Expliquer BSD. FreeBSD is a registered trademark of the FreeBSD Foundation. AMD, AMD Athlon, AMD Opteron, AMD Phenom, AMD Sempron, AMD Turion, Athlon, Élan, Opteron, and PCnet are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Apple, AirPort, FireWire, iMac, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Macintosh, Mac OS, Quicktime, and TrueType are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Intel, Celeron, Centrino, Core, EtherExpress, i386, i486, Itanium, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Motif, OSF/1, and UNIX are registered trademarks and IT DialTone and The Open Group are trademarks of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. SPARC, SPARC64, and UltraSPARC are trademarks of SPARC International, Inc in the United States and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. FreeBSD Handbook. The FreeBSD Documentation Project Copyright © 1995-2018 The FreeBSD Documentation Project Last modified on 2018-04-18 09:50:58 by eadler.
Abstract Welcome to FreeBSD! The latest version of this book is available from the FreeBSD web site. Editors/emacs23. Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... none found. Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... none found. andrew clarke mail at ozzmosis.com Mon Apr 21 21:40:44 UTC 2008 I have serveral FreeBSD machines on my home network and was wondering why Portsnap failed to find any mirrors on some but not others.
I had a look at the /usr/sbin/portsnap script to find out what it is doing. The command it calls to search for mirrors is: host -t srv _http. _tcp.portsnap.freebsd.org resulting in: ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached After a bit of investigating it turns out that on the machines where it failed, /etc/resolv.conf was configured to use my D-Link DSL-504T ADSL modem/router's internal nameserver for DNS lookups. More information about the freebsd-questions mailing list. FreeBSD. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. FreeBSD est un système d'exploitation UNIX libre. Le nom vient de l'association d'une part de free qui signifie à la fois « libre » et « gratuit » dans l'anglais courant, et d'autre part de Berkeley software distribution (BSD), l'UNIX développé à l'université de Berkeley.
Free prend un sens plus connoté dans ce nom : il signifie que le logiciel peut être utilisé gratuitement même pour un usage commercial, que les sources complètes sont disponibles et utilisables avec un minimum de restrictions quant à leur usage, leur distribution et leur incorporation dans un autre projet (commercial ou non), et enfin que n'importe qui est libre de soumettre son code source pour enlever un bug ou améliorer le logiciel, ce code étant incorporé aux sources après accord.
L'objectif du projet FreeBSD est de fournir un système qui peut servir à tout, avec le moins de restrictions possibles. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] FreeBSD compte en novembre 2006 : Pkgng - FreeBSD Wiki. Pkg is the Next Generation package management tool for FreeBSD. It is the replacement for the current pkg_info/pkg_create/pkg_add tools that ports use to register local packages and which provide remote packages.
Its main goals are to faciliate remote binary package upgrades. It also works with ports without remote binary packages. Resources Availability of binary pkgs for Download While pkg works just fine with ports as the local package management tool, it ultimately allows to skip ports and use remote binary packages. Ensure your pkg(8) is up-to-date. See Pkg packages availability announcement for more information on usage. In the mean time, pkg users who wish to have binary packages are advised to investigate tools such as poudriere or tinderbox. Articles Videos Pkgng puppet amazon ec2 BSDCan 2012 Presentation Video Development about What it is not pkgng is not: a port build tool a replacement for portupgrade/portmaster What it is pkgng is: How it works Package format Scripts Valid scripts are: Content.
Categories. Le Projet FreeBSD. Showthread. Turn FreeBSD into PC-BSD® - PC-BSD Wiki. An existing FreeBSD 10.0 installation can be easily converted to either a PC-BSD® desktop or server. This can happen through the installation of a package which is available from the PC-BSD® package repository. The converted desktop will contain all of the graphical utilities that come with PC-BSD®. The converted server will contain all of their command line equivalents. Switching to the PC-BSD® pkgng Repository This section demonstrates how to configure a FreeBSD 10.0 system to use the PC-BSD® pkgng repository. Start by creating this directory: mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos Then, create the file /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/pcbsd.conf with the following contents: Next, create the following directories: mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/fingerprints/pcbsd/revokedmkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/fingerprints/pcbsd/trusted Then, download the repository's fingerprint file: Finally, update the package database and any installed packages using the following command: Converting FreeBSD to a PC-BSD® Desktop.