Grow Bacteria On Homemade Agar Plates : Mad About Science, Science Toys, Science Kits, Lab Supplies, Novelties & Gift Ideas. Printable Periodic Table of Elements - Chart and Data. A good periodic table is a necessary part of every chemist's, or future chemist's, reference materials. After looking around for a useful printable periodic table, I found that most were pretty basic and included only a few properties. So, we set out to create a periodic table using Excel that would include as many of the important chemical and physical properties as we could reasonably fit on a single piece of 8 1/2 x 11" paper. The resulting Periodic Table of the Elements below includes the Atomic Number, Atomic mass, Symbol, Name, Electronegativity, Density, Ionization energy, Boiling point, Melting point, Electron Configuration, Oxidation States, Ground State Level, and Atomic Radius. If you typically work with a different set of properties, you can download the spreadsheet and add in your own numbers.
Advertisement Printable Periodic Tables Periodic Table Template for Excel Download For: Excel 2007 or later Other Versions Template Details License: Private Use Description. Science Classroom. LESSONS: General Lessons - Length, mass, volume, density, review pages (Student worksheets provided) Conversion Practice (Student worksheets provided) Metric System Lesson Plan Links & Online Resources General Lessons My metric unit includes labs on length, mass, volume, density, and temperature as well as conversions (metric to metric and metric to English).
Students have many opportunities to use rulers, triple-beam balances, and other science equipment to learn how to use the metric system of measurements. Lesson #1 - Length Length Presentation (PPT) - I use this presentation to review the basic units of length and how to measure distances. Length Worksheet (pdf) - Student worksheet that goes along with the presentation. Length Lab (pdf) - Students are challenged to find the length of various objects in millimeters, centimeters, and meters. Units of Measure - Length (pdf) - Thanks to Christina Bryant for sharing this worksheet. Lesson #2 - Mass Lesson #3 - Volume Lesson #4 - Density Dr. Basic Science Lab Techniques. Science Lab Techniques Measuring Volume with a Graduated Cylindar: The surface of a liquid confined in a cylindar curves to form what is known as a meniscus. The meniscus of most liquids curves up the sides of the container, making the center of the curve appear lower than the edges.
Mercury is one of very few exceptions - it curves down at the edges. Since reading the meniscus at the top or at the bottom of the curve will make a difference in the volume measured, it is generally agreed to always read the bottom of the curve. The largest graduations on this graduated cylindar are numbered, representing milliliters. You can see that the lines drawn on the answer pictures help identify the location of the bottom of the meniscus. Measuring Volume with a Pipet: Pipets are much more accurate than graduated cylindars. This picture shows two of several types of pipet bulbs used to draw a liquid into a pipet.
The standard pipet bulb requires manual dexterity that is improved by repetitive use. Lab Techniques. Osmosis-demo-lab.pdf. Enzyme Catalase. Procedure: Understand the enzyme Catalase word files: for ESL students | for general biology Pre-Lab Questions 1. The reaction is _______________________________________ 2. Why is this reaction necessary in the body? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Part I – PROCEDURE -- Normal Catalase Activity Place 2 ml of the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into a clean test tube Add a small piece of liver to one test tube. Occurrence of Catalase Catalase is present in many kinds of living tissues. Place 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide in each of 3 clean test tubes. Part II – PROCEDURE -- Effect of Temperature on Catalase Activity Put a piece of liver into the bottom of a clean test tube and cover it with a small amount of distilled water. Part III – PROCEDURE -- Effect of pH on Catalase Activity Add 2 ml hydrogen peroxide to each of 3 clean test tubes.
Cell Membrane Bubble Lab Revisited - Clear Biology. Two years ago I came across a great idea for using bubbles to teach concepts related to cell membranes. I used the bubble technique in a lab I did with my students and wrote a post about the experience here on Clear Biology. The post I wrote remains extremely popular and has been viewed well over 16,000 times. The Haiku Deck slide presentation I created about the lab has been viewed over 28,000 times! Since writing the original post, I have received numerous requests from other teachers asking for a worksheet to accompany the lab. The truth is, I didn’t have much of a handout when I originally performed the lab with my students. I stumbled upon the idea for doing the lab in an 11th hour way that I’m sure many teachers can relate to. It was about 6:00 in the evening and I was “Googling” around looking for a little inspiration for getting my students to understand the versatility and complexity of the cell membrane.
After doing the lab in class, I never got around to typing up a worksheet. DNA Extraction. Created by George Rice, Montana State University Russell Hill instructing students in DNA extraction at the 2005 SMaRT course. (image provided by Russell Hill, 2005) What is DNA Extraction? Simply put, DNA Extraction is the removal of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the cells or viruses in which it normally resides. What is it used for? Extraction of DNA is often an early step in many diagnostic processes used to detect bacteria and viruses in the environment as well as diagnosing disease and genetic disorders. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH): FISH is a molecular technique that is used, among other things, to identify and enumerate specific bacterial groups. How does it work? Outline of a basic DNA Extraction - Break open (lyse) the cells or virus containing the DNA of interest- This is often done by sonicating or bead beating the sample.
Picture of viral DNA that has been electrophoresied on an agarose gel. Instrumentation used in DNA Extraction - Related Links Teaching Activities. Strawberry DNA extraction experiment - Institute for Molecular Bioscience - The University of Queensland, Australia. Many people assume that because DNA is so small, we can't see it without powerful microscopes, and we can't extract it from living organisms without complicated and expensive laboratory equipment. However, this is not true. Below, we have outlined a simple experiment showing how DNA can be extracted from a strawberry and made visible to the naked eye.
To download a pdf of the information below, please click on the link to your right. All living things have DNA: the chemical instructions on how to make a living thing. Materials * Strawberries * Zip-closure sandwich bags * DNA extracting solution (mix about 1 cup of dish detergent and 1/4 cup salt into 4.5 litres of water) * Plastic cups * Gauze or cheesecloth * Rubber bands * Test tubes * Droppers * Denatured alcohol eg. methylated spirits or rubbing alcohol * Paper towels Procedure 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Below is more information on DNA, and how the experiment works to extract and make visible this tiny molecule. What does DNA stand for?