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Joe Harris

I help passionate landscape photographers make perfect sense of Lightroom and Photoshop. More: I believe that anyone can create meaningful images in the digital darkroom without feeling overwhelmed by technology… if they follow one simple strategy: Learn it once, and learn it right.

Untitled. Black and White Points: Adjusting the Tonal Environment with Contrast. Settings Tonal Limits with Curves in Lightroom - Choosing the Right Profile in Lightroom and ACR. Untitled. My Best Tips for Creative Autumn Photography. Untitled. Untitled. Adjusting the Tonal Environment with Contrast - So far, we’ve discussed how to add an anchor point to the curves line…and how pulling that up and down vertically will manipulate your tones (make those pixels brighter or darker).

Adjusting the Tonal Environment with Contrast -

However, what happens when we adjust the black and white points at either end of our curves line? First, let’s make an adjustment…and then we’ll discuss the changes that took place. If you take either the white point or the black point and move them inwards, you can see that much contrast was added to the image. The Curves Tool: what is it, and how does it work in photo processing?