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Loom Knitting Resources

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For the Love of the Loom. How to tie a square knot. One Trick to Turn Any Yarn Into a Center-Pull Ball. Working out Kinks and Fingering Yarn. One of my favorite yarny gadgets is my Knit Picks Ball Winder.

Working out Kinks and Fingering Yarn

There are few things in life as miraculous and elegant as the center pull skein, a cylinder of yarn you just pull and pull from. Its one flaw, though, is that it gets misshapen and battered as it shrinks, so rewinding the leftover yarn becomes necessary when the project is finished or when yarn havoc is reeking as the work is still on the needles. “Grab a piece of paper, and wind around that,” you say. I can, but the paper slips out or loops of yarn drop off the ends, and I’ve got a tangled mess to take care of. This problem gets even bigger when I need to wind the yarn that comes in hanks, the braid-like twists expensive and handmade yarn is often sold in. This post is mostly about how to use a ball winder. The ball winder itself is a square platform with a tall wide-brimmed hat on top. Clamping the Ball Winder to a Flat Surface The clamp is a big L-shaped screw. 1.

Winding the Yarn 1. Winding While Walking. : Knitting Yarn, Books, Patterns, Needles & Accessories. Loom Knitting. Loom Knitting. A knit and crochet community. What is the best way to get started?

a knit and crochet community

Jump right in! Navigate by using the tabs at the top of the screen. You can return to this Welcome page at any time by clicking the tab at the top of the site. The project notebook The "project" section of your notebook is a place for you to organize and share your knitting and crochet projects. Take a look at frecklegirl Jess' project notebook or click "projects" under my notebook to begin adding projects of your own. Pattern search Click the patterns tab to search Ravelry's database of pattern information and browse through projects that were made from those patterns.

Books, magazines, and sites Look up pattern sources (books, magazines, and websites) by using the patterns tab or by clicking on a book/magazine title on any pattern or project. Yarn pages Every yarn has its own page on Ravelry. To try this out, use the yarns tab to search and find a yarn, then click the projects tab on an individual yarn page. Groups People. Store: Invisible Loom and Craft, Renee Van Hoy Designs. Invisible Loom Innovative Patterns for Loom Knitters. Loom Knit Shawls Vol. II. E-book with 7 patterns Loom Knit Shawls Vol.

Loom Knit Shawls Vol. II

II is a multi-part .pdf ebook, that includes seven patterns in a 24 point large print text file (90 pages), a 12 point paper-saver file (36 pages), cover, 6 pages of photos, and two pages of diagrams. The files are kindle, tablet and screen reader friendly. A full preview of the patterns from “Loom Knit Shawls Vol. II: Colorwork, Shapes and Lace” may be seen at Invisible Loom. Copyright 2013 by Renee Van Hoy, Invisible Loom.