Organic Farming in India Rural Economy. The role of Organic Farming in India Rural Economy can be leveraged to mitigate the ever-increasing problem of food security in India. With rapid industrialization of rural states of India, there has been a crunch for farmland. Further, with the exponential population growth of India, the need for food sufficiency has become the need of the hour. Furthermore, the overuse of plant growth inhibitor, pesticides and fertilizers for faster growth of agricultural produce is detrimental to human health and the environment as a whole. The proposition of Organic Farming in India Rural Economy holds good, as an alternative to arrest this problem.
The introduction of the process of Organic Farming in India Rural Economy is a very new concept. The huge furor over the overuse of harmful pesticides and fertilizers to increase agricultural out put has in fact catalyzed the entry of Organic Farming in India Rural Economy. The main advantages of Organic Farming in India Rural Economy are as follows - Home Organic Farming Biopesticides & Biofertilizers <> Indore Biotech. S Model Bankable Projects. Organic farming is emerging as a sustainable alternative in reviving Indian Agriculture especially in areas where the indiscriminate usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides had resulted in loss in soil fertility and productivity with adverse effects on water quality, soil, plant and human health.
Recognising the importance of organic farming in Indian Agriculture, Government of India has taken various initiatives to promote and support organic production. Setting up of National Centre of Organic Farming with Regional Centres at various places, launching of the National Programme on Organic Production encompassing National Standards and Accreditation Programme for Certification Agencies etc., are important steps in this direction. The importance of organic inputs in development of organic farming is adequately emphasized with the launching of the Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for Commercial Production Units of Organic Inputs by Government of India.
History of organic farming. Traditional farming (of many particular kinds in different eras and places) was the original type of agriculture, and has been practiced for thousands of years. All traditional farming is now considered to be "organic farming" although at the time there were no known inorganic methods. For example, forest gardening, a fully organic food production system which dates from prehistoric times, is thought to be the world's oldest and most resilient agroecosystem.[1] After the industrial revolution had introduced inorganic methods, some of which were not well developed and had serious side effects, an organic movement began in the 1940s as a reaction to agriculture's growing reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. The history of this modern revival of organic farming dates back to the first half of the 20th century at a time when there was a growing reliance on these new synthetic, inorganic methods. Pre-World War II[edit] In 1909, American agronomist F.H.
Post-World War II[edit] Achievements of RBDC, Imphal, Manipur. Organic farming system in India is not new and is being followed from ancient time. It is a method of farming system which primarily aimed at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by use of organic wastes (crop, animal and farm wastes, aquatic wastes) and other biological materials along with beneficial microbes (biofertilizers) to release nutrients to crops for increased sustainable production in an eco friendly pollution free environment.
As per the definition of the USDA study team on organic farming “organic farming is a system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, feed additives etc) and to the maximum extent feasible rely upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection”.
Organic farming scenario Main markets for organic produce 1. 2. Kerala govt to promote organic farming. The Kerala government will formally declare some farming areas in Wynad and Idukki districts as fully organic on January 30. Agriculture minister Mullakkara Ratnakaran said the decision was aimed at promoting organic farming in the state in a big way. The government had adopted an organic farming policy in order to promote organic methods in cultivating crops like paddy, spices and tea. Speaking to mediapersons at Nelliampathy, near Palakkad, he said the formal announcement of fully organic areas would be a beginning in the government’s efforts at declaring some panchayats as fully organic by next year, leading to conversion of the whole state as organic in the long run.
Retnakaran was at Nelliampathy to inaugurate the Rs 2.5 crore biotech lab of Poabs Group. To encourage farmers to switch to organic farming, the government is also planning to set up organic markets in different parts of the state. Karnataka seeks Cuban expertise in organic farming. New Delhi, Feb 1 Karnataka plans to use the expertise of Cuba in promoting organic farming across the state to achieve self-sufficiency in food production, the Cuban embassy said here Tuesday. "About 2,000 farmers from across Karnataka are scheduled to visit Cuba in March for a first-hand view of the organic farming practiced there to overcome food shortage due to the US economic blockade," the embassy said in a statement.
In the run-up to the upcoming week-long visit, Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa had invited the Cuban ambassador, Miguel Angel Ramirez, to participate in a farmers' rally Jan 29 at Hubli, about 400 km from Bangalore. "Our success in using organic farming for food self-sufficiency is based on scientific advances we made to overcome the hurdles created by the US blockade," Ramirez had told about 25,000 farmers at the massive rally. The Cuban embassy is coordinating with the Karnataka Organic Farming Mission on the visit of state farmers to Havana. Certified Organic Farms India,Organic Farming. ORGANIC FARMING :: Effective Microorganisms. Effective Microorganisms (EM) 1. What is meant by Effective Microorganisms (EM)? E.M. is an abbreviation for Effective Microorganisms Microorganisms are tiny units of life that are too small to be seen with the naked eye and they exist everywhere in nature.
Microorganisms are crucial for maintaining the ecological balance. EM origin In 1982 Dr.Higa at the University of Ryukyus, Okinawa Japan, discovered a specific group of naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms with an amazing ability to revive, restore, and preserve. Using EM to make an Insect Repellent This mix will make a non-toxic chemical free insect repellent. Mixing Select a suitable sized container for mixing, some plastic bottles with caps for storage and a funnel. Using EM insect repellent mix Dilute 20 mls of the mix in 2 litres of clean water in a sprayer and spray enough of the mix to wet the crop. EM the natural product Using EM Liquid Concentrate As a foliage application As a soil application No dig gardening EM for the garden. Organic farming in Peren - State - Nagaland Post. State pioneer in organic farming policy. Bangalore, Oct 24, DHNS Karnataka is the first State in the country to implement an organic farming policy, Horticulture department director K Ramakrishna said here on Sunday.
The State government was acting as the nodal agency to implementation of organic farming policy, while non-governmental organisations take the organic system to the doorsteps of the farming community, he said while addressing a workshop on ‘Organic Fair’ as part of the Kisan Swaraj Yatra which was in the City. Noted environmentalist Suresh Heblikar said the downfall of organic farming in India began during the British rule in India. “Indian traditional farming system started disappearing during the British Raj. Lord Macaulay deeply studied the Indian culture and traditional systems when he was the governor general.
He believed that the British could not master India unless they took control over the indigenous culture. “Ground water table in Punjab, where five important rivers flow, has gone down considerably. Moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Annexure-II-Organic-Farming.pdf. Anic Farming. Www.iimahd.ernet.in/publications/data/2010-04-03Charyulu.pdf. Www.assocham.org/agriculture/organic/presentations/MK_Salooja.pdf. Www.apeda.com/organic/ORGANIC_CONTENTS/English_Organic_Sept05.pdf. Plantrich :: Complete solutions for organic farming. Bihar govt to promote organic farming. Planningcommission.nic.in/aboutus/committee/wrkgrp11/wg11_aghorti.pdf. Department of Organic Agriculture. Seed of organic farming programme was sown in the university way back in 2002 under the guidance of Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor, Dr.
Tej Partap. The main emphasis was to train human resource (scientists & field functionaries) to carry out further research and extension to boost organic farming in the state. A trained voluntary team of 25 scientists from different disciplines of four colleges of the university worked thereafter for the strong establishment of organic farming programme in the university. As a result, Model Organic Farm was launched on Himachal Day, April 15, 2006 by the then Vice Chancellor, Prof. D.S. Rathore. Sincere and dedicated efforts brought laurels to the university in the form of Centre of Organic Farming in Hill Agriculture under “Niche Area of Excellence Program” of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Zoramassembly.nic.in/Act/Organic Farming Act 2004.pdf. Organic Farming. Rise in organic farming in India: KV Thomas. Organic farming is becoming popular in India as indicated by increase in areas under the new farm technique in the last three years, Parliament was informed today.
A total of 4.55 million hectare areas, agricultural as well forest, was under organic farming across the country in 2009-10 against 3.8 million hectare in 2008-09, Minister of State for Agriculture K V Thomas said in reply to a question in Lok Sabha. Total land under organic farming was 3.01 million hectare in 2007-08, he added. While 8.27 million hectare forest area was under organic farming in the last three years it was 3.09 hectare of agricultural land, the minister said quoting from data obtained from APEDA. Organic farming relies on crop rotation, green manure, compost, biological pest control and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests, excluding or strictly limiting the use of synthetic fertilisers and synthetic pesticides. Organic Farming in India. Organic farming has been practiced in India for thousands of years. The great Indian civilization thrived on organic farming; India was one of the most prosperous countries in the world until the British invaded and ruled it.
In traditional India, the entire industry of agriculture was practiced using organic techniques, where the fertilizers and pesticides were obtained from plant and animal products. Organic farming was the backbone of the Indian economy and cows were worshiped (as is still done) as sacred animals from God. The cow not only provided milk but also provided bullocks (for farming) and dung (which was used as a fertilizer). Shift to Chemical Farming in the 1960s During the 1950s and 1960s, the ever-increasing population of India, along with several natural calamities, led to a severe food scarcity in the country.
As a result, the government was forced to import food grains from foreign countries. Advertisement. Living With Nature IndianOrganic.Com. India Together - Organic Agriculture Homepage. Www.nabard.org/fileupload/DataBank/OccasionalPapers/OC 38.pdf. Www.infonet-biovision.org/res/res/files/488.OrgFarm.pdf. Organic Farming Association of India. Organic farming. Method of agriculture meant to be environmentally friendly World map of organic agriculture (hectares)[1] Organic agricultural methods are internationally regulated and legally enforced by many nations, based in large part on the standards set by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), an international umbrella organization for organic farming organizations established in 1972.[8] Organic agriculture can be defined as "an integrated farming system that strives for sustainability, the enhancement of soil fertility and biological diversity while, with rare exceptions, prohibiting synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, and growth hormones".[9][10][11][12] History[edit] Agriculture was practiced for thousands of years without the use of artificial chemicals.
Artificial fertilizers were first created during the mid-19th century. In 1940 Howard published his An Agricultural Testament. Terminology[edit] Methods[edit]