Volkswagen Bus Camper Curtains. Again turning to the web, I looked for instruction in making a set of our own.
I only found a few (2) and one of those was for Vanagen, which had a different window set up. The other (Thank you Mr. Ratwell) was inspiring, but not suitable for the Material we decided on. You will need: a Sewing Machine, an Iron, a nice sharp Shears or Cutting wheel, Snap setter (A Must! You can change a lot of the snaps to Velcro as I did, But you need Snaps for the big Front Window Curtain. MATERIALS: I used 6.5 yards of 60" wide fabric for my main color, 30" of that was lost to Pattern matching.I Started with 8.5 yards not knowing how much I would need.
71-79 Bus R blank Cut to Your Key Code. How to rebuild a VW bus, well part of it anyway!! BAY WINDOW - Auto-Hub. Welcome to! Fuel Hose. Sound Deadener Showdown. Block Airborne Sound You'd be forgiven for thinking that vibration damper was the most important treatment.
It certainly gets most of the attention. Doesn't matter. It's the barrier layer that makes the most difference. I use mass loaded vinyl (MLV) for this. Mass loaded vinyl is dense and limp - the ideal characteristics for a barrier. Build the Bubble Single most important concept and the most important tool we have. That's everything below the glass line.
Probably be better to think of it as building the bottom 2/3 of a bubble. Now that you've got the image of the protective bubble in your mind, you need to decouple it from the vehicle. Not All MLV is the Same! Any 1 lb/ft² flexible material is going to have similar performance as a barrier. Most MLV is called "regrind". At 1 lb/ft² it is heavy to ship. Cruzin Performance. - VW Bus / Camper / Vanagon / EuroVan / Westfalia Specialists. : VW Bus M-Plate Decoder! Volkswagen Type 2 Bus M-Plate Decoder Credits, Bugs, Details...
Credit for much of the M-Code data goes to the good folks over at the mailing list (primarily Vincent Molenaar). The resources there are primarily what I used to build this system. I have also gotten a lot of help from members at Without these people's help, this would not be possible. Please post questions and bug reports on in this topic: or use the contact page. Also, whoever those m-plate images belong to, sorry--I just grabbed two that were legible.
View topic - BMW power windows in a 74 Westy. OK step one.
Find an 86 Bimmer (just happens to be the year of a parts car I have) to get the window motors from. They offered power as an option. This is why it retrofits so easy! There are right and left motors. This is the left rear door. Remove the bolts marked with yellow arrows. Volkswagen T2 Production Codes (1968-1979) Bosch L-Jetronic Fuel Injection Manual. Repair Manuals. There are several repair manuals written for the 68-79 bus but the most important ones are the official service manuals from VW.
They have the most detail, the clearest pictures, the most complete tables but sometimes they tend to lack in fine details of procedure sometimes. Even so, they are indispensable books for keeping your bus in top condition. You need to be aware that there are two books: one is commonly referred to as "the Bentley" because it's published by Robert Bentley Publishers. It's the green book that everyone has. The other book, the so-called yellow/orange book, is somewhat rarer: the workshop VW Repair Manual that some of the Bentley is culled from.
Manual Covers: Versions: Only the latest version of the Bentley is available from RB. All ISBNs were verified at the Library of Congress. Notes: