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Donald Trump

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My native American vote for Trump Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did not steal your money. Donald Trump did not raise your taxes. Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food. Trump is not stirring a race war. Trump did not leave any US soldie. Breaking: Hours Before First Debate, Donald Trump Gets Game-Changing News - 'We Hereby...' Plot Twist! Liberal Journalist Goes to Mexican Border. Admits Trump is Right... Bishop says voters turned off by Trump v. Clinton have other options. Shimon Peres Funeral Brings Together Allies and Rivals in Mourning.

For his part, Mr.

Shimon Peres Funeral Brings Together Allies and Rivals in Mourning

Abbas, in a move perceived by some analysts as a jab at Mr. Netanyahu’s government, brought along an adviser, Mohammed al-Madani, who was barred by Israel last summer for “subversive” activities. No ruler, president or prime minister of an Arab country came, although Egypt sent its foreign minister and others sent lower-ranking officials. Amos Oz, the famed Israeli author and a friend of Mr.

Ford Fights Back Against Trump Debate Claims. PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: LESTER HOLT JUST GAVE HILLARY A FREE PASS IN FRONT OF 100 MILLION VIEWERS! Trump Fans. Can Uzbekistan's new leader balance China, Russia, and the U.S.? Clinton Grilled About Use of Private Email During Military Town Hall. Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were grilled Wednesday night by veterans in a wide-ranging forum that touched on Clinton's email scandal and the fitness of both to be commander in chief.

Clinton Grilled About Use of Private Email During Military Town Hall

During the forum — where the candidates appeared separately in front of an audience made up largely of veterans — Trump suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been a better leader than President Barack Obama. "[Putin] has very strong control over a country," Trump said during the town hall, which was hosted by MSNBC and NBC on the decommissioned aircraft carrier Intrepid in New York City. "Now, it's a very different system, and I don't happen to like the system, but certainly in that system, he's been a leader. Far more than our president has been a leader. " Trump Wants Plan to Defeat ISIS in 30 Days if Elected. Donald Trump is expected to unveil a plan to end the military sequester — across-the-board budget cuts — during a speech in Philadelphia, a day after saying he would ask his top military officials to formulate a plan within his first 30 days in office to defeat ISIS.

Trump Wants Plan to Defeat ISIS in 30 Days if Elected

“We are going to convey my top generals and give them a simple instruction,” Trump told a crowd in Greenville, N.C., on Tuesday. “They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS. We have no choice.” In a briefing with the campaign, an aide previewed his address to the Union League, adding that Trump would request a substantial increase in military spending, as he previously advocated. Does any one know what Ancient Souls are working with Sir Trump and VPE Pence? Whatever you do, make sure and vote for Pence Trump. You will not be making a mistake... Operation Trump 2016. Election 2016 News & Video. Mex President threatens: If Trump wins we will call back our citizens. $375,000 Deposited To The Khan Law Account From The Clinton Foundation - Fresh News. The Hill. Trump talks up Purple Heart veteran hands him during rally.

Maybe, some of us are disgusted with the machine in Washington called the United States of America, which is nothing but a Corporation. Maybe you are tired of the IRS? It all is a huge unimaginable and incomprehensible machine with its tentacles deeply em. Governor Mike Pence delivered a super speech last evening along with Eric Trump. Donald Trump Plays Down Role of U.S. in Global Crises Like Turkey’s. “I don’t think we have a right to lecture,” Mr.

Donald Trump Plays Down Role of U.S. in Global Crises Like Turkey’s

Trump said in a wide-ranging interview in his suite in a downtown hotel here, while keeping an eye on television broadcasts from the Republican National Convention. “Look at what is happening in our country,” he said. “How are we going to lecture when people are shooting policemen in cold blood?” The military fired me for calling our enemies radical jihadis. On the Record 7/4/16 - Meet The Trumps - Greta interviews Donald Trump & Family. Mexican President Threatens To “Call All Mexicans Back Home If Trump Is Elected” Mexico Says They Will Close Their Border if Trump is Elected. Democrats Jump On Allies of Donald Trump in Judge Dispute. Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, has held discussions with Mr.

Democrats Jump On Allies of Donald Trump in Judge Dispute

Trump about his attacks on Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel of Federal District Court, who is overseeing a suit against the now-shuttered Trump University, according to a Republican briefed on the talks. But Mr. Stephen Hawking: Trump 'is a demagogue' But asked to account for Donald Trump's political rise Tuesday, the British theoretical physicist was stumped.

Stephen Hawking: Trump 'is a demagogue'

"I can't," Hawking told CNN affiliate ITV's "Good Morning Britain" program. The Trump campaign did not immediately reply to a message requesting comment. Frosty response to Trump in UK. Bernie Sanders Mocks Trump's 'Genius' on California Drought. Bernie Sanders mocked the presumptive Republican nominee for his recent comments on the drought in California, calling out Donald Trump over his dismissal of climate change.

Bernie Sanders Mocks Trump's 'Genius' on California Drought

"You see, we don't fully appreciate the genius of Donald Trump, who knows more than all the people of California, knows more than all the scientists," Sanders told the crowd of more than 5,000 people who braved 92 degree heat to hear the senator speak. Sanders mentioned Trump's recent campaign stops in the Golden State ahead of the June 7 primary. "[Trump] knows there is no drought. Not to mention, and I love this one, that Trump has concluded that climate change itself is a hoax," Sanders said. Last week, the businessman made headlines when he argued the state was not actually suffering from drought.

Clean TV. Not sure what she means? But, she looks happy, so, have a great year my dear. Operation Trump 2016. Trump Rallies: What the Media's Not Telling You. LIVE Stream: Trump in Wausau, Wisconsin Town Hall Rally. Trump: America's Next President? Why Sir Trump Will Be The Next President Of The USA Corporation. Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate who has stood with Border Patrol Agents and supported their mission. The statement was issued by Local 2544 of the National Border Patrol Council. Local 2544, representing Tucson Agents, is the largest chapt. Going Forward – March into April From here, the pace of nominating contests slows considerably into April. On March 22, Arizona’s 58 delegates are up for grabs in a winner-take-all state where Trump’s anti-immigration stance could do well among Republican. Donald Trump calls Fox anchor Megyn Kelly crazy and unwatchable, reigniting pair's feud.

Trump Adviser Explains The Donald’s Immigration Plan: ‘The Definition Of Compassion’