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The Best CV & Resume Templates: 50 Examples | Design Shack. The Complete Resume Collection The complete collection of resume templates consists of a range of creative resume designs. A job seeker’s dream! It comes with a selection of layouts and designs to choose from, so you’re fully equipped to find and land your dream job. This resume bundle also includes cover letters, business cards and an icon pack so that you can promote your brand with consistency.

Price: $49 Smart Portfolio Resume Template A clear and minimal resume template, with plenty of space for a high quality profile picture, a summary of your contact details, work experience, education, and profile. Price: You Decide! Resume/CV – Sawyer Introducing ‘Sawyer’, a simple design focusing on experience, which includes a single page resume/CV and cover letter. Price: $12 Resume Template for Word, Photoshop & Illustrator Free resume template for Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Free Resume/CV – Elliot Creative Orange Resume Template Refinery Co. Price: $13 Price: $15 Price: $16. Englisch | Phrasen - Bewerbung | Anschreiben. Die Stelle ist für mich von großem Interesse, weil... I am particularly interested in this job, as… Begründung für das Interesse an einer bestimmten Stelle Gerne würde ich für Sie arbeiten, um... I would like to work for you, in order to… Zu meinen Stärken zählen... My strengths are… Beschreibung der zentralen eigenen Eigenschaften Ich denke, zu meinen Schwächen zählen... .

I would say that my only weakness / weaknesses are… . Beschreibung der eigenen Schwächen, verbunden mit der Entschlossenheit, diese zu verbessern Ich eigne mich für diese Position, weil... I would be well suited to the position because… Begründung, warum man ein geeigneter Kandidat für eine Stelle ist Zwar kann ich keine Erfahrung in... vorweisen; dafür habe ich... Although I have no previous experience in…, I have had… Erläuterung, dass man in einem bestimmten Geschäftsbereich bislang nicht gearbeitet hat, dafür aber andere Arbeitserfahrungen vorweisen kann Mein Fachgebiet ist... My area of expertise is… Drive - Cloud Storage & File Backup for Photos, Docs & More.

Lebenslauf für Bewerbung als PDF, Druckvorlage & Website. Muster für Ihre Bewerbung auf Englisch. Wir haben für Sie eine Reihe von Musterbewerbungen in englisch erstellt. Auf dieser Grundlage können Sie selbst Ihre Bewerbung anfertigen. Alle kompletten Musterbewerbungen enthalten jeweils: Bewerbungsanschreiben (1 Seite) Anschreiben für die Initiativbewerbung (1 Seite) Deckblatt (1 Seite) Lebenslauf (2-3 Seiten) Dritte Seite / Motivationsschreiben (1 Seite) Die Unterlagen stehen für Sie im Word- und im pdf-Format bereit. Alle Word-Dokumente sind ab der Version MS-Word 6.0 für Windows 95 zu verwenden. Bewerbung: Bewerben auf Englisch - Formulierungsbeispiele - - Jobs, Bewerbung, Gehalt. Formulierungsbeispiele I would like to apply for the Management Trainee position that you recently advertised on response to your advertisement on, I would like to be considered for the Sales Assistant position.I am writing to inquire about opportunities for engineering graduates at your company.Your company has been recommended to me by Peter Schulz, who held an internship position with you last year.

Hauptteil/Main part I am presently studying Business Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. In accordance with my curriculum, I am seeking a six-month internship from May to September 2015.During a three-month internship with E-Solutions in Zurich, Switzerland, I designed and implemented a web-shop.My responsibilities included the planning and implementation of telephone interviews. Abschluss/Conclusion I will be in London throughout March and would be glad to meet up with you. Transferable skills.

7 Smart Questions You Should Ask at the End of Every Job Interview| Career Contessa. A candidate who asks me questions during HER JOB interview is a candidate who gets my attention. It shows me she’s doing her part to ensure we’re the right employer for her. After all, we want to choose someone who thinks we’re fun, or innovative, or environmentally friendly, or dog-friendly—whatever she already knows adds to her enjoyment of a job. And the only way for us to discover that is a two-way conversation. When you ask the right job interview questions, you're giving your potential employer proof that you're the candidate she needs. Can't go wrong with that. 1. Why is this position available? With this question, you’ll learn whether the position is a new one or if you’re replacing someone else. 2. This question tells me the candidate is truly interested in seeing whether she has what it takes to do the job instead of simply bluffing her way through, should she not have the requisite skills. 3. 4. 5. 6.

And try this BONUS JOB INTERVIEW QUESTION we bet you've never considered: 7. Business studies/economics degree career options. Economics and business students typically have good commercial awareness; one of the qualities highly sought after by recruiters. What is more, they are able to effectively apply their knowledge of industries to the job. Whether you want to know what your options are, or whether you are looking for alternative careers you can find some ideas here. This guide should help you think about the skills you have, the jobs they can be applied to, and the options available.

Over the last three or so years, you should have gained the following skills: Analytical ability communication skills understanding figures problem solving ability to think logically presentation skills report writing skills. One of your options is to join a scheme with one of the big graduate recruiters. You could also pursue the less obvious opportunities with SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises). With further qualifications and training you could also consider moving into the following areas: Politics degree career options. Politics students have a bunch of skills that can very useful to future employers.

They are very enthusiastic about their subject, opinionated and typically hardworking. The seminar room is often a very lively place. The kind of skills you will have developed include: gathering information, assessing and interpreting it leading and participating in discussions and groups organising workloads and working to deadlines developing opinions and ideas essay writing, presentation and analytical skills reading pages of text and picking out the essential points stating a case solving problems assimilating facts expressing yourself clearly (certainly in writing, and probably in person too) Fresh out of university, there are plenty of options – public services, the Civil Service and local government, non-governmental organisation (NGO) work, and research. Even with a minimum amount of training, many organisations are looking for enthusiastic graduates fresh from university.

Resources. As well as the information and downloads listed in the left hand menu items, see the additional resources below: Information sheets Including 'How to write a CV', 'Securing work experience and internships' and 'choosing what's next after graduation', download our information sheets for tips and advice on a range of careers topics from how to find a job, to performing well at assessment centres, preparing for interviews to considering postgraduate study. Ultimate Careers Guide London Magazine Each year we produce a magazine covering everything you need to know about getting started with your career - including how to make the most of your time at university, finding work experience, making applications, choosing further study and starting your own business. Collect a copy from the Careers & Enterprise Centre, read it using Zmags or download the individual articles.

Getting into... industry guides Practice psychometric test and e-tray exercise Online interview simulator Part time work guide. The 10 phrases on CVs that enrage employers the most. How just a little small talk can shape how an employer sees a candidate. First 12 words you say when you walk in could make or break your chancesSmall talk shapes employers' first impressions of candidates, research findsPeople without wealthy backgrounds suffer as they struggle with small talk By Rosie Taylor, Business Reporter For The Daily Mail Published: 00:52 GMT, 26 January 2016 | Updated: 09:07 GMT, 26 January 2016 Forget worrying about the job interview - what you say as you greet your interviewer could be far more important.

Researchers found the first 12 words a prospective employee utters could make or break whether they are offered a job. It is because the first impression created by small talk on the way to the interview room shapes whether employers view candidates in a positive or negative light. Researchers found the first 12 words a prospective employee utters could make or break whether they are offered a job. It said people without privileged backgrounds could struggle to make effective small talk, which put them at a disadvantage. Loaded: 0% Industry News | XING.

Difficult job interview questions revealed and how to correctly answer to them. Experts share curveball questions that have been asked in interviews Used to determine how candidates react under pressureInterviewee hopes to gauge real snapshot into the person's life By Sarah Barns For Mailonline Published: 10:48 GMT, 20 August 2015 | Updated: 12:07 GMT, 20 August 2015 You've researched the company, updated your CV and even stalked the CEO on Facebook - and then they go and ask you a question about traffic lights.

In order to scout out the top talent, businesses are now throwing curveball questions during the interview process. Asking about seemingly unrelated topics can help give a company a wider snapshot into the person and their life. Penny de Valk Managing Director of people management business, Penna’s Talent Practice, told FEMAIL: 'Curveball questions can be used to put people on the spot and see how they react under pressure. 'And how candidates answer these questions can provide the interviewer with a bit of insight into how their mind works.' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.