Smart Home Security Solutions to Safeguard Your Kids. How Energy-Efficient Lighting Systems Help Improve Business Profitability. 7 August HOW FOCUSING ON ENERGY-EFFICIENT LIGHTING SYSTEMS CAN HELP IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS PROFITABILITY Every business would like to reduce their costs, increase their revenues to maximise their profits.
There are many different ways in which companies can achieve this. But very few consider looking at how they can improve the energy efficiency of their property to this end. Focusing on installing energy-efficient lighting systems is an excellent way to improve your business profitability without cutting costs and hampering your business performance. You can work with experienced electrical companies that would provide you with various lighting strategies that you can implement across your premises. Energy-efficient lighting systems are highly advanced and more eco-friendly. What is Energy Efficient Lighting?
Using energy-efficient lighting helps reduce the amount that you spend on electricity cost each month for your commercial property. The Best Way To Avoid Electrical Accidents. 5 October THE BEST WAY TO AVOID ELECTRICAL ACCIDENTS Electricity is something we take for granted even though we can barely function without it. Every aspect of our lives and the spaces we use has electricity in it. We use electricity to improve the comfort levels in our home. It’s used at workplaces and in areas like kitchens as well as outdoor spaces on our property. How You Benefit From Switching To Led Bulbs. 19 October HOW YOU BENEFIT FROM SWITCHING TO LED BULBS While many people in Australia continue to use CFL bulbs, there is a greater awareness about the benefits of LED light bulbs and the trend is steadily shifting to the latter.
Today, the focus is on using eco-friendly building products, installations and features and light emitting diode technology fits in perfectly with this focus. While this is a major advantage, there are many other notable benefits of LED light bulbs and fittings that have led to the rise in demand for these bulbs. #1 Longevity These bulbs are designed to provide illumination for an average of 35,000-100,000 hours (depending on the brand and model). Time To Pull The Plug On Power Guzzlers. 7 April TIME TO PULL THE PLUG ON POWER GUZZLERS You must have heard how it’s important to unplug your mobile device chargers when they aren’t connected.
That’s because these chargers continue to drain electricity. While this is a fact, the truth also is that the amount of power that mobile phones and other similar devices draw, is minuscule compared to the amount of power that larger electrical appliances and equipment in your home or commercial premises use. The electronics we are referring to are the modern, advanced ones that have standby settings; they significantly escalate your utility bills even when they aren’t being used.
These energy guzzlers can easily account for up to 10% of an average-size home’s energy consumption. As mentioned at the start, mobile phone chargers are a very good example of energy guzzlers as they don’t perform any function when they aren’t charging the phones; and there is absolutely no downside to and ensuring they are unplugged most of the time. How Much Does It Cost to Rewire a House? Signs That You Need To Replace the Electrical Outlets in Your Home.
7 February SIGNS THAT YOU NEED TO REPLACE THE ELECTRICAL OUTLETS IN YOUR HOME Homeowners rarely ever think about the electrical outlets in their houses.
How to Create a Plan for your Smart Home. 3 June YOUR FIRST SMART HOME – HOW TO CREATE YOUR PLAN Technology is advancing at a dizzying pace.
What used to be the ‘latest’ and ‘most advanced’ devices yesterday becomes redundant today. Get Specliased Electrical Contractors for Security Services. Steps To Follow When Your Circuit Breaker Trips. 13 December STEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN YOUR CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPS When the circuit breaker in the switchboard trips, it causes a severe inconvenience, and can either result in a single appliance or the power in a whole part of your house to shut down.
How To Select The Best CCTV Cameras For Your Home. 6 September HOW TO SELECT THE BEST CCTV CAMERAS FOR YOUR HOME When it comes to the security of your home, it’s never a good idea to compromise in any way.
Fortunately, there are many different products available on the market that can be used to increase the security and safety of your residential premises significantly. Installing CCTV cameras is one of the best ways to make sure that all of the indoor and outdoor spaces of your home are covered. It also ensures that you have excellent visibility of what is happening on your property. It’s a good idea to consult a security installation specialist with your requirements. You also need to focus on purchasing devices that have specific features. 1. When you are choosing CCTV cameras for your residential setting, performance is an essential factor to take into account. 2.
The image quality of the CCTV camera is another crucial aspect you need to consider. 3. How A Licensed Electrician Can Help With Installing Smart Home Systems. 23 August HOW A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN CAN HELP WITH INSTALLING SMART HOME SYSTEMS The innovative idea of a smart home isn’t science fiction any longer and has turned into a reality.
Home automation or domotics means building automation for the home- these are also referred to as smart home systems. This technology combines automation and other features resulting in a robust system that controls lighting, indoor climate, entertainment systems, appliances, and more. Understanding the Pros and Cons of Wired and Wireless Security Systems. 1 November UNDERSTANDING THE PROS AND CONS OF WIRED AND WIRELESS SECURITY SYSTEMS Wired security systems have been in use for a much longer time.
They use equipment that is hardwired into the electrical system or the landline of the house. Wireless systems are comparatively a new entrant on the market. Advancement in wireless security system technology is making these devices increasingly popular, as well.