Vietnam War Timeline. A Vietnam War Timeline [Note: This timeline is an abbreviated version of the more detailed timeline posted on the Public Broadcasting System's "Vietnam Online" section of The American Experience.]
Ho Chi Minh Creates Provisional Government: Following the surrender of Japan to Allied forces, Ho Chi Minh and his People's Congress create the National Liberation Committee of Vietnam to form a provisional government. Japan transfers all power to Ho's Vietminh. Vietnam in Popular Culture.
Vietnam Firebombing. 1963 Vietnam Bombers. 1966 Vietnam Napalm Explosion. The My Lai Massacre (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) An Atrocity Is Uncovered: November 1969 The My Lai Massacre Seymour M.
Hersh/St. Louis Post Dispatch [Here for the first time in electronic form are the unabridged original dispatches by Seymour Hersh on the 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam. The articles are relevant again in light of the revelations of the Marines massacre of twenty-four Iraqi civilians at Haditha last November (as detailed in today’s New York Times account) for several reasons, among them the parallels between the two massacres in terms of methods, motives and the U.S. military and government cover-up—until the press got a hold of the story. At My Lai as at Haditha, the killings were planned, deliberate and executed with leisurly cold-bloodedness. Escalation- Oil.
Escalation- Policymaking. Public Opinion on LBJ and Vietnam. New Kind of Escalation- In Protests. War Protest.