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Notes - Best Fuel for my Gas Fired Gauge 1 Locomotive? The best fuel for a gauge one gas fired locomotive is the one that is safe to use, performs best over a wide range of temperatures, and is available at the lowest cost.
I have arbitrarily decided not to consider propane (Pn) as a fuel for gauge one locomotives because of its dangerously high container pressure at any reasonable temperature. All manufacturers of gauge one locomotives specifically caution against the use of propane as a fuel in their locomotives. I am fully aware that some model engineers have had great success with propane as a locomotive fuel, but that has been in locomotives specifically engineered to accept the very high pressures inherent in the use of propane as a gauge one model locomotive fuel. Temperature performance is important because the liquid gasses that are used in gauge one locomotives are dependent on temperature in order to vaporize properly at a pressure high enough to be useful in the locomotive's burner. SUCCESSFULLY FILLING A GAS TANK IN A MODEL STEAM BOAT. This is a short edited extract form MAINSTEAM MODELS "The Complete Guide to Miniature Steam" which is available on CDROM or by Internet download.
From enquiries that I receive through my website, it appears that many people have difficulty in filling their gas tanks in model steam boats successfully. Assuming that you have the correct adaptor, fitted to a Butane/Propane mix blowlamp canister, it is a simple job, but getting sufficient liquid gas into the gas tank can be tricky. Warning: Never fill the gas tank while it is still in the boat, as the gas is heavier than air & will accumulate in the bottom of your boat - when you light the burner you could experience an explosion which could cause severe problems with your eyebrows, & the hair on your arms may disappear also!
Here's how to do it: Wild Rose 16mm. Simple DIY vertical boiler. How to build your first steam loco. In which a modeller decides to build his first live steam locomotive in 16mm scale.
Inspired by an article about building a small locomotive, in the 16mm magazine, he enquires on the 16mm e-group for information and advice on his first engineering project: a coal fired vertical boiler locomotive. A vertical boiler loco by Colin Binnie © 16mm association Andrew S asked: I have decided to make my self a project — a coal fired vertical boiler loco, using the boiler design from the recent magazine As I have never made anything before, I think this could be a nice little project, quite simple, and no major parts.
[he posted some photos of his initial drawings] What is the best place to buy metal for it, steel for the frames, copper and brass for the boiler? Many replies were received, explaining where to obtain materials and what to do. Andrew had trouble finding the correct diameter copper tube, because it was an odd size (62mm dia). Materials. Dave Watkins's Live Steam Page. A favourite pursuit is designing, building and running live steam model railways.
I usually work to a scale of 1:19, that is approximately 5/8" or 16mm to 1 foot, The models follow narrow gauge practice using a track gauge of 32mm (1.25") to represent real trains that run on lines of 600mm or 2 foot gauge or thereabouts. From the vagueness of the last sentence you will gather that I do not count rivets when I build models. The Birches Barn Light Railway runs at ground level round a suburban garden. The main circuit is 1.25 scale miles in length.
16mm Locomotive Reference List. Lagging - IBLS. Lagging is a covering placed over the boiler and serves three purposes: Reduce heat loss from the boiler Provide a cooler external surface to reduce the chance of burns to humans and equipment Provide an improved aesthetic look to the boiler and locomotive Definition Boiler Lagging, from Wikipedia Large amounts of heat are wasted if a boiler is not insulated.
Early locomotives used shaped wooden battens fitted lengthways along the boiler barrel and held in place by metal bands. Section_9. Drain Cocks_1. Drain Cocks_1.
Class A Climax. Garratt. Steamtram. Mamod steam locomotive. Lady Anne. Wild rose. Capproti and poppet valves. Crowther Winding Engine. Loco lamps. Steam motor. Showthread. Hi In May 2005 Colin Binnie started a thread in an egroup entitled; ‘La Belles’ for home construction. Which started; Scratchbuilt Mamod Esque Loco using PPS Cylinders. Hi!
I'm a new member to these forums and currently planning a small live steam project using some pps parts, gas burner, cylinders, regulator etc. Machining Locomotive Wheels. Locomotive Gallery. Prototype information The loco is based on the mills or tramroad locomotives built for Dinorwic quarry in north Wales by Hunslet.
They where the largest engines to work there. The first of the pair of locomotives was named Vaenol, built in 1898. A sister locomotive, called Port Dinorwic, was purchased three years later. Both names where changed after a few years service. Vaenol became Gerry M and Port Dinorwic became Cackler. Background to the model Robin Gosling built these chassis/boiler units in the early 1980s. ConwaySaddleTankLocoSm.pdf. Notes - Getting Started with Frank S - 1. "Notes from the Unit Shop" Kevin O'Connor's advice for the beginning small scale live steamer Getting Started with Frank S.
My projects - summerlands-chuffer.co.uk. My name is Chris Bird and although I spend a huge amount of time on the design and marketing of the Summerlands Chuffer, I am a garden railway enthusiast, first and foremost.
And if I am honest, it is live steam locos that come at the top of the garden railway list! Over the past few years, I have taken on many projects and usually write them up, either in the garden railway magazines or on the Garden Railway Club (GRC). Atlantic Publishers have kindly allowed me to include scans of my articles on here and the links below will take you to those pages.
What's new in small-scale live steam. The nielsen chuff pipe. May we present the “Nielsen Chuff Pipe”, designed to give a really loud chuff when fitted on an Accucraft Superior, but the basic design could be adapted and altered to suit other Accucraft locos.
Although the drawings state the size ratio, the drawings shown here may not be exactly to size in you browser - Therefore Frede Nielsen has produced an Adobe .PDF file which is available to anyone interested in using this design of chuff pipe for their loco. Measurements in Millimetres. NOTE ! Not for commercial use without the designers written permission. © Frede Nielsen, Viborg, Denmark. Please Note :- this design is only for non-commercial application. Please note that due to spam we have been forced to write our email address with 3 extra Z ‘s in front of "chuffpipe" “tumblydown” and “cottage”, please remove the Z’s from the address before sending an email. Notes on the EVT concept for oscillating steam engines - By Michael Martin. A Forum Project locomotive. I spent some time last night going over the diagrams and consulting Peter Jones' book (Building Small Steam Locomotives) and my confidence is confirmed.
Yes, I think I can do this. Couple of questions, though. Are there suitable commercial substitutes for the safety valve and regulator? These I know are beyond my capability at this time, as are the cylinders, wheels etc. which I'm planning on purchasing. While in the shower this morning (all my best thoughts occur there) it occurred to me that his model doesn't have a lubricator. Spirit Burner. Modelling the Kerr-Stuart Brazil Class 0-4-2ST locomotive in 16mm scale. - Keith Bucklitch Spirit Burner.
This is made as a single unit, that can be removed for servicing. This consists of a sump and the burner tubes, connected by pipework. 1. The Sump. The sump is made from two parts of 0.75 mm brass. I could never do that. Roundhouse Charles Pooter - Garden Railway Club. Before stripping the loco I decided to sort the wicks on the burner and give it another test run. Once again it performed reasonably, but it struggled to maintain more than 20psi and there was clearly steam blowing by either the pistons or the valves. Then it was down to business. Four bolts held the body on (well three really as one was missing).
Two on the front footplate and two on the cab floor at the rear. With these removed, together with the lubricator drain plug, the body could be jiggled off. Roundhouse Charles Pooter - Garden Railway Club. A Buyer's Guide to Steam - Page 1 of 5. This article is reproduced from Model Railways July 1981. Boiler making material? - myLargescale.com - Forums - G Scale Forums - Live Steam. HLR Home. Default. Thread data. Threads See Health & Safety Notice. Technical Information. 7/8N2 (USA) 7/8":1 foot scale (1:13.7) running on 45mm gauge track. Models are of narrow gauge railways and represent 2 foot gauge. Garden railway scales and gauges A little extra information is added for what are generally termed the Garden railway scales as there are several which are normally used together and can cause confusion.
Flash steam. Steam Engine Plans 3. Live steam model locomotives. Home-made "Dacre" Building Brazil - Contents page. Steammodelloco16mm : 16mm NG steam loco builder. This group will offer help and support to builders of NG steam engines. It is possible it may extend to a wider range of loco scales eg. 3.5 inch to 7.25 inch as the principals are the same. A picture library will be posted of construction and development issues related to the building of them. Loco's presently covered include Kerr Stuart Brazil , Hunslet Charles and Bagnall Dennis to Keith Bucklitch's design.
126P40-42coal. Small scale live steam frequently asked questions. Gentoo's Journals - all about a Station Road Steam Stafford model steam locomotive. 16mmngm - Articles on Construction and Techniques. SM32 - 16mm Model railway running on 32mm gauge.