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Greenhouse Project

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APIS - Automated Plant Irrigation System. The HISTORY: There are quite a few instructables on the topic of plant watering, so I barely invented something original here. What does make this system different is amount of programming and customization that went into it, allowing better control and integration into day-to-day life. This is how APIS came into existence: We have two red hot chili pepper plants, which have barely "survived" several of our vacations, and almost considered family members at this point.

They have been through extreme drought, and over-watering, but always recovered somehow. The idea to build Arduino-based plant watering was almost the first idea how Arduino could be applied as a home automation project. So a simple plant watering system was built. However, Version 1 did not have any indication of soil humidity, and there was not way to tell whether it was about to water the plants, or watering was a few days away. That was not enough. One night, the watering kicked off at 4 am, waking everyone up. The IDEA: $78 Grow light - Full-Spectrum, 22 Watts, No Heat - All - English.

Growing plants indoors enables a level of precision not available outdoors. For this reason, it's well-suited to growing a wide variety of crops and making data driven decisions on yield, timeframes, energy consumption, etc. A current project involves producing food under a queen bed lofted five feet up (this creates 167 cubic feet of space). Inside of a grow tent, I’m first adding trays of produce. This requires sufficient quantity and quality of light for optimal production. Most grow lights are very expensive, energy hogs, and emit an insane amount of heat. This heat requires more energy for intake and exhaust fans to keep an ideal ambient temperature for the plants.

Although LED lights emit only 60 lumens per watt consumed, half of High Pressure Sodium lights at 120 lm/W, the low cost and long lifespan of LEDs make them much more efficient. This DIY version consumes less than 22 watts of energy (half as much as a laptop) and can be run for less than $12/year*. Arduino Temperature Controlled Relay - Tutorial #6. In this project, we are going to build something very simple project, a temperature controlled relay that is used to turn on a dc fan. You can actually change the DC Fan to other electrical devices such as light or servo motor. We are going to make an automatic fan that will be ON when the temperature rises above certain threshold temperature and OFF when it is below.

Just follow the steps below and you are ready to get yourself one Temperature-Controlled Automatic Fan! Things that you need Arduino UNOLM35 Temperature Sensor(Celsius) – datasheetRelay Module ( May refer to my previous post on how to make a relay module)A 9V battery (To supply to the coil of relay and the fan)A DC fan (9V/12V)Some jumper wires16 x 2 LCD Okay, now let’s get started. Step 1 Connect the hardware according to the schematic below: Relay Module DC Fan Done with the hardware part? Part 2: Software For the software part, I program it using arduino IDE v1.01. So, load this code into your arduino UNO and you are ready to go! Low-Power/powerDownWakeExternalInterrupt.ino at master · rocketscream/Low-Power. Low-Power/idleWakePeriodic.ino at master · rocketscream/Low-Power. SOLAR POWERED ARDUINO WEATHER STATION.

The weather data does not change frequently.So we can take reading at an interval of 5mins.As we are taking readings at regular intervals, it is a fantastic way to save lots of power. A system with appropriate sleep schedules can run for several months on just two AA batteries.We are so lucky that Arduino has several sleep modes that can be used to reduce power consumption.

This is most useful for any sensor networks.You can use this tricks in any of your stand alone sensor project. After searching through the internet for using the sleep modes, I found a simple but powerful library by Rocket Scream has a Lightweight Low Power library supports all AVR power down modes. Each mode has an associated library method that lets you control sleep duration using the watchdog timer.For a novice programmer like me it is very simple and easy to use. How to use LowPower Library : 1. You can also pass different arguments to shut off individual peripherals. Apply "LowPower library" in Blink code. Raspberry Pi Solar Weather Station - English. Spurred on by the completion of my two previous projects, the Compact Camera and Portable Games Console, I wanted to find a new challenge. The natural progression was an outdoor remote system... I wanted to build a Raspberry Pi weather station that was able to sustain itself off grid and send me the results through a wireless connection, from anywhere!

This project really has had its challenges, but luckily powering the Raspberry Pi is one of the main challenges that has been made easy by using the PiJuice as a power supply with it's added solar support. My Initial thought was to use the fantastic AirPi module to take readings. This however, had two main drawbacks; it requires a direct internet connection to upload the results and it needs to be connected directly to the GPIO on the Pi which means it can't be exposed to the air without also exposing the Raspberry Pi (not ideal if we want this weather station to last any length of time).

The solution... build my own sensing module! Learn.adafruit. How to display sensor information - Annikken. To display sensor information, you will first need to connect a sensor to one of the analog input pins of the Arduino x Andee. Next, you'll need to tell Arduino that a sensor is connected and instruct it to read in the data at a regular interval. This Howto guide assumes that you already know how to create display boxes. If you do not know how to create a display box, please refer to How to create a display box for more information. Top of the Code To show a display box on your smartphone's screen, you'll need to insert the following code at the top: #include <Andee.h> #include <SPI.h> // Each object on screen needs to be declared like this AndeeHelper displaySensor; const int sensorPin = A0; // Specify analog pin number here int analogReading; void loop() In your loop function, you'll need to do this:

Arduino Temperature Controlled Relay - Tutorial #6. Chicken Coop Temp. Regulator. Arduino Greenhouse. Arduino Temperature Sensor Interfacing (LM35) .THE EASIEST WAY. FJADZ87I5S2ER2H. //Chicken Coop Temp. MegaServo. MegaServo Hardware Servo library This library allows an Arduino board to control one to twelve RC (hobby) servo motors on a standard Arduino board or up to 48 servos on an Arduino Mega.

Each servo can be attached to any unused digital pin. The library (renamed to Servo) is distributed with Arduino releases from 0017, see the Arduino servo library reference for details. You already have this code if you are using the servo library from release 0017 or later. The library has the following features: Controls up to 48 servos (Arduino Mega only, other boards support up to 12 servos) Any digital pin can be used with any servo Pulse widths can be written and read in degrees or microseconds.

This library uses a 16 bit timer for each group of 12 servos so PWM output with analogWrite() for pins associated with these timers are disabled when the first servo is attached to the timer. Here is a table of PWM pin usage on the Mega board: Download the MegaServo Library New version updated 8 Jun: Circuit. Arduino HVAC Servo Thermostat/Controller. Welcome to my 'green' instructable! I am going to show you how to use an Arduino, two servo motors a temperature sensor and some metal (or wood) to make a digital thermostat for a through-wall HVAC unit.

According to CB Richard Ellis (a major real estate firm), New York City is a renters market, with only about 1/3 of the population owning their home (versus almost 70% home ownership for the rest of the US). This means over 5mm people in NYC live in rented apartments or homes. It is very rare for rental units to have any form of central air conditioning or even a thermostatically-controlled system.

Many apartments have permanent through-wall units like the one seen in the video below. According to the Consumer Energy Center, Heating and Cooling accounts for about 45 percent of your energy bill. The cooling capacity of room air conditioners is measured in BTUs, or British Thermal Units, per hour. F3WQ45EFTDBNLF9. Awesomely Automatic Garden Watering Buddy - Complete with Reservoir for Nutrients.

I have the worst luck with remembering to water my tomatoes on a regular basis. I've nearly killed them 3 times this spring already. So my roommate decided if left to my own devices we'd never get any this year. We looked into drip tape systems, but they still would have required me to turn the water on and off. And since we don't have a ton of room on our porch, I couldn't use as large pots as I should have to hold my tomato plants. I've had a couple people comment about the possibility of using this system inside.

Soil Moisture Sensor Video.