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David Vergis

David Vergis is an avid reader & likes to read about technology, finance & marketing. Being a Post Graduate in Computer Science and having experience of around 11 years in the IT sector, I also like to connect & share my experiences/ thoughts on various community platforms.

What is Publicis Sapient Best Known For? A Publicis Sapient Company Review. With so many IT organizations in India, it is difficult to classify each one of them.

What is Publicis Sapient Best Known For? A Publicis Sapient Company Review

Yet, as a fresher, you may be looking for a way to describe different organizations, their work, clients, services and culture to get a deep understanding for interviews. In this Publicis Sapient company review, I am covering some of the aspects. What does Publicis Sapient do – industry, services and clients Publicis Sapient is an American digital consultancy company operating in India and other countries globally. It provides the below services to clients: Strategy & Consulting Customer Experience & Design Technology & Engineering Enterprise Platforms Data & Artificial Intelligence Product Management Who works there- different job roles and departments?

Since Publicis Sapient is primarily an IT organization, mostly software engineers and MBA graduates work here. Every organization needs non-IT professionals as well for smooth people functioning and office services. Why should you work here? PS LGBTQ. Logo publicis sapient large. Is Publicis Sapient Good for Fresher? A Publicis Sapient Bangalore Feedback. Publicis Sapient is a great company for fresh graduates for multiple reasons.

Is Publicis Sapient Good for Fresher? A Publicis Sapient Bangalore Feedback

From a supportive work environment to heaps of learning and development opportunities, the company offers a plethora of avenues for fresh graduates at entry-level roles to excel in their career. What’s more, the company makes work fun with a multitude of perks. So, Publicis Sapient is an ideal employer that every fresh graduate wishes to have. Here are some of the benefits the company is widely known to offer freshers: Publicis Sapient Bangalore Celebrating Onam. Open & Inclusive: Publicis Sapient Gurgaon Work Culture - Sapient Employees Review. Publicis Sapient Gurgaon has a great work culture.

Open & Inclusive: Publicis Sapient Gurgaon Work Culture - Sapient Employees Review

Unlike other companies where it’s difficult to approach leaders and senior managers, at Publicis Sapient Gurgaon, you can do so without giving it a second thought. The company encourages everyone to speak openly and engage with each other freely, voice their concerns and raise any issue. Thus, Publicis Sapient Gurgaon work culture is open, transparent, and inclusive. What’s more, there’s zero to minimal micromanagement. Everyone is free to work on their own and manage their deliveries according to their convenience. In addition, the company has a diverse pool of employees and you will find employees from all walks of life, including LGBTQ+ community, differently abled people, and others, making an inclusive workplace.

How to search for Job for Java professionals: A Publicis Sapient Bangalore Feedback. Hackathons and hiring challenges for experienced IT professionals have become a norm now in India.

How to search for Job for Java professionals: A Publicis Sapient Bangalore Feedback

With so many coding challenges in different programming languages, people have choice and knowledge of what to expect in the future. In this Publicis Sapient (also known as Sapient Consulting) Bangalore feedback, hiring challenges for Java professionals are discussed. Work-life balance for Experienced Professionals at Publicis Sapient: A Publicis Sapient Company Review - Sapient Work Culture. Among the various things Publicis Sapient is known for, the work-life balance it provides to its employees is the most important.

Work-life balance for Experienced Professionals at Publicis Sapient: A Publicis Sapient Company Review - Sapient Work Culture

Publicis Sapient has a strong work culture that revolves around the physical and mental well-being of employees. This can’t be attained without a healthy work-life balance. The company understands this very well. For this reason, the company has strict policies around work. The official work timings are 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. A major part of the company’s employees has extensive experience who have five or more years of experience. In most cases, stakeholders ask for your availability and you can seek as much time as you want based on your availability and feasibility of the task in question. In case there’s an urgent task, it’s probably because something went unexpected. What’s more, the company offers on-premise creche and daycare services for employees who have kids. Work -life Balance At PS During Festivals: A Publicis Sapient Review. The festive season can easily throw off your work and life balance, but if you’re at Publicis Sapient India, there’s very little chance of that happening.

Work -life Balance At PS During Festivals: A Publicis Sapient Review

That’s because the company has an unparalleled work culture. During festivals – when we have family functions, shopping to do, and take kids and other family members out for a festive celebration, and much more to do managing work can be a little difficult. The company understands this very well. In fact, in all matters related to family, the company is highly supportive. Sapientemployeefeedback. Sapient is one such company who do… Sapientemployeefeedback. MY SAPIENT BANGALORE FEEDBACK AMIDST COVID-19 - Sapient Employee Reviews & Feedback. Would you believe if I tell you that I’m probably amongst the few who are actually enjoying this lockdown?

MY SAPIENT BANGALORE FEEDBACK AMIDST COVID-19 - Sapient Employee Reviews & Feedback

No please don’t misunderstand me, what I mean to say is, that so far during this lockdown, I’ve had such tremendous opportunities to learn more about my work and my field that it’s almost overwhelming. All Thanks to my organization Sapient Consulting Bangalore. We went into the lockdown precisely in Mid-March and all of Sapient’s staff is currently working from home like everyone else.

Our last working day at the office was 17th March and since then, the world has almost come to a standstill. Sapient has also hit the inflow of work as its clients worldwide have been impacted due to covid-19 but the innovative and proactive approach of the leadership during this time has definitely helped turning this panic situation into an opportunity, an opportunity to learn. Sapient Employee Reviews, Feedback – Best platform to know about Sapient India Work Culture, reviews & feedback of Sapientrazorfish, Sapient Consulting, Sapient Global Markets, Sapient Bangalore & Gurgaon. Top stories about Sapient Bangalore Reviews written in 2020. Medium. Sapient employee reviews that helps to know about sapient better. Know about Sapient Work Culture. It feels wonderful if you get to choose your career path as I’ve seen many people making a compromise or not being able to follow their passion as their profession.

Know about Sapient Work Culture

Sapient gave me the wings to chase my dreams and shaping me into the person that I am today. Hence, I owe it to Sapient and this is my Sapient Gurgaon review. I had a monotonous job before I joined sapient with another MNC that I would not like to name here. Same routine and same workflow made it so monotonous and boring that I had stopped growing as a professional. I was pretty good at what I was doing so there were no hassles in terms of work and delivery but when you are passionate about what you do, You don’t stop just at delivering quality work, You crave growth and I was clearly not growing. My Sapient Gurgaon Feedback. Sapientrazorfish Gurgaon review. With a customer-centric approach that places immense importance on putting digital at the core of any business, SapientRazorfish strives for digital innovation.

Sapientrazorfish Gurgaon review

While its heritage revolves around digital pioneering, SapientRazorfish employee feedback help you know and understand the organization better. Sapient Gurgaon Feedback. SapientRazorFish is a Global Digital Transformation Services company.

Sapient Gurgaon Feedback

It offers services in realms including Information Technology Modernization, Marketing Transformation, Digital Business Strategy, Artificial Intelligence, Data Intelligence, Commerce, and Customer Experience among others. The company directly employs more than 12,000 people worldwide. It has offices at around 69 locations at 5 continents of the world. Sapient Gurgaon Feedback. Sapient Consulting Bangalore Reviews. 2020 has been a crazy year. The entire world is going through a tough time right now because of covid-19 and it has put everyone in a tough spot. While everyone fights for survival, we have an extra thing to fight for, our jobs. These are uncertain times and the pressure on companies to stay profitable or even survive is high. That is forcing companies to lay off staff or at least deduct salaries. While I understand their point, I also expect companies to understand that we are all in this together and by sacking us, they are doubling our sufferings.

Well, I cannot complain much as my organization, Sapient Consulting Bangalore has ensured that there is no delay in payment of salaries and that we don’t have a pay cut. We have several people in our batch who are the single earners and taking care of their entire families through this one job. Sapient Gurgaon Employee Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Feedback. I remember the day when I joined the Sapient Gurgaon office. It was a Monday and I was geared up to start my wonderful journey with Sapient. I had a mixed feeling – excitement, nervousness, and happiness and I was wondering what will happen the very first day at my office! However, Sapient’s onboarding process not only helped boost confidence in me but also made me feel like a family member.

Sapient India Review - Keep you updated with the latest Publicis Sapient Employee Reviews & Employee Feedback. Also, know about Publicis Sapient work culture & policies. Sapient Consulting Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Employee Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Feedback. The pandemic has affected our lives in several ways. One of the major effects of this pandemic and continuous lockdowns across the world has been a great shift in work arrangements.

Gone are those days when organizations could retain their workforce only with financial benefits. This pandemic has swept our workplace like a hurricane, distributing employees in different directions. This exposed us to some new risks and we started redefining our work and that too safely, effectively, and efficiently. During these challenging circumstances, our clients’ needs and requirements also changed drastically. Sapient Gurgaon Feedback. Sapient Employee Feedback. The biggest challenge for any parent during this lockdown is to manage their kids. Especially if your kids are toddlers, they’re an even bigger challenge. I have a 3 year old son and I’ve been struggling since the beginning of this lockdown to manage his screen time. When things were normal, he could go down to the park or play outside with the kids of his age who he met when he went outside, but since March, things have changed for all of us drastically.

Children have no clue about the pandemic and they are only confused with whatever is happening around them. It saddens me to the core that the initial crucial years of the young ones is being spent inside the walls of a house and they’re missing out on the fun they could have had if things were under control. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Gurgaon Employee Review. In March 2020, nobody would have thought that their lifestyle would change completely because of a pandemic. When our management held a meeting to inform us that in the coming days, we will have to work from home, I thought it’s going to last a couple of weeks at the most.

But nobody suspected that working from home would become the new normal. Eight months later, we have entered the second last month of 2020, only to realize how some things have now become a part of our lives. The masks to start with. It’s more of an accessory than a necessity and with designer masks floating in the market, people are going to wear them just like a fashion accessory even after we’ll find a cure to the virus. Working from home has also become a new normal. Sapient Employee Feedback. Out of curiosity, what’s the basic step you adhere to when you’re in pursuit of a new job? If you would ask me, I would definitely say ‘exploring employee reviews of the company’. Especially if I’m a newbie and at a query-solving stage, the desire to find out the know-how of the company rises even more. Sapient Bangalore reviews. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Reviews.

Sapient Global Markets is one of the best organizations to work for, from the employees’ perspective. It provides a transparent environment, wherein, employees can work on their positive points and meet global standards. One of the most significant advantages of working here is the globally-sanctioned process of the company. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. I moved to Bangalore right after my graduation in the hunt for a job. The city was completely new and so were the people. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. We all are very much in sync with the fact that we are facing the toughest time of our lives so far. Sapient Bangalore Reviews.

Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Consulting believes in hiring employees who are looking to reimagine the world and provide communities and industries with innovative solutions. Consultants are constantly requested to think out of the box and this has helped many to cultivate a creative mindset to find solutions for problems that clients may experience. Sapient Consulting Bangalore feedback from employees is very clear. The company helps consultants to polish themselves on a daily basis and it is the ideal place for a fresher to boost their knowledge through hands-on experience. Each day, consultants learn something new and this makes Sapient Consulting one of the best places to work in. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Providing talented human minds, a shared space where they can think creatively and do things differently is not an easy proposition.

Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Gurgaon Employee Review. It’s a digitally connected world today and everyone is on the digital platform. So, what’s the best way to find out the real picture about the company you’re about to join? Some would go check the company’s website, while others would want to know the truth from the horse’s mouth. So they look for reviews. So it becomes important for me to give out the actual picture about the company I’ve been working at for the past 5 years. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Employee Review. Sapient Gurgaon Employee Review.

Sapient Gurgaon Employee Review. Sapient Gurgaon Employee Review. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Feedback. Sapient Bangalore Feedback. Sapient Bangalore Feedback. Out of curiosity, what’s the basic step you adhere to when you’re in pursuit of a new job? If you would ask me, I would definitely say ‘exploring employee reviews of the company’. Especially if I’m a newbie and at a query-solving stage, the desire to find out the know-how of the company rises even more.

However, I personally feel there hangs alleged injustice as when you finally think of getting hired, you face a setback instead in the name of experience. Notwithstanding, Sapient Bangalore Feedback depicts that Publicis Sapient gives more value to knowledge, talent and capabilities, and not just the experience papers. The world has turned upside down in the midst of COVID-19. Sapient Bangalore Feedback. Sapient Bangalore Feedback. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapientrazorfish Bangalore Review. Sapientrazorfish Bangalore Review.

Sapientrazorfish Bangalore Review. Sapientrazorfish Bangalore Review. Sapientrazorfish Bangalore Review. Sapientrazorfish Bangalore Review. Sapient Employee Feedback. Sapient Gurgaon Work Culture. Sapient Employee Reviews. Sapient Employee Reviews. Sapient Employee Reviews. Sapient Employee Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Feedback. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Reviews. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Bangalore Work Culture. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Reviews. Sapientrazorfish Bangalore Review. Sapientrazorfish Bangalore Review. Sapient Employee Reviews. Sapient Gurgaon Feedback.