Into the abyss. Left to the elements in St.
The Power Of Expectations : Shots - Health News. Do you think that the private thoughts in your head could influence how other people — or creatures — act?
The answer is "Of course not," right? Because to say yes would be to admit you believe in mind control or telekinesis or some other phenomenon usually reserved for superhero comic books. But early in his career, a research psychologist named Bob Rosenthal wasn't so sure. About The NO Project : The NO Project. The NO Project is an independent initiative support by the donated time, skills and expertise of individual citizens and partners dedicated to the eradication of human slavery in the 21st century.
The NO Project collaborates with students, educators, lawyers, journalists, academic researchers, artists, musicians, writers, film-makers, actors, media and management consultants. The NO Project is committed to inclusivity, sustainability, dignity and respect. The contribution of pro-active citizens independent of age, gender, faith, cultural background, professional status and nationality is invaluable in the fight against slavery. The NO Project values the power and skills of young people to influence attitudes and change behaviour. Their ability and willingness to confront those who sustain the demand for human trafficking lies at the heart of this campaign. The NO Project strives to reach all sectors of the community and to present an accurate picture of the reality of human trafficking. Why Are Yawns Contagious? Every person yawns.
So do many other vertebrate animals, including snakes, dogs, cats, sharks, and chimpanzees. The Learning Circle: Classroom Activities on First Nations in Canada - A Learning Resource for Ages 12 to 14. Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History. The Museum of Hoaxes. 5 American Words That Are Rude In Britain. Server Akua Agyemfra, forced to alter hair, says she just wants equality - Toronto. After Akua Agyemfra shared her story of being sent home from a Toronto Jack Astor's restaurant because her hair was in a bun there's been a groundswell of support for the young woman.
Agyemfra recently wore her hair in a bun to her job at the chain restaurant, but told CBC News she was sent home by a manager who said it was company policy that female staff must wear their hair down, even though Agyemfra demonstrated her natural hair wouldn't fall straight. Octopus makes daring escape from aquarium to Pacific Ocean - Trending. An octopus named Inky escaped from his tank and made it to the Pacific Ocean, says the National Aquarium of New Zealand.
Three months ago during a routine cleaning at the aquarium in the town of Napier, New Zealand, Inky's tank was left slightly ajar, just enough room for the octopus to squeeze out, cross the floor and make his escape down a drain pipe that exits into the ocean. It was the middle of the night and no one saw him leave, but the aquarium staff found a trail of water leading from the tank to the 50-metre drainpipe, suggesting Inky made his way to freedom. Staff have said it's unlikely someone stole the octopus. Inky disappeared months ago, but the aquarium only just released information regarding the escape, according to Radio New Zealand. Ottawa restaurant's male servers get taste of workplace discrimination - Ottawa. This pretty much sums up the way men working at the Ottawa restaurant Union Local 613 felt about serving customers in short dresses and high heels on Wednesday night: Co-owner Matt Fantin squeezes past Tristan to get to the kitchen during service.
(CBC News) Saving Sid. An unforgettable call The first friend or family member to hear the news was Shouvik Datta .
He has known Sid since their high school days in New Delhi, India, and has been in Canada since 2001. In 2011, Sid and his wife joined Shouvik in Toronto. (Sid's wife did not want to be named in this article.) After the couple separated in 2013, Sid rented a bachelor suite in Shouvik’s condominium building and the two old friends got into the habit of talking or texting daily. The Anti-Nazi Teen Gang that Beat Up Hitler Youth and Danced to Jazz.
Animal-related. Social Media related. Short videos for lessons. TV Shows and Movies. 14 compliments that have nothing to do with looks and everything to do with being an amazing human. Photographer Documenting the Homeless Discovers Her Own Father Among Them. Honolulu, Hawaii-based photographer and law student Diana Kim can trace her love of photography back to her father, who used to own a photography studio on O'ahu.
Until just a few years ago, however, not much else connected father and daughter except for a strained relationship marked by disappointment, hurt, and absence. A chance encounter brought the two back together again, sparking an extraordinarily moving journey of love and forgiveness in the face of mental illness, homelessness, and hardship. "Some of the earliest memories I have of my father is of him giving me Ring Pop candies whenever my mother and I would visit him," Kim, 30, told NBC News. "I had an insatiable craving for sweets and he would go behind my mother's back and sneak me gummy bears and Ring Pops.
" That was over 25 years ago, when their family was still together. Although Kim's project shaped much of her life and her decision to go to law school, the biggest impact came in 2012. All Emergency Food. A New Digital Exhibit Lets Users Write Captions About Unwitting London Pedestrians. A new digital art exhibit, Exhausting a Crowd, is a people-watcher’s dream.
We’ve all played that game where we perch ourselves at a great people-watching point in the city and imagine what that awkward couple across the street is saying, or what that shady dude checking his phone in the alley is texting, or what that pigeon really thinks about humanity. Now you can play it online with a whole bunch of unwitting Londoners—quote bubbles and all. The super fun digital installation is called Exhausting a Crowd, and it comes courtesy of tech-minded artist Kyle McDonald, who arranged it for a new exhibition on “the public realm and urban experience” at the Victoria and Albert Museum. At the project website you’ll find footage of London’s Piccadilly Circus shot over a 12-hour period on May 17-18.
A cursor allows users to draw a line and caption the words, thoughts, or actions of the people in the scene. Think: Pop-Up Video meets London’s heavily surveilled city center meets lots of selfies. High Tech v. Slow Food. Eat real food. This is the advice of a thousand health advocates at a thousand typewriters in a thousand books. The problem is definitional: What is real food? A thinking person can weed out the obvious imposters created by corporations who aren’t overwhelmingly concerned about public health or good: froot flavor, cheezy goodness. But for the past few years, food has been reimagined by our fin-de-millennium heroes—technology entrepreneurs—who we assume are creating more products that will make the world a better place. In the past five years or so, Silicon Valley, through its individual billionaires and hedge funds, has pumped more than a billion dollars into food technology ($250 million in the past month alone), including creating high-end food substitutes.
When dumpster diving pays off — big time. A Silicon Valley recycling centre is still searching for a woman who dropped off a first-generation Apple computer thought to be worth $200,000 US. But other tales of lost-and-found treasures abound, from priceless artworks to winning lottery tickets to precious musical instruments. They include: Soup-slurping student sparks ban on food in exams at University of Waterloo - Kitchener-Waterloo. Thanks to a hungry student who brought a bowl of noodle soup to a final exam, the University of Waterloo senate has amended exam rules and banned students from bringing in food and water bottles with labels. The ban stems from a complaint lodged by a student about another student in a final exam in April 2014. "This particular student ... was complaining about there was a student who actually had a bowl of, it sounds like soup or something. Because the student was actually slurping their noodles during the final examination," said Ray Darling, the University of Waterloo registrar.
Bathroom design has much 'Room for Improvement' - Home. The sink in the central hall of Villa Savoye, built in 1958 and designed by Swiss architects Le Corbusier and his cousin Pierre Jeanneret. (Timothy Brown, Flickr cc) Bathroom design in most Canadian homes has hardly changed in a hundred years. And despite some noble attempts to re-imagine it.. it's surprisingly difficult for people to accept changes to the way bathrooms are designed. But many experts say it's time to take our lavatories into the 21st Century.
3 Ways to Responsibly and Compassionately Respond to Panhandling. I’ve moved to the other side of the street to avoid it. I’ve lowered my eyes so that I didn’t have to acknowledge it. I’ve brushed it off with excuses to make me feel a little less guilty. Winnipeg woman caught up in international sex assault investigation - Manitoba. A Winnipeg woman is part of an international investigation into an Italian military police officer who allegedly drugged and sexually assaulted some of the women he connected with on the popular online travel website India Grows, Canada Disappears: Mapping Countries By Population : Goats and Soda. Can you find Australia and Canada? Organ donation ethics: How health-care workers decide who gets a transplant - Health. With organs a scarce commodity for the many patients needing transplants, doctors are forced into making tough decisions that sometimes determine who gets to live.
Eugenie Bouchard asked to 'twirl' by on-court presenter - CBC Sports - Tennis. Art for Kids Hub. Students Learn A Powerful Lesson About Privilege. The Top 14 Student Activism Stories of The Year. Share A core mission of StudentNation is to highlight the frequent but often overlooked instances of student and youth engagement with critical political, economic and cultural questions. This round-up below offers an incomplete but illustrative survey of the scope and breadth of student activism currently.
Student Protests in Europe and Canada. Believe it or not, this is the best time to be alive. Nevada Bill Proposes Driver's License Suspension For Low-Performing Students. Lawmakers in Nevada considered a bill on Monday that would allow the state to suspend a student's driver's license for poor academic performance. Clark County School Board proposed Assembly Bill 64 to the Assembly Education Committee as a way to boost their district's low graduation rate -- a meager 63.8 percent, according to a Las Vegas Sun article. E-cigarettes surpass regular smoking by U.S. teens, survey finds - Health.
Electronic cigarettes have surpassed traditional smoking in popularity among teens, the U.S. government's annual drug use survey finds. Even as tobacco smoking by teens dropped to new lows, the use of e-cigarettes reached levels that surprised researchers. TV viewers angry that man didn't get eaten alive by giant snake - Your Community. Egyptian mummy's coffin opened by U.S. scientists for conservation work. Drama in the ESL Classroom. Samsung Galaxy Ace II x explodes causing bedroom fire - Toronto. Anchor Tracey Spicer ditches makeup to protest 'extreme grooming' ‘I noticed you left your lights on’: Edmonton Good Samaritan’s note goes viral. The problem with #slacktivism. Pornography, kids and sex education: what to do? - Health.
Edward O. Wilson on what aliens will look like and why. Malaysia Airlines' "Bucket List" and six other memorable marketing blunders. Microbiome: Unique bacterial cloud follows you everywhere. How to keep your private photos from running wild on the web. 25 Of The Most Dangerous And Unusual Journeys To School In The World. Uzi gun death accident exposes debate about children and guns. A 16-Year-Old Kid In Ferguson Says More With A Marker And A Piece Of Paper Than All The Media Did.
Learning Resources. Four Years Of 'This I Believe' Chicago Homeless People as Hotspots? Tattoo removal business booming as inked teens grow up. Community gardens ripped up along Arbutus corridor. Dying Sierra Leone Dr. Sheik Umar Khan never told Ebola drug was available - Health. Derek Jeter's head profiled in New Jersey corn maze - CBC Sports - Baseball - MLB. Kilobots robot swarm coordinates to form shapes. Real Transformers? Self-assembling paper robots invented. Readers_theater_sources.pdf. PTSD clues gleaned from passengers on terrifying flight - Health. Robin Williams has a tickle fight with Gorilla. [VIDEO] Risk-Glorifying Video Games Increase Deviant Behaviors in Some Teens. Rosetta arrives at comet destination. A Murphy Bed Is A Thing You Don't Know You Need ... Here's An Apartment With 3 Of Them. The Scientific Reason Why Wearing Certain Clothes Can Make You More Artistic. Live Through This with Andrew Kauffman.
Eating disorder patient seeks $60K online for health care - Health. 5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women. Essay Topics. MAN. Calgary school ends honour roll program because of hurt feelings. Blaming the victim? Emily Yoffe’s sexual assault prevention advice - Blog Central, Teitel page. White Coat, Black Art with Dr. Brian Goldman. Homeless Man Who Returned $40,000 Finds Out That Karma Is Just The Greatest. 'I Am Malala': The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban. Cliff jump kills Salmon Arm man - British Columbia. Flavoured tobacco picked by 52% of teen smokers in survey - Health. Magic Potion Book for Kids.
Student science experiment finds plants won't grow near Wi-Fi router. Canadiens@School. Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History. Inanimate Alice - Homepage. Spies in the shadows. The great escape: Inky the octopus legs it to freedom from aquarium.