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Mythical Creatures

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An Ordinary, Extraordinary Man - moony. In the three years John Watson spent in the desert he learned three very important things.

An Ordinary, Extraordinary Man - moony

One was to never leave the base without his Ta'wiz 'round his neck, because without it a man could lose his skin – literally – in the long evening shadows. Too many foolish soldiers who left their protection behind came back as lumps of meat and bone, if they came back at all. The war was a feast of flesh, and the things in the sand were hungry. The second thing he learned was how to recognize the shayātīn when they hid in the bodies of men or beasts. Unlike some of his regiment John had the disadvantage of being an ordinary, mortal man. John on the other hand, being unremarkable, had to rely on pure instinct in order to know what he was looking at. Until one day when it didn't, and John learned the third thing: no matter how clever you are, there is always someone – or something – more clever than you. It wasn't all good news, of course. It started with John's cane. "I do for a bit. " "Ah. " "Ah. " Bird in an Aviary - misanthropyray.

Stranger at the Gate - bendingsignpost. A Priori 'Verse [Series] - rubberbutton. Show Me How to Stop Running - etothepii (Stochastical) Man and Beast - jupiter_ash. Title: Man and BeastAuthor: jupiter_ashRating: NC17Beta: trillsabellsWord Count: 20KPairings: Sherlock/JohnDisclaimer: Sherlock Holmes created by ACD, Sherlock owned by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.Summary: Written for this prompt here.

Man and Beast - jupiter_ash

Sherlock is a werewolf who is captured by a facility which wants to experiment on him. When John is placed into his cage they expect Sherlock to attack him, but instead, he tries to mate with John.Warnings: Kidnapping, dubcon, rimming, graphic sex, (were)wolves getting frisky and licky, sex in public, scientific experiments, torture, violence.Author’s Note: I wrote this when I was very much not writing a sequel to a particular au! Tennis fic. Trillsabells for the beta and general cheering, and to the twitter folks for being there for me to aim mini rants at while not having a clue what I was talking about.

Prologue “And this is the specimen itself.” Oceans Away [Series] - TheOtherMaddHatter. Ocean Treasure - consulting_smartass. Scream At The False Light - imjohnlocked. Fireflight - emptyaddress. Title: FireflightFandom: SherlockRating: RWord Count: 2,521Characters/Pairing: John/SherlockSummary: The Holmeses are the last of the dragons.

fireflight - emptyaddress

Sherlock finds himself collecting John Watson.Disclaimer: I don't own these characters.Author's Note: Based off of this prompt from the kinkmeme. Saw it, thought it could be a brief fun exercise in magical realism to encourage myself to write again--AND THEN. AT 1AM, IN THREE HOURS, I VOMITED THIS FIC. WHAT DID I JUST WRITE? And as always, my eternal gratitude to the utterly fantastic Lulu for assuring me that this wasn't too ridiculous to be posted. The last of the dragons, Mycroft repeated to him.

He had met the queen once. When he was eighteen, Sherlock shaved his head and bought tattered jeans that fit tight around his legs. The man’s name was B. Later B wouldn’t touch him, wouldn’t even look at him. And B had said, “My Jared is dead,” and then he never said anything to Sherlock ever again. Monstrom - sellswordking. Title: MonstromFandom: BBC SherlockRating: PGWord Count: 1675Spoilers: NoneSummary: AU prompt taken from the kink meme.

Monstrom - sellswordking

John is a young boy, Sherlock is the monster living under his bed. They are best friends. “Don’t, Sherlock.” The rattle of a jar being taken from the shelf. “Last time it spilled. Metal top hitting the floor. “If you take too much I don’t know how to explain it. Harry listened while the one-sided conversation went on, stood outside her baby brother’s door, getting more worried. Bump in the Night - szm. Sherlock belongs to the BBC.

Bump in the Night - szm

The world under the bed belongs to 'Mummy'. No money is made from this. Title: Bump in the NightAuthor: szmCharacters: Sherlock and John, mentions of othersRating: GPrompt: AU request...Sherlock/ of them is the monster/creature from under the other's bed. When John was 8 he offered to swap bedrooms with his sister because she was scared of the monster under her bed. She was almost hysterical trying to explain about the monster to their Dad who was getting increasingly frustrated. “But Dad, it’s got snakes for hair, and really long arms, and it pinches me in the night, and it smells, and…” babbled Harry. “I’ll swap with you,” said John calmly, two years younger than Harry and small for his age. They spent a couple of hours moving their things, Harry hovering by the bedroom door reluctant to even go in. A couple of weeks went by, Harry started off being really nice to him but in the way of siblings, that faded over time.

“What?” The Haunting of 221B Baker Street - earlgreytea68. Chapter Text The best part about being a ghost was that he could now examine whatever he wanted as closely as he wished.

The Haunting of 221B Baker Street - earlgreytea68

No one ever saw him and shouted, Oi! Sherlock! You cannot just stick your nose in that woman’s ear! Sherlock never thought he’d live to see the day when he’d miss that. The Ghost of John - Jaune_Chat.