Www.acacamps.org/sites/default/files/images/education/explore30/2011-Explore30-Impact-Report.pdf. Monthly Activity Calendars. Www.rif.org/assets/Documents/parents/reading_aloud.pdf. Reading Resources from Explore 30 Partners- Sesame Workshop (The Electric Company) Shop for Design Your Own Rubber Duckie, Ducks, Rubber Ducks. Plus tons of other stunning Ducks party supplies, favors, and decorations. A Classic Rubber Duck for Any Occasion The design your own rubber duck is a rubber ducky fit for any party. Complete your ducky river race, or duck pond carnival game with this rubber duck. 12 ducks per package.2″ long, 2″ wide, and 2″ tall.Made of rubber.Floats in the position in which the ducky lands.Does not squeak.White rubber duck, create your own design!
For extra fun, fill with water then squeeze to shoot water out of the beak. These rubber ducks are ideal for duck carnival games and river races. Or just throw some rubber ducks in a tub or pool for instant fun. Never been in charge of a duck race fundraiser before? Never been in charge of the duck pond game before? Bettycrocker.com/recipes/Recipe.aspx?recipeId=37705. Plastic Bead Mixtures - Mixtures - Shipwreck Beads. Seed Beads Preciosa Ornela rocaille seed beads are by far our most popular and versatile seed bead available.
Preciosa Ornela rocaille seed beads are of superior quality, machine cut, and are highly valued for their use in bead stringing, bead weaving, embroidery and much much more! Preciosa seed beads are proven to be of the upmost value, and demonstrate the highest level of shape consistency. Shop Swarovski by Color Shopping for sensational SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS just got simpler! Shop all Swarovski shapes, styles and sizes in every one of these splendid shades! JBB International JBB International is a major manufacturer of superior Sterling Silver, Brass, Copper and Pewter cast beads, findings and charms. Bone Pendants Check out our bone pendants. Video: Linear Necklace Design Ribbon Necklaces Quickly and easily transform your favorite pendant into an alluringly feminine necklace with one of our ribbon necklaces. All Camp battleship.
Description Our LITs create a new evening activity each year. This summer, their version was "Water Balloon Battleship.” They hung black plastic down the middle of the sports field, about 6 feet high. They placed camper-sized grids on the ground with string so that each camper can stand in a separate box, maybe 25 x 25 boxes on a side so four cabins can play on each side at a time. The campers were lined up in battle groups of 3, 4 or 5 like the ships in the board game.
The opposing sides can not see each others’ grid so on a count, the sides take turns lobbing water balloons over. Each side took turns tossing the water balloons over the screen, each camper taking a turn from their square. It was a huge success, with only a few hundred water balloons thrown at directors in several ambush attempts! - YES! Requirements Water Balloons, Plastic Tarps Objective Get Wet!
View Similar Submissions: · Camp Staff Resources > All-Camp Activities. Filmmaking 101. The many aspects of filmmaking can’t all be expressed in a short article, but here are a few helpful tips to get you on your way: Like everything else at summer camp, one of the most important things for a successful project is preparation. Preparation and proper planning will help you run a smooth and efficient production. Figuring out what you want to shoot beforehand will save you the worry of it during production and allow you to focus on how to shoot it.
Sit down alone or with the members of your team and brainstorm exactly what you want to shoot. What kind of video are you making? What do you want to say? It’s helpful during this time to come up with an outline for your video. If you’re working with a team, this is the time to assign positions for everyone involved. You’re ready to start shooting, so here are some basic filming tips. It is always advisable to make a list of all the shots you need. There are two different types of light: Sunlight and man-made light. . - YES! Teen Missions International | Make the Wordless Book | Wordless Bracelet. Each color of the Wordless Book / Wordless Bracelet represents an important Bible truth about Salvation BLACK – Sin Romans 3:23 | All have sinned RED – Blood I John 1:7 | Jesus’ blood covers all sin WHITE – Pure Psalm 51:7 | Jesus washes away confessed sin YELLOW – Heaven John 14:2 | Believe on Jesus and receive Eternal Life GREEN – Grow 2 Peter 3:18 | Grow in the knowledge of the Lord Instructions for making the Wordless Book Supplies Needed: The Wordless Book is a simple, easy to make evangelism tool Felt Material in the colors listed below: (Felt is the most durable) -Black (2 1/2″ x 3″ square) -Red (2 1/2″ x 3″ square) -White (2 1/2″ x 3″ square) -Yellow (2 1/2″ x 3″ square) -Green (5″ x 3″ rectangle) Needle and Thread Directions: 1. 2. 3.
The seam should bind the book and its pages together. Variations: Braided yarn can be used to hold the booklet together. Your Wordless Book doesn’t have to be square. example: heartshapes are cute, although time consuming. Round Pony Beads 1 each -Black -Red 1. 2010 Camp Craft No. 2: Paracord bracelets. These paracord bracelets were a hit at girls camp. As you can see, even some of the male camp leaders joined in. I got the idea from Stormdrane at Instructables.com. His tutorial is excellent, but although the site pictures two-color bracelets, he doesn’t explain how to make a two-color bracelet. I wanted to keep it simple for camp anyway, so we made one-color bracelets. However, a few innovative girls at camp figured out one way to make them, so I’m passing the info on to you. By the way, paracord bracelets are also known as survival bracelets.
UPDATE 10/2011: Check out the fabulous video tutorials for making other survival bracelets, keychains, and sinnets at TyingItAllTogether’s YouTube Channel. 2011 Camp Craft No. 1: Stitched leather bracelets + a winner. As a kid, I was jealous of my brothers who got to do leather crafts at Boy Scout camp, while we at girls camp never did. So I was determined to teach these girls a leather project this year. We ended up doing two leather projects. This stitched leather bracelet is the first. We just used multicolored thread, but you can go crazy with your designs by adding ribbon, beads, buttons, etc.
(I know. I still owe you lots of tutorials from my craft room and dining room makeovers. This bracelet was inspired by a souvenir my friend Kristi brought home from Mexico. Tutorial and photos after the jump! The picture above is our Craft Shack where we did all our crafting. I couldn’t have done it without Amy Beth at Tandy Leather. Funny story. Before I get into the stitched leather bracelet tutorial, I wanted to announce the winner of Isabela’s leather coffee sleeve. How to make a stitched leather bracelet Supplies 2 pieces of thin leather (we used a finished upholstery split that I found on clearance. 1. DIY Wrap Bracelet.
You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists. The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. It’s so simple and addicting, you’ll soon be churning out these wristlets with your eyes closed. You’ll need (for a double wrapped bracelet) :* Lengths will vary depending on the size of your wrist (see comments for suggestions). Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist. When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times.
Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot. Trim with scissors and your wrap bracelet is finished!! The materials are listed for a double wrap bracelet. It’s a party! Summer Camp Program Director | Making a Music Video – A Great Summer Camp Project. I came across the video below the other day and thought, “How fun would it be to get some kids together and make a video like that?!”. It would be a fantastic summer camp project. What makes this video so great is that everybody in the video is so into it. I love that. I’m sure your campers will really get into it as well, especially if they know that the whole camp will get a chance to see it. Here’s how to get started. Choose an appropriate song, something meaningful.Get some staff together (or some of the older campers) and plan out the basics of the video.Get your kids together and have each of them take a part of the song to lip sync.
Sure it may not look as polished as the video here (they have professional equipment), but you’re sure to have a great time. University Lipdub (HS Furtwangen) from DASKAjA on Vimeo. Summer Camp Program Director | Thing-a-ma-jig…An Evening Program. I don’t remember where I first read about this evening activity but I can tell you that the times I ran it the campers really got into the whole thing.
The idea is that the cabin groups find different items in the forest and their cabins to create a Thing-a-ma-jig. The Thing-a-ma-jig must have a purpose. It doesn’t matter what purpose it serves (it could be totally made up, such as “a trap for forest fairies”). Each Thing-a-ma-jig must be made up of mostly things you would find in the forest (or around your camp). Cabin groups can use twine, glue, etc to bind the items together, but that should be all they need from their cabins or craft shack.
During dinner explain that each group must gather their items and create their Thing-a-ma-jig. After dinner give the groups a good amount of time to create their product, write their sales pitch and practice. You can give prizes to the winners of each village or unit. Summer Camp Program Director | The Case of the Missing Forks. Short stories for children to TEACH VALUES. Fabric Painted Tie Dye Shirts. Tie dye is totally cool, and it’s fun, but it’s messy and time consuming and requires quite a few steps.
With tie dye you need to have hot water, a separate tub for each color if using Rit dye, and heat setting is required. Making tie dye shirts with multiple colors requires squirt bottles with separate colors and oh boy, what a mess! I assure you, the shirts you see pictured here were created with far less mess and didn’t require anything special. No rubber bands, no hot water, they don’t even require heat setting! All you need is the paint. Several years ago, back in 2001, I wrote an article on how to make easy tie dye shirts using Rit dyes. Late last summer I received a Spray on Fabric Paint Kit from Simply Spray Fabric Paints.
Recently I was wearing a white shirt and got a grease stain on it, right in the front. I’ve seen these paints at Michael’s, so look for them next time you hit the craft store! Shake the can and spray. Keep opening the shirt up to see your progress. There. Games | CampLeadership.org. About.com: Summer Camp Program Director | Themes. This is a guest post by Jed Buck of Meadowbrook Country Day Camp, www.meadowbrookdaycamp.com, in response to the comments left on the post Theme of the Day – Cruise Ship. You can reach Jed at jed@meadowbrookdaycamp.com. We did Cruise ship week a few years ago at Meadowbrook Day Camp. Here’s how we did it… Each day was a different port. Monday was a Bon Voyage party. During the rest of the week, we “visited” a different port each day that allowed us to do fun and unique activities for each. As the buses pulled into Camp each morning, there was a different themed sign each day welcoming them to the specific port.
We chose the following ports with the following activities: Bahamas: We did resort games at the pool, Caribbean decorations, a Steel Drummer at the pool, and tropical tattoos. Alaska: We did a series of contests for campers involving “snow and ice”. Hawaii: We gave out Leis the night before and everyone dressed tropical and wore them to Camp. Thanks, Jed. Monopoly. Description This version of Monopoly has the same objective as the board game: to end up with all of the money and property and bankrupt your opponents. It still involves rolling dice and moving around a board, but in this rendition each property on the board represents a building or location in Camp. So, when your team lands on a property they then have to physically go to its associated game area and play a game against another team.
Both teams then return to the main meeting point and roll the dice again…and so on. Teams are named after the board-game pieces that represent them, such as Hats, Cars, Boots and the like. Each team starts the game with $1,000,000 in Camp cash. Each team also has a finance committee of 2 boys and 2 girls (from the oldest group of campers) and 1 counselor advisor in charge of making purchase and sale decisions. Teams roll the dice in turn and have the option of buying what they land on, if that property is not already owned by someone else. An End Note... Quick and Easy Camp Crafts: Summer Vacation Stationary. Seasonal: Winter Arts/Crafts. Updated January, 2013 First talk about how igloos are made and their use. I've read that you can use either sugar cubes and frosting or ice cubes and salt which helps stick the cubes together ---but the below is one of the most complete methods I've seen.
I copied it long ago but don't remember from where...sorry. Start by laying a base row of sugar cubes around a 7-inch-diameter cardboard circle, leaving space for the entrance. Using a mortar of 2 egg whites mixed with 3 cups confectioners' sugar, add subsequent layers of cubes, one row at a time, decreasing the circumference gradually as you go. Apply the mortar to the top cubes, not to those already in place. Be sure to work alternately left and right from the entrance toward the back of the igloo and stagger the cubes the way a builder lays bricks. Build a total of 10 layers, stopping halfway through the construction to let the igloo dry.
Sample photos courtesy of More mom time... Materials:White glue Shaving cream Paper Paintbrush 1. 3.