le président Obama a prononcé le mot nigger dans une interview fleuve accordée à une radio de Los Angeles pour pointer du doigt la persistance du racisme aux Etats-Unis.
“C’est juste un mot, long de six lettres, mais qui n’avait pas été prononcé par un président américain depuis des générations, souligne le New York Times en préambule. “Obama a invoqué le mot ‘nigger’ dans une interview diffusée le lundi 22 juin en podcast, pour insister sur l’ombre que font encore peser l’esclavage et la discrimation sur la société américaine”, note le journal.