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Mission San Francisco: Roadtrip Interactif. DEMO Africa : Les candidatures sont ouvertes. Damien Van Achter sur Twitter : "Tristan Kromer (@trikro): "Defining your own criteria of success" #startup #entrepreneurship. "Tristan Kromer : Defining your own criteria of success by NEST'up. NEST'up by CW sur Twitter : "Rencontre avec @cedricdonck autour du Design Thinking pour bien commencer la semaine #nestup #startup. L'Echo sur Twitter : "Un objectif: créer 10.000 #startups et 100.000 emplois en 5 ans! @xdamman @karenboers @davanac. Ce que veulent les start-ups en 5 revendications. Tim Gouteux sur Twitter : "NEST'up starts today ! It's #innovation time for the startups here ! #startup @NEST_up...

Lab.Davanac. © Mapbox © OpenStreetMap Improve this map. From Palo Alto to Beyrouth, helping transitioning systems. David Munir Nabti (AltCity) | #labdavanac. Discovering new ways to foster ideas and entrepreneurship is one of my favorite sport these days, and even more when it concerns building media business. So, when Julien Le Bot asked me, with some old chaps, to attend the launch of the 4M Mashreq Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq) New Media Startup Program he’s leading, I didn’t hesitate much and packed my bag for a short but exciting trip to Beyrouth.

This program, led by Canal France International, in collaboration with AltCity and SKEyes, aims “to support online news providers and promote plurality in the media and diversity of editorial content. It is designed to contribute to the production and transmission of independent, top-quality news that reflects a changing society. What I discovered there was not only a coworking space and a bunch of tech savvy guys, but also a vibrant community of makers and digital empowerers. “What can be done for places who need it the most ?” Deadline for receipt of applications: 3 February 2014. / Twitter. Startup Advice and Strategy: What is the perfect startup team. Roald : .@davanac sharing the experience... Startup Weekend Mons. Invalid quantity. Please enter a quantity of 1 or more. The quantity you chose exceeds the quantity available. Please enter your name. Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address.

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European Commission Press release Brussels, 16 July 2012 State aid: Commission invites comments on use of state aid rules for supporting risk capital investments In the context of its state aid modernisation initiative (SAM) (see IP/12/458), the European Commission has launched a review of the risk capital guidelines as amended on 1/12/2010, which outline the criteria for assessing the compatibility of public support measures in this field.

The review starts with a public consultation, seeking stakeholders' views on the functioning of the guidelines since their adoption in 2006 and in particular on market developments concerning the supply of equity and debt finance to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). In light of the submissions received and its own experience in applying the guidelines, the Commission will propose revised draft guidelines in 2013, with a view to contributing to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Background. Week#25: 30 articles que vous n’avez peut-être pas lus cette semaine. Bravo aux 2 gagnantes des "ELLE Business Awards" ! - Damien Van Achter. Je n’ai ni MBA en économie ni master en ingénierie fiscale, mais cela fait un petit bout de temps maintenant que j’observe et apprends à comprendre les dynamiques et les mécaniques financières liées au lancement d’un produit, d’un service … essentiellement dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies, boulot oblige.

Mon choix de rejoindre OWNI/22Mars en début de cette année n’était d’ailleurs pas anodin tant la soucoupe m’apparaissait comme l’endroit idéal pour innover et me confronter aux réalités de l’entreprenariat. Cette aventure est proprement passionnante et c’est vraiment avec beaucoup de plaisir que je participe à l’effort de guerre que représente son financement, mois après mois.

Je dois bien avouer que c’est ici aussi parce que le “courant” passait bien avec les bonhommes, Olivier, Ivan et Antoine dans un premier temps, avec le reste de la bande aussi par la suite, que je me suis laissé entrainer. Web two point naught: watching the shutdown of free web 2.0 services. In recent days a number of modestly successful online social and productivity services have been scheduled for decommisioning. Pownce is being turned off as that team moves to Six Apart, and I Want Sandy is going away as Rael moves to Twitter. You will see more systems get acquired and shut down with graceful exits, and some exits will not be so graceful. There seem to be multiple common reasons why upstart systems get wiped out in times of economic crisis. If your traffic is not growing and you aren't attracting legions of superstar users, it starts to look expensive to bet against a bigger rival. Even if you do manage to pull off steady growth in usage the test may be scaling up your infrastructure to keep pace with demand.

If the dot com crash is any predictor of future consolidation, look for the survival of systems that address some specific real need of some narrow niche and that don't have to grow to planetary size to be profitable. Web 2.0 is over. How Tech Start-ups Are Trying to Overthrow Old Media. On any given day in New York City, there are usually close to a dozen, if not more, “meetups” for people who work for tech start-ups. There are NY Tech Meetups, monthly events that can attract nearly a thousand people to an auditorium at the Fashion Institute of Technology, where developers have five minutes to demonstrate what their technologies do and then get to network with the venture capitalists and entrepreneurs and bloggers and assorted hangers-on in attendance afterward at Black Door, a bar on West 26th Street.

There are breakfasts for Women in New Media and for entrepreneurs in North Brooklyn, poker games at the apartment-slash-office of a start-up in Harlem called SpeakerText, Ping-Pong nights at SPiN New York, and dinners for the residents of a Union Square incubator called Dogpatch Labs. How Tech Start-ups Are Trying to Overthrow Old Media. Y Combinator presents 26 new startups. Startup incubator Y Combinator is hosting its semi-annual Demo Day today. Twice a year, the Mountain View, Calif. -based incubator parades its latest batch of companies onstage to present before potential investors. This afternoon, 26 companies will pitch their business plans. Approximately half of them have not yet launched.

We’ll be in Mountain View to cover the ones that catch our fancy. Y Combinator companies generally receive about $5,000 plus an additional $5,000 per founder and are relocated to Y Combinator’s Mountain View destination for three months, in return for a 2-10% ownership. Below are 21 of the companies presenting today that agreed to be mentioned, along with descriptions that they provided. LaunchHear Founders: Alex Krupp, Allan Young LaunchHear is a platform for introducing new & unreleased products to digital influencers. NewsLabs Founders: Paul Biggar, Nathan Chong NewsLabs turns an experienced offline journalist into VentureBeat or TechCrunch for their niche. Y Combinator presents 26 new startups.