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La Fnac lance sa nouvelle liseuse. Netflix's Top Threat: TV Everywhere. Do you think Netflix is worried about the fact that Hulu Plus now has over 1.5 million subscribers?

Netflix's Top Threat: TV Everywhere

Well, think again. According to the letter its managers wrote to its shareholders today following the release of its its Q4 earnings, the film & TV streaming and DVD rental service is much more concerned about TV Everywhere and similar services than about over-the-top (OTT) pure players such as Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime. Even its conviction that Amazon will “brand their video subscription offering as a standalone service at a price less than [Netflix's]“, echoing earlier reports, doesn’t seem a major source of concern for the company. Call it bravado if you want, but Netflix boasts a much larger catalogue than Amazon and Hulu Plus. Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC] Pinterest, a two-year-old social bookmarking site that lets users collect and share things they like on the web, is driving increasingly significant amounts of traffic to retailers' websites.

Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC]

The service enables users to create online bulletin boards, or "pinboards," for popular categories such as home decor, food and wedding inspiration. Members can use Pinterest's "Pin It" bookmarklet tool and iPhone app to save things they see online and offline, and explore and repin the images their friends collect via their personal newsfeeds. The website is especially popular among women, who account for 58% of Pinterest's traffic, according to Experian Hitwise.

SEE ALSO: 21 Must-Follow Pinterest Users The site's popularity is quickly growing. Pourquoi Youtube va tuer la télé. Qui ?

Pourquoi Youtube va tuer la télé

Comcast-Disney Pact Signals More Deals Aimed Against Netflix. Comcast Corp.

Comcast-Disney Pact Signals More Deals Aimed Against Netflix

(CMCSA)’s rights agreement with Walt Disney Co. (DIS) may become the template for how pay-TV companies strike deals with programmers to defend their subscriber base against online rivals such as Netflix Inc. The largest U.S. cable carrier and Disney yesterday reached a 10-year accord giving Comcast’s customers access to live and on-demand content on computers, smartphones and tablets. The deal lets Comcast subscribers watch real-time programming on ABC and cable networks including Disney Channel, ABC Family, ESPN and ESPN2 outside of the home for the first time.

Comcast benefits from the accord because it motivates customers to keep their subscriptions, said Craig Moffett, a Sanford C. “Comcast and Disney just made a lot of top-shelf content available out of the home for ‘free’ with a subscription to cable,” Moffett said. Comcast's 10-Year Deal With Disney Includes Out-of-Home Viewing.

1/5/12 | Updated In a deal that represents billions of dollars in revenue for the , the entertainment giant and said Wednesday that they had reached a decade-long distribution agreement covering all of Disney’s television content, including streaming for iPads and other devices.

Comcast's 10-Year Deal With Disney Includes Out-of-Home Viewing

The unusually long-term agreement provides a window into the future of television viewing and how its content will be consumed. Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, will gain the rights to provide the Disney Channel, , Disney XD, ABC Family and the ABC broadcast network, among other Disney-owned services, to subscribers wherever they want to watch. Media companies call the concept TV Everywhere, giving customers access to shows, sports and news on every digital platform. CEO Brian L. Roberts Announces Project Infinity: Strategy to Deliver Exponentially More Content Choice On TV. Comcast CEO Brian L.

CEO Brian L. Roberts Announces Project Infinity: Strategy to Deliver Exponentially More Content Choice On TV

Roberts Announces Project Infinity: Strategy to Deliver Exponentially More Content Choice On TV LAS VEGAS, NV - January 8, 2008 Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSK, CMCSA), the nation’s leading provider of entertainment, information and communications, today announced three major content initiatives at the 2008 Consumer Electronics Show.

Comcast CEO Brian L. Announces More Than 1,000 HD Choices Available – The Most HD Content Anytime, Anywhere. The Impact of Netflix: Can Telcos Help Hollywood? Summary: As Apple’s business model transformed digital music, the success of Netflix’s subscription business model is changing the dynamics of the Film and TV industry.

The Impact of Netflix: Can Telcos Help Hollywood?

We examine how telcos can help Hollywood with online distribution to survive and thrive in these turbulent times. Netflix has rapidly emerged as a powerful new distribution channel for digital video, in both physical and online form, but the success of the ‘all you can eat’ subscription model that Netflix and others use is changing the commercial dynamics of the studio’s distribution network. Telco 2.0 examines the success of Netflix’s business model, its consequences for the studios, and looks at new ways in which telcos might enable studios to maximise their online revenues and create a more balanced distribution network.

Studios Shut Window on Netflix Netflix’s strategy is to grow a large subscription business based on providing streaming and DVD-by-mail content for one low monthly price. Source: Telco 2.0 1. Comcast's Xfinity gets live ABC, ESPN content in huge deal. Comcast (Nasdaq: CMCSA)'s subscribers who use its TV Everywhere product, Xfinity, will be able to watch live and on-demand ESPN and Disney (NYSE: DIS) shows across multiple screens under a new deal announced today.

Comcast's Xfinity gets live ABC, ESPN content in huge deal

The two companies announced a long-term, comprehensive distribution agreement that will deliver Disney's sports, news and entertainment content to Comcast's Xfinity TV customers into the next decade on television, online, on tablets and handheld devices. Included in the agreement are ABC, ABC Family, Disney Channel, Disney XD, ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, ESPN Deportes, ESPNEWS, ESPN Classic, ESPN Goal Line, ESPN Buzzer Beater, ESPN 3D, ESPN GamePlan, ESPN FullCourt and ESPN3.

The deal also includes retransmission content for seven ABC-owned broadcast television stations (WABC-TV New York, WLS-TV Chicago, WPVI-TV Philadelphia, KGO-TV San Francisco, KTRK-TV Houston, KTVD-TV Raleigh-Durham and KFSN-TV Fresno) as well as more than 10 high-definition networks. iTravel: Apple's Future Travel Centric App for the iPhone. Patent Background Transportation ticketing has traditionally involved a pre-printed ticket which is scanned at a departure station.

iTravel: Apple's Future Travel Centric App for the iPhone

For example, transportation tickets may be printed at home with a barcode or a QR code (i.e., a 3-dimensional barcode) encoded with information about the traveler and/or the travel (e.g., name, destination, departure time, schedule number, etc.). In addition, this information may be included in plain language on the printed ticket. A traveler may be required to present this pre-printed ticket to gain admission to the transportation depot (e.g., airport, train station, but station, etc.), to pass through a security check-point, and/or to board the vehicle for transportation.

For example, in order to board an airplane at an airport, a traveler may be asked to present his pre-printed ticket in order to check in to his flight, to pass through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint, and to enter the gangway to board the airplane. Dot-o-mator: Domain & Company Name Ideas Generator. Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery. Media jobs.

THE FUTURE OF COMMERCE: REAL R.O.I. INSIDE. Social commerce deconstructed : where it’s at, where it’s going and what it means for brands. Get started by linking an account! L'ascension du Social Gaming avec Zynga. Les salaires dans l’Internet: quelles sont les rémunérations dans l’eCommerce? Comment faire du business avec DisMoiOù, Foursquare, Gowalla… ? Pourquoi Les Consommateurs Aisés Se Connectent Avec Les Marques. Les marketeurs du luxe prennent note, d’après une enquête d’Affluence Collaborative datant de février 2011, que les internautes de classe sociale supérieure communiquent avec les marques sur les réseaux sociaux pour des raisons très différentes de celles de la population générale.

Pourquoi Les Consommateurs Aisés Se Connectent Avec Les Marques

Les réseaux sociaux qu’ils utilisent pour ce faire sont aussi différents. Parmi la population générale, la principale raison invoquée pour se connecter avec des marques sur les réseaux sociaux était de recevoir des offres et des promotions. Ce résultat de l’enquête d’Affluence Collaborative est identique à celui issu d’études antérieures réalisées par d’autres sources sur les raisons qui poussent les consommateurs à suivre les marques sur les sites sociaux. 20% des Consommateurs Indiquent Que Facebook Influence Leurs Achats. Une récente étude de Compete montre qu’un membre Facebook sur quatre visite au moins une fois par mois les pages Facebook officielles de détaillants ou de produits de consommation, et que 56% d’entre eux surveillent les ventes et les promotions via ces pages Facebook.

Par ailleurs, plus de 20% des répondants ont déclaré que leurs décisions d’achat ont été influencées par les pages Facebook de détaillants et de produits de consommation. Autre donnée intéressante de ce rapport : la page iTunes de Facebook aurait attiré plus de trafic en février que le site internet d’iTunes. Debra Arbesman, l’une des analystes seniors de Compete déclare : « Nos données montrent que les pages Facebook peuvent être un outil marketing hautement stratégique et relativement peu coûteux pour les détaillants qui veulent créer de l’engagement avec les acheteurs. L’étude de Compete a porté sur 3 269 acheteurs pendant la période du 14 avril au 5 mai.

Etudes - L’ère du social shopping. Publié le 16 juin 2011 Facebook Stores, Facebook Credits, Facebook Deals: le social shopping est le prochain Eldorado des consommateurs et des marques. Checkin-data-reality-behind-hype2.jpg (Image JPEG, 1726x2592 pixels) Why People Do & Don't Use Location Apps (Survey) Connecting with people, finding places liked by friends and tracking personal travel habits over time were listed as the primary reasons people who use location based social networks like Facebook Places, Foursquare and Google Latitude do so in a survey published by Portland, Oregon digital marketing firm White Horse.

The firm surveyed 437 smartphone owners and found that discounts and gaming were not seen as significant motivators for the use of location services. (Lost in Geolocation: Why Consumers Haven't Bought it and How Marketers Can Fix It) 56% of smartphone owners surveyed said they knew about these services and 39% of respondents said they used them. Facebook Places was the clear leader among users (42%) with Latitude (27%) and Foursquare (25%) tied somewhere behind. The biggest barriers to use among non-users? The White Horse survey includes 11 other charts and graphs and a number of recommendations. Included in those recommendations are the following:


Friend's Recommendation : New Face Of Online Retail. The online purchasing pattern has evolved a lot since the advent of e-commerce. There has been a major shift in the way people decide to buy a product, basing their decision on various sources of information. According to a Nielsen survey, people show only 37% trust in the online banner ads shown on the websites. People are more likely to believe the consumer opinions posted online and the highest level of trust is shown when people receive recommendation about a product from someone they know. The trust level is as high as 90% when our friends recommend us something.

This increase in the Consumer Generated Media has major implications for the online retail stores. Conditions de vie-Société - Evolution des temps sociaux au cours d'une journée moyenne. Conditions de vie-Société - Sorties culturelles au cours des douze derniers mois. Population - Mode de vie des personnes selon l'âge et le sexe. TIC- L’infobésité, mal de notre société de l’information - Culture et TIC. Chaque humain a créé 45 Go de données numériques en 2007. Mobclix-index_android_final-547x1500.jpg (Image JPEG, 547x1500 pixels) - Redimensionnée (38%) Attribution de ligne - Mes formulaires, mes outils - anoo. Services-Tourisme-Transports - Mobilité quotidienne de la population. Es352-353g.pdf (Objet application/pdf) These_Caroline_BAYART.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Gestion du temps : 77 % des cadres accros de l'agenda. Le temps a beau être une valeur relative, il n'en reste pas moins gérable.

Parmi les 485 lecteurs qui ont répondu du 23 octobre au 13 novembre derniers à l'enquête en ligne du Journal du Management, 43,3 % estiment qu'ils gérent leur temps de travail "correctement" et 35,7 % qu'ils le gérent "plutôt bien" voire "parfaitement". Bien gérer son agenda - Etre efficace : Gestion du temps.

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