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What is a Debooster Gauge Protector. How to Wear a Hard Hat - Hard Hat Safety - Wearing a Hard Hat. A hard hat may be a pain to wear for many of you, but we have to wear them in hazardous workplace environments.

How to Wear a Hard Hat - Hard Hat Safety - Wearing a Hard Hat

Yes, you may think it’s too hot to wear or that it’s a nuisance because it feels like it’s about to fall off, but it’s a very necessary part of your protective equipment. After all, righands wear them, toolpushers wear them, technicians wear them, and if you’re anywhere that you can receive a workplace head injury, you have to wear one. But are you taking care of vital piece of equipment, and do you wear yours correctly?

Read on to find out. What is a Hard Hat and How Is It Constructed? A hard hat is a helmet like hat that protects the worker’s head from any falling object or an impact from workplace hazards. Hard hats are categorized in two types: I and II. How to Take Care of Your Hard Hat. Regular inspection is vital to keeping your hard hat working for you to keep you safe. Regular Inspection Each time you use your hard hat, you will need to inspect it. Disclaimer References: Hydraulic Hose Safety Tips - Prevent Hydraulic Hose Leaks. Hydraulic hoses are designed not to leak, but unfortunately, with normal wear and tear, they might.

Hydraulic Hose Safety Tips - Prevent Hydraulic Hose Leaks

The best what to prevent a leak is with regular inspections and maintenance. So how do you keep yourself safe around hydraulic hoses? Read more to discover how to keep yourself safe when using hydraulic hoses. Hydraulic hoses are a vital part of many drilling rigs, and they are designed to transmit force the length of a given hydraulic system. As the force travels from one end of the hose to another, little or no power will be lost, making hydraulic hoses a benefit to measuring drilling rig pressures. What Are the Most Common Causes of Hydraulic Hose Leaks Hydraulic hoses are designed not to leak.

Common Hydraulic Fluid Leak Injuries • Skin burns • High pressure hydraulic fluid can puncture skin • In extreme instances, a leak can cause a rupture, which can cause the hose to whip about and possibly injure bystanders. How Does a Pump Stroke Counter Work. Dealing with Holiday Stress in the Workplace - Holiday Stress & WorkCrown Oilfield Instrumentation - Drilling Instruments - Drilling Instrumentation. The upcoming holidays are a joyful season, a time filled with family, friends, and happiness.

Dealing with Holiday Stress in the Workplace - Holiday Stress & WorkCrown Oilfield Instrumentation - Drilling Instruments - Drilling Instrumentation

However, the holidays are often stressful for many people and can make dealing with holiday stress in the workplace difficult. In a recent Consumer Reports survey, 90% of the Americans polled stated that at least one thing causes them stress during the holiday season. Watch Your Step! Avoiding Slipping, Tripping and Falling in the WorkplaceCrown Oilfield Instrumentation - Drilling Instruments - Drilling Instrumentation.

Drilling Instrumentation. Drilling Ahead Oilfield Network. What is a 4:1 Debooster?

Drilling Ahead Oilfield Network

A Crown 4:1 pressure sensor debooster is used in a hydraulic system to sense pressure and transmit this pressure to a hydraulic pressure gauge. This sensor consists of a 4:1 debooster housing, 4:1 piston, debooster cap, check valve, hex stainless steel cross, and diaphragm separator (CD401)and 1502 union. How Does A 4:1 Debooster Work? As the pressure is transmitted through the hydraulic hose on the outer side of the debooster, it is 4 times stronger than after it passes through the debooster. The deboosters housing is engineered to reduce the pressure at a ratio of 4:1 and works with a rubber diaphragm to achieve this reduction. Advantages of Using a Debooster All Crown pressure sensors are engineered to withstand the harshest oilfield conditions. 4:1 Deboosters are available in a variety of pressures and durable and dependable in the harshest conditions.

Pressure Deboosters - 4:1 Pressure Debooster - 4 to 1 DeboostersCrown Oilfield Instrumentation - Drilling Instruments - Drilling Instrumentation. Crown pressure deboosters (CWDB4X) are built to be long lasting, dependable, and extremely accurate.

Pressure Deboosters - 4:1 Pressure Debooster - 4 to 1 DeboostersCrown Oilfield Instrumentation - Drilling Instruments - Drilling Instrumentation

Our pressure deboosters are designed and manufactured in the U.S. and are built with highest quality materials to ensure durability and reliability. Reducing line pressure by a ratio of 4 to 1, our deboosters ensure that accurate measurements are safely sent to a pressure gauge to be read by an operator. Our deboosters are designed to work in the harshest fracturing, cementing, and testing operations and are available in a variety of models to suit your needs.

About Our Pressure Deboosters: Designed to reduce line pressure by a ratio of 4:1, making for a safer work environment 10,000 psi, 15,000 psi and 20,000 psiAvailable with 1502 or 2202 union and subs for standard or H2S serviceDelivers a highly accurate reading, up to 2 percent of full-scale capacityIncludes separator and union bootCompatible with any standard pressure gauge calibrated for use with 4:1 deboosters. StumbleUpon. How to Recharge Pump Pressure System - Recharge Hydraulic System. How to Recharge a Pump Pressure System Crown Pressure Systems require very little maintenance, and the systems are accurate +/- 2%.

How to Recharge Pump Pressure System - Recharge Hydraulic System

Each system consists of a 6″ gauge (CG602-CG603 Series) , gauge protector (gauge saver, 1:1 piston separator, 4:1 debooster), and hydraulic hose. All Crown systems are pre-charged with fluid and ready to use, and all the operator needs to do is install the system and adjust the sensitivity to get the most accurate readings. Overtime, the pump pressure system may lose hydraulic fluid and need to be recharged. Following the steps in this video will ensure that your pump pressure system provides the consistent readings and long life for the entire system. Four Steps to Routine Pump Pressure Inspection. Crown Pump Pressure Systems are built to provide years of trouble-free service with little to no maintenance.

Four Steps to Routine Pump Pressure Inspection

A schedule for routine pump pressure inspections will ensure that these work horses of the industry provide the most accurate readings with minimum downtime. Crown Oilfield Instrumentation. Drilling Instrumentation: Reasons to Use a Tong Torque Gauge on a Drilling Rig. Tong Line Pull Gauges are used by drillers to determine the amount of pound force being applied to the drill string during make up and break out operations.

Drilling Instrumentation: Reasons to Use a Tong Torque Gauge on a Drilling Rig

Unlike tong torque gauges, a tong line pull gauge measure pounds force and not foot pounds. The gauge measures the true force that is being applied to the drill pipe, making them a universal gauge that can be used with any tong handle length. Drilling Instrumentation: Kinds of Pressure Gauges. Tong Line Pull Gauges are used by drillers to determine the amount of pound force being applied to the drill string during make up and break out operations.

Drilling Instrumentation: Kinds of Pressure Gauges

Unlike tong torque gauges, a tong line pull gauge measure pounds force and not foot pounds. The gauge measures the true force that is being applied to the drill pipe, making them a universal gauge that can be used with any tong handle length. How Are Tong Line Pull Gauges Used Tong line pull gauges are used on hydraulic, manual tongs and can be used with any tong handle length. Because these gauges are universal, they can be transferred from one system to another without concern about the handle length. When using these gauges, the driller will want to convert force/pounds to foot/pounds. Force/Pounds of Maximum Torque Required Handle Length of Tong in Feet Using the above formula, the driller can convert force/pounds to foot/pounds: Tong Line Pull Reading x Handle Length in Feet = Max Torque in Foot/Pounds 34 Inches/12 = 2.83.

Digital Mud Pump Counters. Our pump stroke counter systems measure the stroke rate and number of strokes on mud pumps.

Digital Mud Pump Counters

The oilfield pump stroke system is user-friendly and reliable and is configurable to measure up to three mud pumps at once. Our digital pump stroke counter systems are manufactured here in the U.S. by Crown Oilfield Instrumentation, and Crown’s Pump Stroke Counter provides easy monitoring of strokes per minute on multiple mud pumps. Each mud pumps’s stroke rate can be selected individually and the display is updated regularly for accurate monitoring. LCD displays indicate both pumps strokes per minute and the total number of strokes. Drilling Instrumentation: What Is a Tong Line Pull Gauge.

Tong Line Pull Gauges are used by drillers to determine the amount of pound force being applied to the drill string during make up and break out operations. Unlike tong torque gauges, a tong line pull gauge measure pounds force and not foot pounds. The gauge measures the true force that is being applied to the drill pipe, making them a universal gauge that can be used with any tong handle length. Drilling Instrumentation. Drilling Ahead Oilfield Network. What is a 4:1 Debooster? A Crown 4:1 pressure sensor debooster is used in a hydraulic system to sense pressure and transmit this pressure to a hydraulic pressure gauge. This sensor consists of a 4:1 debooster housing, 4:1 piston, debooster cap, check valve, hex stainless steel cross, and diaphragm separator (CD401)and 1502 union.

How Does A 4:1 Debooster Work? As the pressure is transmitted through the hydraulic hose on the outer side of the debooster, it is 4 times stronger than after it passes through the debooster. 4 to 1 DeboostersCrown Drilling Instruments. Oilfield Pressure SensorsCrown Drilling Instruments. Hydro-Mast Weight Indicator SystemCrown Drilling Instruments. The portable Crown Pad Type Weight Indicator is a dual pad load cell system that is available in capacities ranging from 100,000 to 400,000lbs. Crown’s pad type indicator offers a zero-adjust 8.5 inch gauge with adjustable damper and a target pointer that can be set for a maximum weight desired.

The compression load cells in this hydro-mast system sense total weight of hook load and mast weight and transmit this hydraulic signal to the gauge. Because this indicator is designed to total up each load cell and can zero out the weight of the guy wire and mast tension forces, our pad type indicator provides an accurate hook load weight.

The rotating dial can be used to zero out mast weight and the environmental changed caused by operational temperatures. Durable and dependable, Crown’s pad type (hydro-mast) indicators are built in a sturdy steel box. Features: 2 compression load cellsFluid-Filled Gauge with Zero Adjust DialSteel Box Mount15`, 5,000 PSI Hose Benefits: Crane PartsCrown Drilling Instruments. Crown Oilfield Instrumentation’s Crane Weight Indicators are designed to indicate crane load for pedestal, barge, locomotive, gantry, and derrick type cranes. Our crane/load weight indicators are durable, dependable, and reliable, ensuring precision in even the harshest work environments. Designed to help prevent buckled booms and crane accidents, our crane weight indicators are rugged and dependable in all kinds of applications, from construction to dockside to offshore drilling.

Drilling Instrumentation: Why Accurate Tong Torque Gauges Are Important for Drilling Rigs. Tong Line Pull Gauges are used by drillers to determine the amount of pound force being applied to the drill string during make up and break out operations. Unlike tong torque gauges, a tong line pull gauge measure pounds force and not foot pounds. The gauge measures the true force that is being applied to the drill pipe, making them a universal gauge that can be used with any tong handle length.

How Are Tong Line Pull Gauges Used Tong line pull gauges are used on hydraulic, manual tongs and can be used with any tong handle length. Because these gauges are universal, they can be transferred from one system to another without concern about the handle length. When using these gauges, the driller will want to convert force/pounds to foot/pounds. Force/Pounds of Maximum Torque Required Handle Length of Tong in Feet Using the above formula, the driller can convert force/pounds to foot/pounds: Tong Line Pull Reading x Handle Length in Feet = Max Torque in Foot/Pounds 34 Inches/12 = 2.83.

Drilling Instrumentation. Selecting the Right Tong Gauge - How To Select a GaugeCrown Drilling Instruments. Tong Line Pull Gauges and Tong Torque Gauges both tell the operator the amount of torque being applied to oilfield tongs; however, they perform this necessary task differently. Although they both measure the force applied to the pipe in make up and break out situations, how they measure this force is what makes these two gauges different. Selecting the Right Tong Gauge - How To Select a GaugeCrown Drilling Instruments.

8.0 Load Cell Replacement Diaphragm - Crown DiaphragmsCrown Drilling Instruments. Product Description 8.0 Load Cell Replacement Diaphragm Used with our indicator systems, the 8.0 load cell diaphragm is used load cells. Crown’s load cells, with 8.0 square inch effective area, come complete with our CD268-1 load cell diaphragm. Dependable and reliable, our load cells transfer pressure with the aid of its 8.0 load cell diaphragm to the gauge. A completely hydraulic unit, our systems offer an reliable, dependable way to measure pressure. Viton Diaphragm Cup - Oilfield Diaphragm Cup VitonCrown Drilling Instruments. Stainless Steel Hex Elbow - Crown ConnectorsCrown Drilling Instruments. Replacement Load Cell Diaphragm 36.767 - Replace CD202Crown Drilling Instruments. Product Description. Repair Kit 4.08 Tension Load Cell - 4.08 Load Cell Repair KitCrown Drilling Instruments.

Repairing a 1:1 Piston Separator - Repair Piston IsolatorCrown Drilling Instruments. Product Description. Red Instrument Fluid cw15 - Crown Red Hydraulic FluidCrown Drilling Instruments. Red Hydraulic Fluid - Crown CW15 Gallon FluidCrown Drilling Instruments. Pressure Gauge Replacement GlassCrown Drilling Instruments. Male Quick Disconnects, Male DisconnectsCrown Drilling Instruments. Quick Disconnects - Male & Female Quick Disconnect KitCrown Drilling Instruments. Replacement Load Cell Diaphragm 36.767 - Replace CD202Crown Drilling Instruments. Junction Tee - High Pressure Stainless Steel TeeCrown Drilling Instruments. Junction Cross 4:1 Debooster - Crown ConnectorsCrown Drilling Instruments. Junction 1/4 x1x1/4 - Crown ConnectorsCrown Drilling Instruments.

Hydraulic Instrument Replacement Glass - Gauge GlassCrown Drilling Instruments. Hydraulic Fluid Recharge Kit - Red Fluid Recharge KitCrown Drilling Instruments. Product Description. Hydraulic Check Valve - Crown Drilling InstrumentsCrown Drilling Instruments. Gauge Glass with Target Pointer HoleCrown Drilling Instruments. Female Quick Disconnects - High Pressure DisconnectsCrown Drilling Instruments. Debooster Rubber Cup Diaphragm - 2202 DiaphragmCrown Drilling Instruments. Rubber Cup Diaphragm - Piston Separator Rubber CupCrown Drilling Instruments. Diaphragm Protector Retaining Nut CN101 - Nut RetainerCrown Drilling Instruments.

Oilfield Diaphragm Cups - Diaphragm Protector Rubber CupCrown Drilling Instruments. Wireline Tension Load Cell Diaphragm - Replace DiaphragmsCrown Drilling Instruments. 50 sq. in. Load Cell Diaphragm - Replace Crown diaphgramCrown Drilling Instruments. Load Cell Rubber Diaphragm - Crown Load Cell DiaphragmCrown Drilling Instruments. 16.1 sq. in. compression load cell diaphragmCrown Drilling Instruments. 16.0 Sq. In. Replacement Diaphragm - CD203Crown Drilling Instruments. Product Description 16.0 Sq. In. Replacement Diaphragm Crown’s 16.0 sq. in. replacement diaphragm helps the load cell indicate pressure when the load cell is compressed. Our 16.0 sq. in. replacement diaphragms are molded to fit our load cells and have been constructed of the best materials on the market. Deflection Weight Indicator Replacement GlassCrown Drilling Instruments. Deflection Type Weight Indicator Gasket - CG203Crown Drilling Instruments.

Deflection Load Cell Diaphragm - Replacement DiaphragmCrown Drilling Instruments. Quart Clear Gauge Fluid - Clear Instrument FluidCrown Drilling Instruments. Product Description. Clear Instrument Fluid - Clear Gauge FluidCrown Drilling Instruments. CKT202 Load Cell Repair Kit - Load Cell Seals & ScrewsCrown Drilling Instruments. Product Description. Circular Chart Recorder Charts - Buy Charts & PensCrown Drilling Instruments. Bracket for 6" Box Mount - Crown Drilling InstrumentsCrown Drilling Instruments.

8.5 Hydraulic Gauge GasketCrown Drilling Instruments. 6.44 Tension Load Cell Diaphragm - CD204-2Crown Drilling Instruments. Red Chart Recorder Pens - Six Pack of Recorder PensCrown Drilling Instruments. Blue Chart Recorder Pens - Mud Pump Chart Recorder PenCrown Drilling Instruments. 6 in Glass with Target Pointer - Replacement Gauge GlassCrown Drilling Instruments. 16 inch Weight Indicator Gasket - Replacement CG201Crown Drilling Instruments. 16 in Weight Indicator Replacement Glass - Gauge GlassCrown Drilling Instruments. 1502 Standard Service Replacement SealCrown Drilling Instruments. 1502 Debooster Repair Kit - Repair 4:1 DeboosterCrown Drilling Instruments. 12 sq. in. Rubber Diaphragm - - Replace Rubber DiaphragmCrown Drilling Instruments.

12 in weight indicator replacement glass - gauge glassCrown Drilling Instruments. 12 in weight indicator replacement glass - gauge glassCrown Drilling Instruments.