Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless. The Alignment System. A creature's general moral and personal attitudes are represented by its alignment: lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil. Alignment is a tool for developing your character's identity. It is not a straitjacket for restricting your character. Each alignment represents a broad range of personality types or personal philosophies, so two characters of the same alignment can still be quite different from each other. In addition, few people are completely consistent. Good vs. Evil Good characters and creatures protect innocent life. "Good" implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. "Evil" implies hurting, oppressing, and killing others.
People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Being good or evil can be a conscious choice. Law vs. Personality Types. Members Login Log in to your account below: Enter your e-mail address to receive a reset link. Forgot password? Not a member yet? Take our personality test and join in the results screen! Personality types Analysts “Architect” Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything. “Logician” Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. “Commander” Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way – or making one.
“Debater” Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge. Diplomats “Advocate” Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists. “Mediator” Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause. “Protagonist” Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners. “Campaigner” Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile. Sentinels “Logistician” Practical and fact-minded individuals, whose reliability cannot be doubted. “Defender” “Executive” “Consul” What colors say about you… PersonalityTypes.pdf. Psychology Reading Test - Cognitive Psychology. Personality Test. Mental Heuristics Page. A heuristic is a "rule-of-thumb", advice that helps an AI program or human think and act more efficiently by directing thinking in an useful direction.
Some of these heuristics are age-old wisdom, bordering on cliche, but most are actually helpful. If you want something done, do it yourself Comment: Obviously true, and doing it is usually very good for your self esteem. A surprising amount of work can be done this way, and experts are not always necessary. However, there is a risk of becoming overworked if you try to do everything yourself - we all need other people after all. Never procrastinate anything you can do right now Comment: Very powerful. When you have several things you could be doing and don't know which to do: Just do any one of them! Comments: If you cannot decide between two or more possibilities, then there is a good chance that the differences don't matter. Always assume that you will succeed If you can't find a solution, change the rules. Up to the Mental Enhancement Page. Personality Type Test - Influence & Personality Psychology. Posted in Influence & Personality PsychologyPrint | Permalink Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud theorised that our personality development is based on childhood events and labelled personality types such as analy retentive and oral.
Find out your personality type by answering these questions: Find out if you're fixated at one of Freud's stages - take the test... (Complete report available on subscription) Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following stages. Be honest in your answers, as this will improve the accuracy of the report. Sign Up for Full Access Access hundreds of theories, approaches, study and experiment overviews, plus a range of psychology guides including Body Language Reading and How to Interpret Your Dreams. Sign Up Today › Tagged as: FixationTestPersonality TypeFreud. Color Survey Results. Who in the rainbow can draw the line where the violet tint ends and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blendingly enter into the other?
So with sanity and insanity. —Herman Melville, Billy Budd Orange, red? I don’t know what to believe anymore! —Anonymous, Color Survey I WILL EAT YOUR HEART WITH A FUCKING SPOON IF YOU AKS ANY MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT COLORS —Anonymous, Color Survey Thank you so much for all the help on the color survey. First, a few basic discoveries: If you ask people to name colors long enough, they go totally crazy. Overall, the results were really cool and a lot of fun to analyze. Sex By a strange coincidence, the same night I first made the color survey public, the webcomic Doghouse Diaries put up this comic (which I altered slightly to fit in this blog, click for original): So I was feeling pretty good about equality. Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among women: RGB Values Map.