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ASTD2014: Anders Gronstedt on Transmedia Storytelling for Learning. Convert_Learning_To_Stories-Worksheet.pdf. Matthew McConaughey winning Best Actor. How to convert your learning into story, step-by-step. Following a sweet true-story-based and lovely introduction from Aaron Stroud, his wife Katie takes the stage to tell us about story for learning during session W202 of ASTD2014.

How to convert your learning into story, step-by-step

She said that when she researched the topic herself, she found a lot of information about the importance of story and it’s benefits, but not much about how to actually go about developing a story for learning purposes. I’m glad to hear this, because I had the same experience. Of course, I have lots of little story-examples that I occasionally use to illustrate a point in training. They work well, people remember them and they can create some thought, humour and emotion. Techniques to engage people when you facilitate change. Dutch actor, coach, trainer and speaker Juanita Coble kicks off session #W110 on change and the importance of engaging people in the process.

Techniques to engage people when you facilitate change

Welcome to ASTD2014 day 4… According to Coble, Neuroscience tells us that when people are uncertain, they move into an “away state”. This accounts for many of the negative reactions to whatever change is going on. Starting with a role-play, Coble took the stage as an actress, playing the role of interim director, Mrs Smith. “She” wouldn’t answer my questions, “she” was very direct, seemed to think she knew it all and was overly positive, but in a strange fake way. Following Coble’s stage moment, session participants were invited to play a role and discuss their reactions to the change with “colleagues”. Thinking about one of our own changes, Coble asked us to make notes in answer to 3 different questions: “What has to go?” As the session moved on, participants were really encouraged to express their feelings about those things. I believe that.

The Seven Basic Plots. Note: This page was cut for reason: Main redirect to work.

The Seven Basic Plots

[Malady] Creating red links in 0 articles. Abandoning 40458 inbound links. You may want to ask in Ask The Tropers about whether it's safe to recreate. Inexact title. Literature/The Seven Basic Plots If you meant one of those, just click and go. Katie Stroud on Converting Learning into Story. How to convert your learning into story, step-by-step. Are stories really good? (TED Talk) Storytelling Cheat Sheet. Il y en a des possibilités!

Storytelling Cheat Sheet

Une fois vendu sur le principe et le pouvoir deshistoires, il suffit d’ouvrir vos oreilles pour les entendre partout... Honnête Riche en émotions Pas trop spécifique « quand le petit garçon vitvraiment un loup et se mit àcrier, personne ne vint à sonaide! Pour apprendre pourquoi il ne fautpas mentirHistoire de « je vous connais » adresséeaux managers « anti-histoire » « L’inimaginable se produisit: letrésor de fromage avait disparu.Grands cris !

Pour convaincre de la valeur d’unecertaine attitude face auchangement « quand j’ai trouvé sa fille 1kmplus loin sur la plage, je lui ai dit qu’iln’était pas fait pour être père…C’était à cela que je pensais 3semaines plus tard quand jecherchais désespérément ma filleFelicity au shopping. Histoire de « qui suis-je? Intonation Pas trop longue. Dan Pink starts with a story... Using Stories. What Is It About Storytelling That Helps Bring A Presentation Alive?

Using Stories

Stories work and stories have value because they help us understand. Through stories, facts and raw data gain meaning. Stories are how we best learn and visualize information. They simplify and clarify even the most complex information. They can hook an audience with emotion. We're all storytellers. We all tell stories all the time.

How to use stories. Your stories should fit within the context of your presentation, or at least tie in with your surrounding remarks. Telling your stories. Finally, as part of your preparation, practice your delivery. This Issue Click here to read our Privacy Policy. Donald Trump - skills. The Story Factor (book) At about 6.00 o'clock on Monday morning July. 19, 1987, a ragged, fatigued middle aged man of 42 collapsed near Victoria Station.

The Story Factor (book)

CCTV footage captured intermittent crowds shuffling past the dying man, no doubt assuming him to be a morning drunk. He lays there alone for a short time, dazed and in agony, doubled up with abdominal pains. Later that day police release a statement to the public - "Officers are investigating the identity and circumstances surrounding the death which is assumed to have been alcohol related. " The facts, however, suggest otherwise. Story has an effect on people that is nigh on impossible to put a finger on.

"It's like cutting the kitten in half to see why it is cute. " So what are the elusive elements that create a good story? As well as answering these questions, this is a book that sets out to put the facts straight. Appropriately enough, we are introduced to the book with a story.