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If you are looking for an experienced, aggressive criminal defense firm to take your case in Fort Worth, Texas.

Why Do I Need A DWI Lawyer? Everything You Wanted To Know About Marijuana Possession and Its Consequences. Why Do You Need An Accomplished Drug Crime Lawyer? Top Drug Crime Lawyers In Fort Worth – Cole Paschall Law. It’s no secret that drugs are common in Fort Worth.

Top Drug Crime Lawyers In Fort Worth – Cole Paschall Law

In one 2018 drug sting, Fort Worth police charged 12 people with the possession and selling of drugs. There are many more individuals on the streets selling and using drugs. The state takes a strong stance against illegal substances. Therefore, drug crimes are often met with harsh penalties. You could face serious consequences for the possession or sale of drugs. Do You Think Marijuana Charges Are Simple And Harmless? Think Again! How Does A Sentence Commutation Work? Top Criminal Defense Attorneys – Cole Paschall Law. The internet has made life better in many ways, but it’s also opened up a wide array of crimes and criminal charges that didn’t exist prior to its invention.

Top Criminal Defense Attorneys – Cole Paschall Law

Internet crimes are becoming increasingly common and not all of the ways that you can get into legal trouble online are obvious. During the past few years, both the Federal and Texas state governments have cracked down on internet crimes. In addition to being stricter about prosecuting crimes, the respective legislatures have passed new legislation. Things that were legal before are now illegal. This can be trouble if you’re not aware of the laws. Fort Worth Protective Order Attorney – Cole Paschall Law. Protective orders are meant to keep some individuals safe from harm.

Fort Worth Protective Order Attorney – Cole Paschall Law

However, protective orders aren’t always made for the right reason. If someone files an order against you without a legitimate cause, you can fight it. Here at Cole Paschall Law, we don’t want to see you treated unjustly. Rather, we want to stand up and fight for you. Tarrant County Criminal Defense Lawyers. If you have been charged with a white collar crime in Fort Worth, contact the law office of Cole Paschall immediately to discuss your options and how we would handle your case as your defense lawyers.

Tarrant County Criminal Defense Lawyers

Your case is important to us, and we will do everything we can to reach a positive outcome for your situation. During your initial consultation, we will discuss the nature of your charges, our history of experience with corporate and white collar crime, and give you a better understanding of how we will work with you through the duration of our case. This initial consultation is a great opportunity for you to understand our approach to criminal law, and move forward with the confidence that you have selected the right legal representation.

Read more about white collar crimes, and schedule your consultation from our home page immediately to begin working on your defense. Defense Lawyers Tarrant County. In the state of Texas, a felony conviction can lead to prison time, hefty fines, the loss of professional licensing, and the revocation of your voting rights.

Defense Lawyers Tarrant County

In addition, you will have a felony conviction, which can be a bar to employment and educational opportunities. If you’ve been charged with a felony crime or you are aware that you’re under investigation for a felony-level offense, contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately. The Cole Paschall law firm will provide an effective professional legal defense. Our Fort Worth criminal defense lawyers have the knowledge and legal acumen to examine your case and provide knowledgeable legal advice.

Fort Worth Expungement Lawyers – Cole Paschall Law. In 2016, there were 63,658 crimes reported by law enforcement in Tarrant County.

Fort Worth Expungement Lawyers – Cole Paschall Law

Many of the individuals who committed those crimes were given sentences that changed their lives in an instant. Their convictions gave them permanent records that limit their ability to work or get housing. Fortunately, a conviction expungement can reverse the damage. The court destroys the records and makes it so no one else can find out about your arrest or conviction. Here at Cole Paschall Law, we understand the value of expungement. Cole Paschall Law is ready to take on your case.

When is Expungement Possible? In Texas, an individual can expunge their arrest if they did not receive a conviction or community service. Before the new laws came about, individuals could only have their records non-disclosed if they did a deferred adjudication. Non-Disclosure Versus Expungement Some people confuse the non-disclosure of criminal records with expungement. However, they do not destroy the records. Related Articles. Juvenile Lawyers in Tarrant County – Cole Paschall Law.

The state of Texas takes crimes committed by children seriously — more seriously than most states.

Juvenile Lawyers in Tarrant County – Cole Paschall Law

In the past few years, the state has been more active about prosecuting youth for their crimes. They have also been more willing to prosecute minors as adults. FW Criminal Defense Lawyers. In Texas, probation can last up to 2 years for a misdemeanor or up to 10 years for a felony.

FW Criminal Defense Lawyers

If the state agrees with probation to revoke your probation, a warrant will be issued for your arrest. Seasoned FW Sex Crimes Attorneys – Cole Paschall Law. In Texas, individuals accused of sex crimes face serious penalties.

Seasoned FW Sex Crimes Attorneys – Cole Paschall Law

People who are found guilty may be sent to prison for multiple years. Furthermore, they can also have the “sex offender” label applied to their names for the rest of their life. Top Drug Crime Lawyers In Fort Worth – Cole Paschall Law. Criminal Defense Attorney Fort Worth.

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