CircleCare is a health and wellness motivation App for friends and family.
Is There A Link Between Salary, Stress And Employee Engagement. Is it always low salary, extreme workload or messed up team dynamics that push people out the door?
According to a new study by Peakon, its not! They have analyzed more than 35 million responses and finally found that work related stress and salary are not reliable predictors of employee engagement. Then what was the most consistent factor? Listening to employees seems to be the secret formula to keep employees happily on board, engaged and productive.
In this huge corporate survey titled “The 9-Month Warning: Identifying Quitters Before It’s Too Late,” employee engagement surfaced as a critical predictive factor. Listen To Your Employees Vicki Brackett, author of The Leadership Toolbox, believes that the key to achieving higher employee engagement is by turning employee observation into results. If you are interested in achieving greater employee engagement, and improving retention, consider how you can involve team members in the solution process. How To Protect Your Eyes At Work? Regardless of your occupation, the way to protect your eyes plays a vital role in keeping them healthy.
From jobs that require extended use of computers monitor or device screens to those in construction or mining factory where exposure to low light, dust, concrete, particles, or flying debris is a concern, taking proper care of the eyes should be a priority. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), around 2,000 American workers incur job-related eye injuries per day. Most of them happen because of two reasons, either they were not wearing eye protection, or they were wearing the wrong kind of protection for the job. For construction, manufacturing or mining factories, chemicals or flying particles in the eye and cuts or scrapes on the cornea are common eye injuries.
To protect your eyes wear safety glasses with side shields if you work in such dusty conditions or dealing with chemicals and other harmful substances. Are corporate wellness programs effective? Corporate wellness programs have become increasingly popular and are being adopted by many companies because of the benefits it promises for both employer and employee.
However, is it that effective? According to a recent survey, two-thirds of HR professionals from organizations that offer effective corporate wellness program indicated that these efforts were either “somewhat effective” or “very effective” in reducing the costs of healthcare. When we want to know about the effectiveness of any investment, we look at the return on investment (ROI). The ROI of a corporate wellness program typically depends on metrics such as the overall health care cost-savings achieved, as well as productivity increases due to a reduction in absenteeism. 5 Healthy, Nutritious And Portable Low Carb Meals for Office. So you’ve decided to go for a low carb diet – best of luck to you for that.
However, you might realize that it is not as easy as you may have expected it to be; at least without not without proper planning and thoughts. Corporate wellness program brings everyone together like family members. Corporate wellness is a program designed for the improvement and promotion of health and fitness of the employees at their workplace.
Organizations and employers decide their own wellness program keeping in mind the lifestyle and needs of their workers. CircleCare App provides you all the help necessary to create an employee-friendly corporate wellness program that brings everyone together like family members. Top 10 Reasons to Implement a Corporate Wellness Program. Wellness programs revolve around the human well-being of workers.
They create health requirements and private health a workplace priority, even together with programs that provide weight reduction regimes, smoking cessation programs, stress control, exercise, and dieting and wellness information. #1 Increases Productivity. Effective Corporate Wellness Program to Elevate The Team Spirit. What are corporate wellness programs?
Organizational activities which are designed for the long term purpose which promote the organizational practices and providing benefits and to the physiological, mental and social wellbeing of the employee are included in the corporate wellness programs. Effective corporate wellness programs are sketched to support and encourage integral approach to employee wellbeing by creating an organizational culture of health. Corporate wellness program optimizes human resource investments and boosting employee engagement. A typical corporate wellness program may consist of a health or health-risk assessment planned by the employer, which usually consists of an annual, or semi-annual, medical exam that ascertains the employee’s weight, height, blood pressure, and cholesterol and sugar levels.
6 Energizing Low Carb Breakfasts Ideas. I think most people agree with the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but still many people skip this meal altogether, for reasons that range from “no time,” to “can’t stomach food early in the morning” to “I don’t like breakfast.”
However, regardless of all the excuses you can come up with, there are way too many reasons to mention why you NEED to have a healthy breakfast, and there is an endless number of options to choose from. Just in case if you don’t know why breakfast is the most important meal of the day, here’s some explanation for that: A Healthy Breakfast Can Boost Your Metabolism – Think skipping meals will give you a fantastic body shape? Nope, research has shown that people who skip meals end up slowing their metabolism, hindering long term calorie burn, and hence weight loss. Instead, try consuming a meal packed with nutrients like proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber to kick your gears into motion! Wheat Free Pancakes. Benefits of being a Pescetarian. A pescetarian diet is one that mostly includes fish, seafood and some plants based foods, but doesn’t include certain other animal products, especially meat.
It can also be called a flexible vegetarian diet that gives you all the benefits of a plant-based diet, plus the benefits of eating meat. Let’s take a look at some of the other benefits of a pescetarian diet: Prevent Macular Degeneration Eating more fish helps improve eye health by preventing macular degeneration, keeps the eyes moist and can even reduce eye pressure. Reduces Inflammation Omega-3 fats in fish provide your body with potent anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation. 10 Foods for energy boost. Let go of the energy drinks and coffee for an energy boost.
Instead, try incorporating these ten healthy foods in your daily diet to get a natural and long-lasting source of energy. Dark chocolate Quality chocolate free of unhealthy additions can increase your energy levels and help you stay concentrated for the whole day. It also provides other health benefits, but because it is high in calories and fats, should be eaten in moderation. Chocolate promoted proper digestion, improves anemia and is linked to longevity, Milk chocolate usually contains too much sugar and lacks all the essential properties, so opt for dark chocolate or ideally for raw cacao. Almonds. Corporate Wellness Programs Fail. The global wellness industry is growing at a historical rate at this moment. Between 2015 and 2017 the growth was almost 12.8%, which made wellness a $4.2 sector.
So, if you are finding everyone around you adopting a healthy diet, a new pair of running shoes or getting a Gym membership, do not get alarmed. As the wellness industry expanding around the globe, the spending on corporate wellness programs are also increasing: It is currently estimated at $53 billion globally and expected to grow around USD 86 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of around 7.0%. As healthcare is becoming more and more expensive and productivity is going down, corporate decision makers are expressing more interest in corporate wellness programs to improve employee engagement. The Problem Although the whole corporate world is shifting towards this new trend, it is still not considered as something that the management wants to get involved with. Are plant-based and vegan the same? To most people, plant-based and vegan diets are almost the same thing.
However, despite the misconceptions, they both have their own, characteristics, health benefits and differences. In today’s post, we are going to discuss them. What is Vegans? Vegans abstain from consuming animal products. Deeply seated ethical beliefs drive this; we should not harm animals. Bloated Stomach: Signs & Symptoms, Causes, Diet To Get Rid Of It. What is a Bloated Stomach? Stomach bloating happens when your gastrointestinal (GI) tract gets filled with excess gas production or disturbance in the movement of the muscles of the digestive tract. It is a very uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the belly. Signs & Symptoms of Stomach Bloating Some of the most common signs & symptoms of stomach bloating includes:
What are the best employee perks employers can offer? Companies offer employee perks for various reasons like to help them balance their work and life, learn new skills and take control of their work schedule. These perks not only make them feel valued or engaged but also gives them a proud feeling to be a part of the organization.
Here are some of the best perks every employer should consider: Flexible working hours Flexi-time has become increasingly popular, with many employers offering workers the opportunity to complete their usual hours when they wish, often during a set period, such as between 7am-7pm. This act can have a significant impact on a person’s work life balance, and the cost is minimal, generally just being any extra electricity costs. Employee Engagement TrendsThat Will Matter Most In The Coming Years. If you are looking to make a substantial impact on your business goals, you got to have a productive and engaged workforce. Here are our employee engagement trends that will matter most in the coming years to build and maintain a productive and happy workforce.
Employee friendly work environment In recent years, the creation of an informal atmosphere has proven effective for the business outcome. Try to organize a proper workplace that will keep your employees motivated, inspire them to follow a healthy lifestyle and be more collaborative. Use technology Use of real-time analytics, the application of gamified systems and big data for will rise exponentially in the employee engagement trends in the coming years.
Engaging the millennial’s. Six Ways To Help Employees Struggling With The Workload. What Is Employee Engagement And Why Is It Important? 7 Things And An App That Can Make Your Office Employees Happy. HR professionals and business leaders always emphasis on the importance of making office employees happy, because when they are glad, they are likely to be more efficient and productive. 11 Workplace Health and Safety Tips. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires that employers provide a safe workplace. So it is employers duty to train and help employees understand the risks and take steps toward the safest possible environment. What Should A Good Manager Do? Employee Engagement To Improve Patient Experience & Hospital Profit. If you compare the quality of healthcare in the US with many other developing or even developed countries, you will see a noticeable difference.
Our healthcare system has been one of the best on this planet, and it has been like that for over a decade. What is employee burnout and how to prevent it? How to improve employee health and wellbeing? Workplace giving program can boost employee wellness. Are Workplace Wellness Programs Effective? The Basic Guideline For Type 2 Diabetic Diet. Top 10 Tips to Keep Your Employees Happy and Productive. 10 Simple Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work. How to have the perfect day at work? 5 Ways to better engage your employees. Health Benefits of Ketogenic Diet. Healthy Intermittent Fasting Plans for Weight loss. All About Fruitarian Diet Plan. Tips to stay healthy during winter. Foods that naturally cleanse and protect the liver. Foods that naturally cleanse and protect the liver. Top Tips And Tricks on Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss. Whаt Iѕ Kеtоgеniс Diеt? The Health and Nutrition Benefits of Whole Grain.
How to improve employee engagement? How do you show employee appreciation? How To Reduce Stress At Work. Why Should You Invest In Corporate Wellness App? How Do You Implement A Corporate Wellness Program? Seven simple rules to follow for healthy posture! Infographic: Stress at work and how to manage them. How does stress affect your business? Stay Healthy at Work - 11 Simple Hacks - CircleCare. How To Manage Office Stress.
What Stretches Can I Do While Sitting At My Desk? Infographic: Diagnosis of High Blood Cholesterol. 5 Physical Activities To Effectively Manage Employee Stress. Symptoms of High Cholesterol. Types of Cholesterol: HDL, LDL and Triglycerides. Types of Cholesterol: HDL, LDL & Triglycerides - CircleCare. What is high blood cholesterol? - CircleCare. What are some natural home remedies for asthma? Healthy Diet Tips for Asthma Patients - CircleCare. Prevention and Control of Asthma Attack. What are the complications caused by Asthma? Start your healthy eating journey with these rules. What are the treatments available for Asthma? Workplace wellness app for employee benefits management.
10 Easy ways to be more active without exercise! 5 Ways to gain weight fast to get rid of the skinny body. How many calories should you eat in a day? Noise hazzard at workplace may lead to heart problems. Employee wellness tips for healthy workplace. Aspirin may reduce your risk for liver & ovarian cancer. Everything About Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program - CircleCare. What happens during an Asthma Attack? Hypertension research breakthrough: New genetic risk factors discovered. Prevention of gout attack by controlling uric acid. Here’s how you can get a foot detox at home! Diagnosis & Tests of Gout. Complications of Gout. 11 Natural Home Remedies for Gout Attacks.
Symptoms of gout attack - how do you know if you have gout? Lose more weight by putting restriction on meal times. Infographic: Top 10 Symptoms of Arthritis. Infographic: Top 10 Symptoms of Arthritis. Low carb diet increases the risk of early death. What are the main causes of gout? Ten things you feel when your blood sugar is low. New "Triple Pill" may provide improved blood pressure control. What are the main causes of gout? Ten things you feel when your blood sugar is low. New "Triple Pill" may provide improved blood pressure control. What are the 4 stages of gout? Half of America don’t have any emergency prescription plan.
New daily sodium limit for a heart-healthy diet. Exercise for improving mental health - but too much might harm. Ketogenic diets may be a risk factor for Diabetes. Ketogenic diets may be a risk factor for Diabetes. Patients with health insurance manages hypertension better. 20 best weight loss foods for quick results. What Happens in Gout Attack? What is Gout? - The Kings Disease - Types, History, Trends.
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