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Crochet fun. Youtube. Youtube. Stepping Stones Bracelet. Nice beads bracelets. Beaded Ring for Girl. Odd Count Peyote Stitch. 3d Tutorial.
Earrings. Bezeled beads o crystals and stones. Bell and Bouquet Pendant Tutorial: PDF and Video Instructions. Better beads. Elegant Black Trio Necklace Part 1 of 2, handmade jewelry by Mariel.
Lady in Waiting Necklace. (Tutorial) Enchanted Star Component PART 1 (Video 73)
Beading4perfectionists: Capricho bracelet with Swarovski and Miyuki The next level beading tutorial. Beading4perfectionists : Capricho Bracelet myuki and Swarovski tutorial.
More beads
Beading4perfectionists : Basic netted necklace for beginning beaders beading tutorial. Beading4perfectionists : Beginners bracelet to match the ring beading tutorial. Artbeads Mini Tutorial - Odd-Count Peyote with Leslie Rogalski. Artbeads Mini Tutorial - Right Angle Weave with Leslie Rogalski. How to make a coin ring maker.((( explained )))
Curling the Edges of a Coin Ring without a Ring Press. Beading4perfectionists : How to bezel an 18mm Swarovski Rivoli beading tutorial ( part 1)
Beading4perfectionists: Stich 4: Basic ladder / square stich (looming without loom) beading tutorial. Beading4perfectionists : Russian spiral seedbead bracelet beginners beading tutorial. Beading4perfectionists : Very basic beginners ring with Swarovski beads beading tutorial. Make Double Sided Rings out of Coins - Secrets and Tips. Square Stitch Beads. Beaded Dutch Spiral Howto. Artbeads Mini Tutorial - Even-Count Peyote with Leslie Rogalski. How to Contrast a Silver Coin Ring - Patina Finish. Beading4perfectionists : "The lazy bezel" around a 16mm Rivoli beading tutorial (pendant)
Braided Harringbone Bracelet. Beading4perfectionists : Dutch Spiral necklace beginners beading tutorial. Twisted Tubular Herringbone Stitch. Let it Snowflake Earrings Beading Tutorial by HoneyBeads. Quilting. How To Make A Shamballa Style Bracelet. °tuto fimo° cane orange.
TUTO fimo canne pomme. Window Cat Family - revised for humans to follow.
I keep forgetting that people just can't read my mind.
Thank you to KittyDobson for pointing out the confusion inherent to the instructions for the window cats posted here previously. Yikes! Apologies, y'all. It was one of my first attempts at writing things down and I'm still figuring out how to do it smoothly and with some elegance... or at least not littered with editor foibles.
I am always open to questions and editing suggestions. Here's the revised version: (free PDF availabe at my section of the Ravelry store) Window Cats C. Enjoy Cecinatrix. Polymer clay: Millefiori cane "The Rose" - ENG Series. Strawberry Cane: Polymer Clay (basic method)
Millefiori cane: Fiore Fantasmino (polymer clay tutorial)
Ciondolo di Malva (polymer clay tutorial)
Millefiori green striped flower cane. NIGHT OUT NECKLACE from Polymer Clay with Mica Powders - ポリマークレイ ; 폴리머 클레이. How to make a retro petal cane. °tuto fimo° cane citron. Tutorial Millefiori Cane: Bordeaux Flower (polymer clay tutorial)
Perle a Fiori Lilla (tutorial)
Collana dischetti fioriti (fimo tutorial polymer clay tutorial)
Monet Cane Revisited August 2001 Polyzine. Millefiori cane: Blue Anemone Flower_ polymer clay tutorial / fimo tutorial. Tutorial Millefiori cane: Fiore a Doppio Petalo ( Double Petal Flower millefiori cane. Millefiori cane Farfalla - Butterfly millefiori cane (polymer clay) [ENG SUB]
Millefiori cane: Fiore di Malva (polymer clay tutorial)
Paper roses and butterflies - ENG Series. Orecchini Ibiscus in pasta polimerica - Hibiscus earrings [ENG SUB]
Tuto Fimo - Cane fleur simple 6 pétales 6 couleurs. Tutorial Paste Polimeriche: come realizzare una cane "S"
Rockfish Boxes August 2001 Polyzine. Now I'll cut the fish off the rock using a fresh, sharp, Exacto blade.
I'll do this while they're still hot! I know other people do it differently. If you can get the clay off when it's cooled, without stretching or splitting it, by all means, go for it! Some people may prefer to take the clay off the rock at the BASE clay stage. Then they can do repairs on any splits they may make and then cover the repairs up with the embellishment layers.
I think I get a tighter, more seamless, fit the way I do it, and I find it easier to apply the embellishment layers with the rock still inside to press against. You should do whatever works best for you after experimenting a bit. The inclination, when cutting, is to cut the fish into two uneven sized pieces, one short and one long. I also don't try to make my cuts straight.
Tutorial Murrina cuadrada - mosaico. TUTORIAL MARIPOSA FIMO ARCILLA POLIMERICA. Fimo Tutorial: Cane Millefiori Geisha. How to Cap and Finish Herringbone Ropes. When it comes to creating beadwork jewelry, it’s the little details that can make or break a piece.
Finishing designs - adding fringe, clasps, and other components - is just as important as the main beadwork stitches, color choices, and focal elements that make up a whole piece. Recently a reader asked about my finishing technique for herringbone ropes.
Getting Crafty. °tuto fimo° cane kiwi. Tutorials. Spring is definitely here in the UK and flowers are popping up all over so today I thought I'd share a tutorial for these quick and easy flower tendril earrings.
To make these you will need two 8" lengths of 19/20 gauge wire, 2 flower beads or similar flat disc beads with reasonably small holes and 1 pair of ear wires. You'll also need a hand torch, wire cutters, round and needle nose pliers, looping pliers or other round tool and a file. Please excuse the state of my hands in these photos - much neglected at the best of times and not helped by my thumb having a mishap with a door hinge at the weekend! Step 1 Using the hand torch ball up the ends of the wires so that they won't pass through the holes in the beads.
Make A 3 Row Shamballa Bracelet. Repurposed Hardcover Book to Notebook Tutorial.
I’ve told you before I’m a bit obsessed with books.
I love all books where I intend to read them or not. A local library has a huge book sale every year where you can pick up a grocery bag of books for $3! So at the last sale I picked up a big stack of hard cover books to be repurposed. Don’t worry, I’m not destroying literary classics, and I use all parts of the book so nothing is wasted. Today we are just working with the outside hard cover to create this new notebook. What you need-Hardcover bookPaperDecorative paperSmall bit of ribbonPaper cutterWhite glueHot gluePadding compound (optional)Clamps or bulldog clipsFirst you need to cut the pages out of your book so your just left with the cover. Slather on a nice layer of white glue to the inside of your cover. Apply your decorative paper. Also cut a piece of thin recycled cardboard the size of your notepad and a piece of decorative paper about 3 inches by the width of your notepad (this will be used to wrap the top edge of the pad).
9 Pillowcases and 1 easy Tutorial. The deadline for Craft Hope Project 9: Pillowcases is just a couple weeks away.
So I figured it was time to get sewing. Especially since some of the moms in Lucy’s preschool were grouping together to send a big package of Pillowcases to ConKerr Cancer. Even easier! I cleaned out my fabric stash and bought a few new colorful prints (stuff I might not normally use but they seemed very kid friendly. It reminded me of the times as a kid when we gathered food from our cupboards for a homeless shelter and I immediately picked all the things I did not want sitting around our house, since they might end up on my own plate.
Gifts To Make For Your Man: Free PDF. Developers Console. Useful Life Hacks « The Bored Ninja - Fun, Interesting, and Cool Stuff on the Internet. Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website:
Pearltrees tips
Discs n' Diamonds (Bracelet Tutorial)
DIY. Beaded bracelet tutorial. Браслет из бисера и бусин: подробный видео мастер-класс. Burnished Lace Bracelet Redux. Sticks & Leaves and Moons & Stars Bracelet (Alternate to Dots & Ruffles)
Pearltrees videos. Beaded Cuff Demo. Spring Ruffle Bracelet Tutorial. Trampas Bisuteria: TUTORIAL ESTRELLA. Tutorial: ciondolo con perline Twin o Superduo / Pendant with Twin or Superduo beads (bead work)
Sidonia's handmade jewelry - Vintage Swarovski beaded earrings. Цветок / Мастер-классы / Бусинка. Я использовала — бисер 2-х цветов.
Один основной, второй отделочный. Общий вес примерно 25гр. — бусинки 3 мм, 25шт — риволи 14мм — бисер 8/0 25 бусин. — нитка S-lon 1. Набираем 5 бусин основного цвета и 1 отделочного. повторяем еще 3 раза 2. 3. В конце ряда проходим через 2 бусины, чтобы подняться на новый ряд 4. продолжаем плести мозаикой. 5. 6. 7. у одного из квадратиков надо доплести один ряд на двух сторонах. 8. 9. 10. Загибаем нижние уголки наверх, получается треугольник.
А теперь нужно сжать по ребру, чтобы оно привратилось в плоскость. 11. Прошиваем край отделочным бисером 12.Шьем еще 4 таких лепестка. 13. Переворачиваем на другую сторону. бисер 8/0 шьем мозаикой, на лепестках бусина 3мм 14. Вставляем риволи и зашиваем задник 15. Чтобы лепестки хорошо легли, я вставляю бисеринку. Наш цветок готов А теперь можно решить что это будет кулон, брошь, заколка или часть колье. Sarubbest - Tutorial perline (Peyote): Come fare quadrato o triangolo bucati con perline 1/2. Pondo Stitch. Колье. Всем привет!
МК подойдет и начинающим. Вроде все подробно старалась снимать. Начнем. Нам понадобится - 20 гр одного цвета или по 10 гр двух цветов бисера.
Garden Path Bracelet. Make an AccordiO Stitch Bracelet. Make an O Scale Bracelet. Fancy Seed Bead Flowers Bracelet Tutorial. (Tutorial) Dream Wedding Necklace Set PART 1 (Video 58)
Triangle Dangle Necklace Tutorial. Burnish Lace Necklace FREE Pattern. This pretty necklace is made using 4mm Fire-polished crystals, 11° seed beads and the new 2 Hole Chexx Squarelets.
It curves beautifully around the neck, but would also make a pretty bracelet and you can make it in half the time. What Bead FX says about this new bead is "Another new shape to add to your bead weaving. These are fairly thick for their size, and have two holes on a 3 mm center. Technically - these are ALSO a two hole square tile , but in this case, the holes run vertically from front to back, from one large face of the bead to the other.
" So if you want to add a bit of dimension to your necklace, you might want to try these new beads.
Make a Greek Cross Bracelet (Seed Beading 395)
daddysbabygirl Jul 11 2012
Thank u have a real busy schedule this week so won't take the time to learn about it till after prob wednesday I'll need lots of help lol