Understanding Data. Quantum Computing: Where This New Technology Is Headed This Decade, Part 1. Three tips for choosing an ESB. Deciding whether your organization will implement an ESB is an important decision. Choosing the right kind of ESB—whether heavyweight or lightweight, open source or closed—is equally important and often more difficult.
Jess Thompson, Research Vice President at Gartner, provides his top three tips on getting on the bus: Timing. ESBs don't make sense until you have built up to a tipping point of 25 production services. If you are only going to experiment with ESBs and implement a proof of concept with half a dozen services, there is no use in acquiring an ESB, open source or otherwise. Read our new ESB tutorial. Architecture of a Modern Web Application ~ TECHIE KERNEL. Some time in my career, I was working in a RFID tracking system and I was designing the real time event notification web application for that, I was using Google Map API to show the activities on a particular facility/ floor map, where RFID sensors were mounted.
I tried lot of techniques and APIs and finally, I could able to push messages to the clients.. Now the question is “how did I do that???” It was a long back and at that time there were very few APIs available, which were providing server side pushing. I took the DWR Reverse AJAX and in a layman’s way to explain, clients were subscribing for the messages for a particular criteria with the server. But to be very honest, let’s say after some 7 - 8 hours, the browsers used to be almost inactive and user couldn't even do anything, may be because of memory. Long time back, there was a standard approach for all the web applications. Static Web Pages with HTML: When the www started, all the pages were static and served from server.
Flexible 'electronic skin' can help heal, detect touch and temperature. Surgeons could one day restore lost feeling in humans by using artificial skin that's been augmented with flexible sensors, and a new development from researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology may bring that closer to reality. The research team has developed a flexible sensor that can detect touch, temperature, and humidity — and can reportedly be built at a low cost. Lead researcher Hossam Haick told the American Technion Society that it is the first artificial skin sensor built with the ability to detect temperature and humidity, and that its touch sensitivity is 10 times greater than any electronic skin that came before it.
Even though it's the first artificial skin sensor to record temperature and humidity, the researchers say that it can sense them quite accurately, reporting back with only a small margin of error for each. The technology is based on gold nanoparticles that are mounted to metal and a flexible plastic. Laws of Physics Say Quantum Cryptography Is Unhackable. It's Not | Wired Science. In the never-ending arms race between secret-keepers and code-breakers, the laws of quantum mechanics seemed to have the potential to give secret-keepers the upper hand. A technique called quantum cryptography can, in principle, allow you to encrypt a message in such a way that it would never be read by anyone whose eyes it isn’t for. Enter cold, hard reality. In recent years, methods that were once thought to be fundamentally unbreakable have been shown to be anything but. Because of machine errors and other quirks, even quantum cryptography has its limits. “If you build it correctly, no hacker can hack the system.
The question is what it means to build it correctly,” said physicist Renato Renner from the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Zurich, who will present a talk on calculating the failure rate of different quantum cryptography systems at the 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics in San Jose, California on June 11. Quantum cryptography avoids all these issues. Big Data: What Does it Really Mean? Facebook Rattles Networking World With 'Open Source' Gear | Wired Enterprise.
Facebook man Frank Frankovsky. Photo: Wired/Brian Frank Google solved the problem ages ago, but only for itself. Now, Facebook is building a solution for everyone else. As far back as 2007, rumors indicated that Google was designing its own networking switches, creating a cheaper and more effective way of moving information across the massive data centers that underpin its web empire, and early last year, the rumors crystallized into the real thing, as photos of a Google switch appeared on the web.
Google still won’t discuss these switches, but it has revealed a similar project, and according to a former Google engineer who once worked on the switches, the company fashioned this new gear because its data center network had expanded to the point where traditional hardware just couldn’t get the job done. “When Google looked at their network, they needed high-bandwidth connections between their servers and they wanted to be able to manage things — at scale,” JR Rivers told us last fall. Ten websites that teach coding and a bunch of other things.
By pandodailyguest On April 5, 2013 Seemingly every day there’s a new article or blog post imploring you to learn how to code. “Those who code have the power to transform their dreams into reality.” “Coding will help you keep [your job], or help you make a case for a raise.” “You should learn to program because it’s easy, it’s fun, it will increase your skill set, and… it will fundamentally change your perspective on the world.” What’s more, “If you want to start a technology company, you should learn to code.” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s New Year’s resolution was to learn how to code. Douglas Rushkoff, who calls coding “the new literacy of the digital age,” wrote an entire book about it. As a person who’s grown up in the digital age, I have often heard the cry, “digital literacy or die.” But where should you go? In any case, each program below emphasizes different pedagogical techniques and philosophies, and they are all mass market in the sense that anyone is welcome.
EdX. Meet Microsoft, the world's best kept R&D secret. As far as 99.9 percent of the world population is concerned, Microsoft is a stodgy, old-guard technology company. Its bottom line is fully leveraged against PC operating systems and business software—hardly the building blocks of a future-thinking portfolio, right? But scratch that cold, conservative, pedestrian surface, and you’ll find a Microsoft that’s a veritable hotbed of cutting-edge innovation.
Indeed, the company doesn't just loosen its purse strings when it comes to research and development. No, it practically throws money at really big thinkers to build a more wondrous, fantastical future. In 2011 alone, Microsoft's R&D budget reached a record high of $9.6 billion (yes, with a "B"). Let’s take at some of the more interesting examples. Blending touch and touchscreens Carnegie Mellon Several Microsoft Research projects have revolved into transforming everyday objects into fully interactive computing surfaces. Becoming More Kinected There are many examples. Holodeck Microsoft. Big Idea 2013: The Web Grows Up. BYOD: Why Mobile Device Management Isn't Enough - Global-cio - Here's what to look for in MDM software and what limitations IT still faces in letting employees use personal devices for work. Nine out of 10 technology pros think smartphones and tablets will become more important to business productivity in the next couple of years.
Seventy-two percent expect to offer more bring-your-own-device options so that employees can access company data with their personal gadgets. But IT doesn't necessarily see mobile device management software as essential to coping with this proliferation of devices in the workplace. Only 26% of respondents to the InformationWeek Mobile Device Management and Security Survey say their companies have implemented MDM software, and another 17% say they're in the process of deploying it. Even those companies that have implemented MDM need to make sure their technology and policies really deliver the data security and management efficiency they seek. Too many IT shops are working without this strategic view. The common trait? THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL [SLIDE DECK] Big Data Right Now: Five Trendy Open Source Technologies. Big Data is on every CIO’s mind this quarter, and for good reason.
Companies will have spent $4.3 billion on Big Data technologies by the end of 2012. But here’s where it gets interesting. Those initial investments will in turn trigger a domino effect of upgrades and new initiatives that are valued at $34 billion for 2013, per Gartner. Over a 5 year period, spend is estimated at $232 billion. What you’re seeing right now is only the tip of a gigantic iceberg. Big Data is presently synonymous with technologies like Hadoop, and the “NoSQL” class of databases including Mongo (document stores) and Cassandra (key-values). Today it’s possible to stream real-time analytics with ease. But there are new, untapped advantages and non-trivially large opportunities beyond these usual suspects. Did you know that there are over 250K viable open source technologies on the market today? We have a lot of…choices, to say the least. We did all the research and testing so you don’t have to. Storm and Kafka.
Google Now Better Than Siri. Basic SOA Using REST: A Hands-On Guide to Implementing Web services and Service Oriented Architecture. [next] Basic SOA Using REST By Mark Hansen Digg This Add to del.icio.us In this chapter, I describe the basic tools and techniques for implementing SOA components using the REST paradigm. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. If you are an advanced Java programmer, you might find the first half of this chapter to be very basic. 3.1 Why REST? Some readers may wonder why this book starts with REST before discussing SOAP and WSDL-based Web Services. 3.1.1 What Is REST?
REST-style services (i.e., RESTful services) adhere to a set of constraints and architectural principles that include the following: Fielding writes that "REST-based architectures communicate primarily through the transfer of representations of resources" (Section 5.3.3). These are the basic principles behind REST. More significant deviations from Fielding's definition of REST involve getting around the "uniform interface" constraint by embedding verbs and parameters inside URLs. 3.1.2 Topics Covered in This Chapter. Beyond Open Access: Open Data, Web services, and Semantics (the Open Context Data Publication System for Archaeology)