Deux Mains
Deux Mains Distribution is a company located in Lake Worth Beach, FL that brings environmentally friendly and sustainably-made footwear and accessories directly into the hands of consumers. Our products are made in a one-of-a-kind solar-powered factory that provides great jobs to the people of Haiti. We combine artisanal techniques with industrial production to provide customers with the most unique and beautiful designs. Through the marriage of discarded car tires, and locally-sourced, genuine, leathers, we handcraft environmentally responsible sandals, bags, jewelry, and accessories that fight environmental degradation making the company a leading example of responsible manufacturing and ethical fashion
New Year. New Choices. January 1st may be one of my favorite days of the year because it represents a new beginning.
It comes with an automatic fresh start where it feels natural to make changes. Many of us like to take this time to set goals for ourselves, maybe even getting a little carried away with huge, fast changes. But what if we could make a few small changes this year, that could have positive effects that reach far outside our lives? We can actually do that with the choices we make while purchasing fashion items.
Simple choices we make in our purchases can have a profound impact on the world. Shoulder Bag. TJ Maxx of ethical brands. Fashion is a part of who we are.
Especially as we live in an age of individualism and self expression. It is no secret that what you wear, is something personal to you. I know that when we speak about ethical and sustainable fashion, "ethical" can feel overwhelming and "sustainable" can feel impossible. But I believe that everyone has the right to wear footwear that steps into integrity and carry handbags that hold justice for all.
Inner Tube and Jasper Earring. Buy Love Wins Slide Sandals Online at Deux Mains. Majok Teardrop Earrings. 5,000 miles of impact. In five years, the average American drives over 50,000 miles, which means that in six months, we each drive approximately 5,000 miles.
We want to know how long it takes our upcycled tires to go that distance, on your feet. How long will it take you to walk 5,000 miles in a pair of deux mains sandals? Tell us your story of walking 5,000 miles! A Fashion Revolution. We are living in a unique time in history.
We are all starting to ask more questions about the systems at work around us. This includes where our clothing and accessories come from, how they are made, and how it affects the makers. As often happens when we begin to question systems, a movement has been born. Expat haiti. Doppkit. Dissertation - Fashion Ethics. Kenneth Cole & Inner Tube. Deux mains really aimed to surprise and inspire with the introduction of repurposed tire inner tube in our latest fashion accessories.
Innertube. Found in the middle of the dusty streets of Port Au Prince – the aftermath of frequent blown-out tires. What a beautiful chance for redemption. The Year Award Goes To.... My face was literally twitching.
Almost like a weird spasm. I can't remember the last time I was this nervous. A few months prior to this moment I was notified by the Digicel Entrepreneur of the Year committee that I was nominated to apply for their 2017 Entrepreneurs of the Year Award. Digicel is the largest cell phone/internet provider in Haiti and is known around the world for quickly reestablishing communication in times of disaster. Their foundation celebrates the growth and sustainability of Haiti. Entrepreneur of the Year..... in a country that is not my birthplace. After 600 applications from businesses around Haiti were submitted for this honor, 50 were selected as finalists. 10 finalists in 5 different categories. Buy Vegan Collection Fashion Products Online at Deux Mains.
Buy Womens Bags and Totes Online at Deux Mains. On a Student’s Budget. I am happy to report that the term "sustainability" is becoming more common.
Not as commonplace, as the words "quarantine" or "COVID", but the idea of making a more thoughtful purchase is more popular than ever. How we treat the planet, and the people who make our fashion, is finally an important topic of discussion among groups from middle school to MBA programs. Buy Womens Bags and Totes Online at Deux Mains.
Buy Handmade Ethical Sandals, Bags & Accessories Online - Deux Mains. 10 meaningful gift ideas. Finding the perfect gift for a friend or relative can be tricky.
To give you a dose of giftspiration, we have curated a list of 10 handmade fashion accessories, crafted in Haiti with intention and meaning. These are gifts that go above and beyond and are guaranteed to spark a thoughtful conversation. Not to mention, they are made to last and will bring years of joy to its new owner. By selecting an item from our collection, you are helping to create great jobs to our Haitian artisans, enabling them to live a dignified life, with access to purposeful work and a living wage and offering a unique gift that causes no harm to the environment! Black Friday Big offers on online shopping. Some say life is all about perception.
I say it’s all about action. From my experiences, I know what is possible when we stand together for good. I say it’s about making change…. and I think Black Friday can be used for good and lots of action. There is a debate in the sustainable fashion world about Black Friday, as it can be seen as a day to over-consume and getting as much “stuff” as possible for as little as possible. Grand Opening of Deux Mains's Boutique in Port Au Prince, Haiti. On Friday, June 26th, a new boutique for deux mains designs opened up in Port Au Prince, Haiti.
The store is open weekdays from 7:00am to 3:30pm and is a great place for tourists, volunteers, and Haitians returning home to purchase sustainable sandals that benefit the Haitian community and showcase the efforts of local artisans. “Before the store opened last week, customers were able to purchase shoes online, but the boutique, located near the PAP airport is a convenient place to try on sizes and talk with the artists about their favorite designs,” said Lauren James, UMCOR Church Liaison. 120 visitors participated in the grand opening, enjoying the display of sustainable sandals along with Haitian drinks and live music from a Troubadou band, while celebrating how far the company has come to reach this goal. Sarah Sandsted, the Country Director for REBUILD globally reflected on the overwhelming distinction between the new boutique and the one that existed before. Shop Classic Slide Sandals Online.
Get up to 30% Off Site-Wide Black Friday Offers. Buy Handcrafts Ethical Sandals, Bags & Accessories Online - Deux Mains. Social Enterprise Trip. Orlando Travels to Haiti in July On July 17th board members for REBUILD globally will depart on a three-day trip to Haiti so that they can visit the deux mains workshop and see the impact they are making. Their quarterly board meeting will be held during their stay in Port Au Prince, so the board members will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the empowerment they are creating through their dedication to social enterprise.
Dana Jay, a reporter for FOX 35 Orlando and board member of REBUILD globally, is looking forward to expanding her knowledge of what the social enterprise does on the island. “I suspect that without actually visiting the workshop one only has an inkling of all the ways that REBUILD globally is helping Haitians change their lives,” she said.
“I expect that putting a face with all the names will be a really moving experience for me.” The board members will be able to meet the artisans and ask them about what they do in the workshop on a day-to-day basis. Buy Slim Laptop Sleeve Case with Unique Style. Grand Opening of Deux Mains's Boutique in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Jewelry, Made on Purpose. We’ve got some exciting news to share. Today we are officially launching a brand new jewelry line — and you get to be part of the first to see it! Without further adieu, let’s have a look at the inspiration behind the new collection. Let’s dive into the process of crafting, and, of course, what it means for our Haitian artisans and their quality of life.
Our mission at Deux Mains is simple: to empower Haitian men and women with meaningful jobs so they may thrive with steady pay, all the while delivering unique, handcrafted fashion accessories to each conscious fashion lover out there — yes, that is you! With every piece you choose to own, you help create a better future for our incredible, skilled workers, and in return you wear a piece of jewelry that signifies a better future for all of us. The inspiration for this new line of accessories came from the Haitian landscape itself: its beauty, its richness, its boldness. Majok and Horn Wrap Bracelet. Ethical Fashion Lifestyle. My world has become more complicated as the eight years of running our ethical fashion company has passed. Who I am as a woman. Buy Flip Flop Sandal for Women Online. Haiti: Head to Toe. Fashion in Haiti cannot be ignored.
The talented craftsmanship and artful design displayed on the island is bursting at the seams. Every designer and workshop bring a unique and important voice to Haiti’s fashion community, and when they combine – magic ensues. On May 26, Konsome Lokal set out to showcase this magic by hosting a runway show in Petionville, featuring some of Haiti’s most talented designers. In doing so, they proved to the local community that when you dress “Haiti: Head to Toe” – you will look uniquely beautiful, and can support artistic freedom and job creation in Haiti. Buy Women’s Criss Cross Sandal Online at Deux Mains.
Crafting Tire Sole Sandals. As a social impact brand, Deux Mains is committed to providing meaningful jobs for Haitian craftsmen and women, while creating well-made products that are handmade and incorporate eco-friendly materials. This is our promise to you because we know you care about how your footwear is made. You want to purchase fashion products that are also ethical and sustainable, because it's your right to fight for the kind of world you want to live in. We heard you. Buy Love Wins Slide Sandals Online at Deux Mains. Sustainable or ethical? Is it eco, sustainable or ethical fashion? So what's the deal? Shop Classic Slide Sandals Online. The Perfect Backpack. "April showers bring May flowers" is what they say, but today's April rain isn't getting me down because I have the SUNSHINE of deux mains backpack.
I am in love with their Spring 2018 collection for so many reasons, but one of the coolest elements by far is the way that they have incorporated stunning hand-painted canvas into their products! I mean it is just the perfect representation of the beauty that bursts from within Haiti! **The BEST part? If you use my code HEIDE15 you can get 15% off the entire site! Buy Hand Painted Ankle Strap Sandals. Cognac: the color of Fall. Summer days are coming to an end, and Fall has arrived.
If you haven't yet prepared for all of its warm hues, and seasonal delights, we've got you covered. Hand Painted Slide Sandal Online at Deux Mains. Shop Classic Slide Sandals Online. Hand Painted Ankle Strap Sandal. Buy Hand Painted Ankle Strap Sandals. Hand Painted Slide Sandal Online at Deux Mains. Ethical Fashion. Fast Fashion -Scary facts Fast fashion - two little words that, when strung together, reflect the enormous impact that arises when clothing and accessories are created on a mass scale to be worn and discarded, rather than cherished as precious commodities.
Read More Cognac: the color of Fall Cognac is a warm hue, a heartier version of brown. It makes us think of piping hot mugs of cider with cinnamon sticks, or spiced lattes in the park -- surrounded by falling red, orange and burnt colored leaves. IMPACT – Deux Mains. Buy Handcrafts Ethical Sandals, Bags & Accessories Online - Deux Mains. Our Founders Story.
“Do less and listen more.” As an earthquake responder, she felt a strange distance, almost like an out of body experience to the chaos around her, however there was also an intimate connection to the devastation, as she was literally living among it. Buy Handcrafts Ethical Sandals, Bags & Accessories Online - Deux Mains. Buy Handcrafts Ethical Sandals, Bags & Accessories Online - Deux Mains. Small Goods & Accessories, Men. Buy Handcrafted Sandals for Men Online at Deux Mains. Buy Small Goods and Accessories for Women at Deux Mains. Your life, on the line. Buy Sustainable Women Fashion Products Online at Deux Mains. Buy Vegan Collection Fashion Products Online at Deux Mains. Buy Handcrafted Sandals for Men Online at Deux Mains. Small Goods & Accessories, Men. Buy Womens Fashion Jewelry Online at Deux Mains.
Buy Feather Earrings Women's Jewelry Online at Deux Mains. Buy Womens Bags and Totes Online at Deux Mains. Buy Sustainable Women Fashion Products Online at Deux Mains. Buy Handcrafts Ethical Sandals, Bags & Accessories Online - Deux Mains. Buy Handcrafts Ethical Sandals, Bags & Accessories Online - Deux Mains.