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Montes Apenninus Moon Structures Exposed. Sinus Iridum City & Ground Level Structures. 16: Great Pyramid of Giza, moon+Earth: 7:11, 3:4:5, 11:3 -- 17: St. Mary's Chapel Glastonbury (Wales) -- 18. 4, 10, 81 -- 19. Pyramids Dashur 5+6 -- 20. 6:5 and 864 - secret architecture. 16. Great Pyramid of Giza with moon and Earth: 7:11, 3:4:5, 11:3 The pyramids of Giza are said to be located in the middle of the Earth (1h33min.41sec.) [the pyramids of Giza are at the center of gravity of the continental masses - this is also stated in the Däniken books]. And: researcher Jim Alison found out that Giza is in the middle between North Pole and the center of the Earth (1h34min.2sec.). The Great Pyramid is the heart of Egypt (1h34min.30sec.). -- comparing the surface with the circle with the height of the Great Pyramid as a radius another harmony comes out: the circle made of the height of the pyramid is as long as the perimeter of the surface (1h35min.0sec.) -- when the circle is placed over the squared pyramid's surface a secret diagram half circle half square comes out, "a secret diagram which encodes much wisdom" (1h35min.8sec.) because the circle is the radius x Pi, so the rectangle is also Pi long and can be measured easily (1h35min.15sec.). 3:4:5 triangles - number 6.

Image. ALIEN "Terminals"? Artificial Buildings On Moon & Mars Stir Controversy! 7/12/16. NO DENYING! Alien Base Complex On The Moon & More 5/3/16. Moon Tower Evidence. Report #067 May 12, 2004 (documentation replaced 2/13/2010) Joseph P. Skipper J. This type of evidence reporting may be disturbing to some, not because of the evidence itself so much as because of its implications. With that said, the above first image, as are all the rest here, is taken directly from the 1994 Navy Clementine military official science data and shown above at standard official resolution demonstrating two massive left and right towering objects in the terrain. We are fortunate that the 1994 tampering applications stage of development mapped and tightly conformed to each of these huge object's individual shape in a different digital layer rather than more effectively blending that shape out against and into the background terrain in a single layer as is more typical of the later MGS MOC imaging.

The above second image offers a split screen view showing the two towers much closer or rather the blur/smudge tampering covering them. DOCUMENTATION (replaced 2/13/2010) Joseph P. Anomaluna: The Weirdness of the Moon. By Dan Eden "I believe that this nation should commit itself, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth ... no single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind or more important for the long range exploration of space. " With his speech on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy established the conquest of the Moon as a national goal. The space program, through NASA, was to have far reaching effects, developing new technologies and forcing the nation's schools to emphasize the teaching of science and mathematics. It was a dramatic cultural revolution that eventually brought us things like velcro, Star Trek and the internet. But even before it started, our exploration of the Moon was destined to be short-lived.

Carefully Scripted The first Moon landing by humans was in 1969 when Apollo 11 took the "giant step for mankind. " Secret Tapes There were six manned landings on the Moon as part of the Apollo space program. UFO - Ufology - ULOs - Unidentified Lunar Objects by Allan Sturm. Daniel Tarr - A Review - 2009. Allan Sturm presents » Lunomaly Research Group and » Lunar Sightings ULOs: Unidentified Lunar Objects Revealed In NASA Photography is best described as a visual catalog of structural anomalies found in Apollo era photographs taken of the Moon.

Allan Sturm defines ULOs as anomalous shapes that appear artificial to the Moon’s landscape and resist identification as known lunar geological features. It would be irresponsible to describe these objects as alien bases, crashed starships or giant Tupperware containers because we can’t resolve that level of detail in these photos and we certainly can’t take a casual stroll on the surface of the Moon to see for ourselves. VOLUME 1 - INTRODUCTION (from the book)This project started out as a coffee table book of the amazing photographs of the Moon.

Rutledge apollo 20

The Real Moon. Aliens on the Moon? VGL - Investigations into the possibility of artificial lunar features. The Blair Cuspids: A Mystery Revisited. Lan Fleming To view the images and text below in their intended postions, please increase the width of your browser window to the maximum extent possible. In 1966, NASA released a photograph taken by Lunar Orbiter 2 of a region on the western edge of the Sea of Tranquility that showed several objects casting unusually long shadows. A few scientists at the time speculated that the shadows were too elongated to be cast by common lunar boulders or ridges. Among them was William Blair, reportedly of the Boeing Institute of of Biotechnology. Figure 1. The quality of the negatives is greatly superior to the old washed-out photographs that have appeared in a few books in decades past. With the correct frame number, we were also able to quickly reference the photographic support data in the Lunar Orbiter 2 catalog to find the angle of sun light illuminating the objects in the photograh.

Figure 2. But how different are these Cuspids from garden-variety moon rocks? Figure 3. The Dark Side Of The Moon: What Is It? What’s On It? Have you ever heard about the “dark side” of the Moon? It’s the portion of the Moon that is permanently turned away from the Earth. Obviously it still receives sunlight, the name is not meant to imply that it doesn’t. The reason why we can never view this side of the Moon from Earth is because the time it takes for the Moon to rotate once is the same amount of time it takes for it to orbit around the Earth, approximately 27 days(5). The Moons rotation and revolution speeds are exactly synchronized, so from Earth’s point of view we always see the same side of our rotating Moon.

It’s also reasonable to note that the theories about the Moon’s existence are highly questionable, given the physics alone it’s impossible to know how it came to be. We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon, by rights, ought not to be there. Is there something on the dark side of the Moon? It’s one thing to read about UFOs and stuff in the papers or in books. What did Gary find? Sources: