Clomkii highlighting. StyleCop - Accueil. Visual Studio ALM Rangers catalogue de solutions ( / vsarsolutions) - Les réflexions de Willy. The following catalogue summarizes the Visual Studio ALM Rangers out-of-band solutions for feature gaps and value-add guidance for the ALM community.
CAUTION: Wandering into ALPHA or BETA territory could ruin anyone's day fast, so be aware! With the eBooks marked with ALPHA or BETA we are conducting content-active tests within an evaluation radius and this guidance should be used with caution. PLEASE DO NOT blog, tweet or make noise about this "silent" BETA release! Solution information: tooling, guidance and Service Mode Ranger Publications Ranger Quick Response Sample Solutions. Comment faire pour utiliser le Gestionnaire d'absence du bureau dans Outlook. Cet article décrit comment utiliser les fonctionnalités « Réponses automatiques (absence du bureau) » et « Gestionnaire d'absence du bureau ».
Remarque Cette fonctionnalité est disponible uniquement avec un compte Exchange utilisé par de nombreuses organisations. En général, les utilisateurs grand public ne disposent pas de compte Exchange. Self Tracking Entities performance - Matthieu MEZIL. I have two tables: Books and Authors.
Books: Id (int, PK) Title (nvarchar) AuthorId (int, FK) Authors: Id (int, PK) Name (nvarchar) I have 10,000 books, all on the first author. // Julie, you have to write a lot of versions of Programming Entity Framework ;) I use the following code: using (var context = new BooksEntities()){ foreach (Author a in context.Authors) ; foreach (Book b in context.Books) ;} This code runs on 5.5 seconds with STE and on 0.3 seconds with EntityObject… So WTF? In fact there are many things that we can optimize with STE T4 templates. The main explanation of this difference is the Contains method. To improve perf, it’s better to use a HashSet<T>.
How to create & test Diagnostics & Recovery Toolkit (DaRT 7) Recovery Image–Part I - AVIRAJ AJGEKAR'S BLOG... In the recently concluded 12th Edition of Virtual TechDays Event, I presented DaRT 7 to the audience.
In this post I will show how to create DaRT Recovery Image. For this recovery you will need Windows 7 DVD & DaRT Tools to be installed on your machine with specific platform (x86/x64) First question would be where do I download DaRT 7. Well, DaRT is part of Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) available as a subscription for Software Assurance customers. Find more information over here Additionally, for evaluation purpose you can obtain it from MSDN/TechNet Subscription. Once you download MDOP 2011 R2, you will find DaRT Installers. Once installed I can see the DaRT 7 available in Start Menu. How to create a new DaRT Recovery Image Step 1: Go to Start Menu –> All Programs –> Microsoft DaRT. Step 2: Read the instruction on Wizart & click Next & point to Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 Installation files. Step 4: Click Next to proceed and wait for few minutes.
Happy DaRTing. Troubleshooting High CPU in an IIS 7.x Application Pool. Tools Used in this Troubleshooter: Debug Diagnostics 1.2Performance Monitor This material is provided for informational purposes only.
Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied. Overview This troubleshooter will help you to identify the cause of sustained high CPU in an IIS application pool. Scenario An application pool in IIS is experiencing a prolonged period of high CPU that exceeds 90%. Drive Snapshot - Download evaluation Software.
Import/export sqlserver. System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small even after applying. Sélectionner les tables et les vues sources (Assistant Importation et Exportation SQL Server) Tutoriel ClickOnce: Le déploiement facile d'applications .NET. Le déploiement est aujourd'hui au milieu de toutes les stratégies dans un entreprise.
Que cela soit le déploiement d'une mise à jour, le déploiement d'un logiciel (antivirus, ou autre) ou n'importe, le déploiement est une problématique et l'objectif principal de l'administrateur réseau est de le rendre le plus simple possible. La plupart d'entre-vous doit connaître Windows Update qui permet à partir d'une page web de "deviner" les mises à jour qu'il est nécessaire d'installer, et peut-être connaissez-vous SUS (Software Update Service) qui permet de déployer automatiquement des mises à jour sur les postes du réseau.
Aujourd'hui, Microsoft nous propose une nouvelle merveille, qui combine les avantages des deux technologies citées juste avant. Avec ClickOnce, vous pourrez redistribuer vos applications .Net chez les clients qui en auront le besoin. Disponible depuis la version 2.0 du framework .NET, ClickOnce est la nouvelle technologie de déploiement (et de mise à jour) d'applications. Embedded database engine for .NET developers - VistaDB. ClickOnce et répertoire d'installation.
Tutoriel ClickOnce: Le déploiement facile d'applications .NET. Language Integrated Query. Edit What is LINQ?
Language Integrated Query (or LINQ, pronounced “link” for short), is a set of Microsoft® .NET technologies that provide built-in language querying functionality similar to SQL, not only for database access, but for accessing data from any source. There is no one definition for LINQ, but it aims to solve the problem where we currently use different techniques for manipulating and selecting data from databases versus XML versus object collections; LINQ aims to make our life easier by giving us a coordinated, consistent and efficient syntax from our development environment and by using your one chosen programming language, rather than switching between programming languages.
The current LINQ family of technologies and concepts allows an extensible set of operators that work over objects, SQL data and XML data sources.