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Bonnes pratiques javascript. Ce préfixe javascript: est encore une relique honteuse d'une autre époque. Il ne doit jamais apparaitre. Il est inutile de l'utiliser sachant que le code javascript n'a rien à faire dans un attribut href d'une balise <a> . Dans l'attribut href d'un lien doit figurer une URI valide qui pointe effectivement sur une ressource, dans ce cas javascript: est traité comme un protocole ! Protocole qui n'existe pas ; le lien est alors invalide et inutile. La solution est simple. <a href="/supprimer/id" onclick="return confirm('Supprimer cet objet ?

') Maintenant pour les actions ne possédant pas d'url — le démarrage d'un compte à rebours, le changement de couleur d'un élément, cacher un élément (les <secret> et autre) — la balise consacrée est nommée <button> et possède un attribut type qui peut prendre les valeurs button il n'y a pas d'action par défaut, le bouton ne « fait rien »,submit c'est la valeur par défaut. L'utilisation est simple : <button type="button" onclick="cacher();">Cachez moi ! JavaScript Best Practices. 24 JavaScript Best Practices for Beginners. As a follow-up to "30 HTML and CSS Best Practices", this week, we'll review JavaScript! Once you've reviewed the list, be sure to let us know what little tips you've come across! JavaScript utilizes two different kinds of equality operators: === | ! == and == | ! = It is considered best practice to always use the former set when comparing.

"If two operands are of the same type and value, then === produces true and ! However, when working with == and ! For those unfamiliar, the "eval" function gives us access to JavaScript's compiler. Not only will this decrease your script's performance substantially, but it also poses a huge security risk because it grants far too much power to the passed in text. Technically, you can get away with omitting most curly braces and semi-colons. However, consider this: One might think that the code above would be equivalent to: Unfortunately, he'd be wrong. As you'll notice, the indentation mimics the functionality of the curly brace. Consider the following code:

Java Documentation Comments. The Java language supports three types of comments: This tutorial is all about explaining Javadoc. We will see how we can make use of Javadoc for generating useful documentation for our Java code. What is Javadoc? Javadoc is a tool which comes with JDK and it is used for generating Java code documentation in HTML format from Java source code which has required documentation in a predefined format. Following is a simple example where red part of the code represents Java comments: /** * The HelloWorld program implements an application that * simply displays "Hello World! " You can include required HTML tags inside the description part, For example, below example makes use of <h1>.... /** * <h1>Hello, World! The javadoc Tags: The javadoc tool recognizes the following tags: Example: Following program uses few of the important tags available for documentation comments.

Now, process above file using javadoc utility as follows: You can check all the generated documentation here: AddNum. Use JSDoc: Index. JSLint: The JavaScript Code Quality Tool.