Reiki Healing Training Certification. Reiki I and II are taught together during a weekend intensive.
Both attunements are given. All the information and techniques for both levels are covered including: The Reiki hand positions.Giving a complete Reiki treatment for self and others.Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Dr. Usui including: Gassho meditation, Reiji-ho – developing your intuition, Byosen Scanning – detecting where Reiki is needed, Gyoshi ho – sending Reiki with the eyes, Koki ho – using the breath to send Reiki, Kenyoku – dry bathing or clearing ones energy field, Jacki-kiri Joka-ho, clearing objects of negative energy.Hayashi Healing GuideUsing Reiki for specific conditions.The Reiki II symbols, how to use them with practice time..Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits.Distant healing.192 page class manualClass certificate.CEs for massage therapy for Reiki I.
The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Deposit of $225 is due when reserving your spot. PODCASTS - NEW STOREHOUSE FOR PROFICIENCY. Podcasts are the audio notes which one can use to gain some information or know about anything they want to.
It can include - fashion trends, celebs sneak peek, sports, and all. Podcasts cover almost every topic or genre these days. The idea behind creating a podcast is to spread knowledge among the people and the listeners. It is not necessary that podcasts have to surface around or focus on just giving the informational data, a podcast can move along like a chat as well.
The podcast has become the new version of knowledge and also its new trend as well. Interview Podcast - Interview podcasts are the ones where the host is interviewing another person. Dave Shepp Consulting — Executive Leadership Coaching Program - Dave Shepp... ENTREPRENEURS ROAD MAP FOR GROWTH - Dave Shepp Consulting. With the world growing and moving ahead and taking giant leaps, each and everything is expanding.
When talking about business, this area is growing with a lot of new products, ideas, and concepts coming up every single day. Though, in terms of the business market, there’s no business that is not profitable. Each of them comes up with their own perks. Though, the only thing that guarantees the success of a startup is the creativity and uniqueness of the brand and its products. Studies and reports have shown that around 550,000 people become entrepreneurs each month. Watching out and after seeing lots of young and budding entrepreneurs in trouble, wise and experienced entrepreneurs have created services to help them. BUSINESS COACHING - Business coaching services are the ones where one is made to learn how to be a good leader, they are taught how to lead their team and brand wisely.
Dave Shepp Consulting — ENTREPRENEURS ROAD MAP FOR GROWTH - Dave Shepp... Business coaching packages. Dave Shepp Consulting — Online Business Coaching Methods - Dave Shepp... Dave Shepp Consulting — ENTREPRENEURS GUIDE TO BUSINESS - BUSINESS... Dave Shepp Consulting — Explore the benefits of an education in Reiki and... Dave Shepp Consulting. Business Coaching Services/Packages. I worked in corporate retail and training for over 25 years before I became a life and business coach.
During my career I mentored and guided many current leaders to find their life’s purpose. It is so rewarding to me when they contact me years later telling me of their progress and how they are so happy with their current position in life. I enjoy reaching into someone’s being and shaking things up. I push people outside of their comfort zone with my business coaching services and life coaching packages. If this interests you, then realize that together you and I will figure out what excites you, what inspires you, and what your life’s purpose is. Do you ever ask yourself “Why was I born? COACHING FOR PERFORMANCE – BUSINESS COACHING. Business coaching, is the term used for the process of guiding a person, how to carry out their business strategies and play out with their work, in order to get it to the place where the respective owner wants its brand to be.
It actually includes both mentoring and coaching about the business work area, but one should not merge both the terms together, as there’s a thin line difference present between them. If you are from one of the ambitious business owners out there, who expect or wish their firm to reach the highest peak in the market, then you will definitely need a business coach to guide you with the same.
A business coach is not just the person, who helps you out with your strategic plans for your business work, but the one who will try to figure out your business need, and then, helps you grow by keeping that thing in mind. Our, business coaching package is of three months, which is available to our clients at $1000 for every month. 1. Dave Shepp Consulting.