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Bizarre 'dark fluid' with negative mass could dominate the universe – what my research suggests. It’s embarrassing, but astrophysicists are the first to admit it.
Our best theoretical model can only explain 5% of the universe. The remaining 95% is famously made up almost entirely of invisible, unknown material dubbed dark energy and dark matter. So even though there are a billion trillion stars in the observable universe, they are actually extremely rare. The two mysterious dark substances can only be inferred from gravitational effects.
Dark matter may be an invisible material, but it exerts a gravitational force on surrounding matter that we can measure. Negative masses are a hypothetical form of matter that would have a type of negative gravity – repelling all other material around them. Negative masses are not a new idea in cosmology. In the new study, I propose a modification to Einstein’s theory of general relativity to allow negative masses to not only exist, but to be created continuously. Is the universe really this weird? Where to go from here. 200,000 Year Old Ancient Levitation Technology That Defies the Laws of Physics. The Weird Tale of the Man Who Discovered “Gravity Shielding” UFO-like Technologies. Eugene Podkletnov was, and still is, an enigma.
As far as one can tell today, he never worked as a physicist in any official capacity; if anything, the Russian inventor was an engineer by trade — albeit a good one — whose most controversial discovery would be uncovered by mere happenstance. Regardless of how it happened, in 1992 the the materials science laboratories at Tampere University of Technology in Hervanta, Finland, would become home to a discovery of great intrigue — and great controversy.
It remains one that, according to some, may yet shed light on the propulsion technologies behind many reports of UFOs. Evgeny “Eugene” Podkletnov was born in Russia, and before immigrating temporarily to Finland, had worked to receive his master’s degree at the University of Chemical Technology at Russia’s prestigious 130-year-old Mendeleev Institute in Moscow, before spending more than a decade at the Institute for High Temperatures with the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Materialization and Dematerialization of Matter and to Antigravity. Journal of Nuclear Physics. William J. Hooper: New Horizons In Electric, Magnetic And Gravitational Field Theory. Big Spin" Model of Gravity. By Sergey Ivanenko Posted: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 Last updated: Saturday, February 25, 2006 PACS 04.50.
+h – Alternative theories of gravity (formerly "Inertial Theory of Gravity ", modified) This is an attempt to explain fundamental reasons for gravity, going beyond its relativistic definition as spacetime curvature. The “Big Spin” model suggests that gravity is a result of rotation of the Universe’s hypersphere (not a Gödel's rotation). It assumes that space possesses elastic properties and Newton’s law of inertia holds true for higher dimension(s). Motivation Although General Relativity is a widely accepted theory of gravity with some aspects of it proved experimentally, it serves as a mathematical model, rather than physical explanation of a phenomena that can be matched with an intuitive analogy from everyday life.
Higher Dimensions, Moving Universe, the Law of Inertia It is accepted to think of our Universe as a multi-dimensional object. Let's look at the lower-dimension analogy. . Big Spin" Model of Gravity. Antigravity, Gravity Control. Introduction If you were born between 1930 something and 1960 you were a part of the ufo phenomenon that swept the world in the fifties.
And many contemplated the idea of antigravity such as Thomas Townsend-Brown and before him Nikola Tesla and before him John Worrell Keely, who takes us to a place before any of us were born, the 1880's. Keely's method of gravity control involved sympathetic vibration at the atomic level while Tesla's system took energy from the aether. Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov employed another idea which involved a natural lift from cavity structures in insects. He said that he built his antigravity platform so he might more easily get to his 'digs' most inaccessible otherwise. The scientists other than previous who achieved antigravity were John Searle, Townsend-Brown, Eric Laithwaite, John Hutchison and Evgeny Podkletnov. Much of the above has slipped from history.