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The Mersey clipper ship - Click on an image to enlarge. 1850: New Brunswick, Canada.

The Mersey clipper ship -

On the north shore of the Bay of Fundy, at the mouth of the St John River, the City of St John grew. This city became a focal point of early ship building and this historical trace is reflected in the Arms of the City today: Digital Literacy Foundation Skills (Hopkins) Create your free Blog. Kdasilva. ELearning. Education Solutions. Awesome Graphic on 21st Century Pedagogy. While I was revisiting the topic of the 21st century pedagogy which I have covered in several posts here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, I come across this awesome graph created by our colleague Andrew Churches.

Awesome Graphic on 21st Century Pedagogy

I couldn't find better and more comprehensive graphic than the one below. Andrew did a fantastic work in capturing most of the concepts that make 21st century pedagogy. I know it could have been richer in information if definitions or explanatory snippets were added to some concepts ( like for instance information literacy, media fluency, technology fluency ) but still that does not lesson from its importance as a starting point to ponder on the topic of 21st century pedagogy.

For those of you who are not familiar with the terminology included in this graphic please refer back to the posts I have published here a while ago particularly : 14 technology concepts every teacher should know about, and 6 Learning concepts for the 21st century teacher.