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Digital Citizenship

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Home - eSmart Digital Licence. 8 - Digital Citizenship. REP grouping (Respect, Educate & Protect) is a more global way to look at the 9 themes of Digital Citizenship.

8 - Digital Citizenship

Respect Yourself/Respect Others 1. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society 5. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure 6. Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds Educate Yourself/Connect with Others 2. Protect Yourself/Protect Others 7. The resources below will assist you in modeling the REP framework for teaching and learning. Respect Yourself/Respect Others Acceptable Use Acceptable Use and appropriate use of the Internet is something that both teachers and students must understand. Bullying The Learning First Alliance has provided a new comprehensive web library about bullying, with resources from educational organizations.

Twitter Etiquette If you are a twitter user, there are many good resources to learn how to use Twitter more effectively. Educate Yourself/Connect With Others Cyber Safety Initiative Staying Safe Online. 8 Tips and Tools for Teaching Digital Citizenship. 21st Century Learning 8 Tips and Tools for Teaching Digital Citizenship By Cory Hurst08/04/15 We have all seen or heard about it: the celebrity who posts a revealing photo, a politician who tweets a racist remark or the athlete who makes poor decisions and proceeds to document it all on social media.

8 Tips and Tools for Teaching Digital Citizenship

When these posts hit the Web, the world reacts with outrage and disbelief. A short while later, these posts will be taken down and an apology will be in its place. Digital citizenship must be taught from a young age, and from many different angles. Begin Early First and foremost, you must think about when you begin digital citizenship education. Three Techniques for Teaching Digital Literacy. Copyright & Schools: photocopy, scan, screen or broadcast copyright resources in classrooms - simple advice for teachers.


Teaching Digital Citizenship In Elementary School. The Digital Dog Pound - The Digital Dogpound. Comfortably 2.0: The "New and Improved" Digital Citizenship Survival Kit. I have been thinking about some "new" items I could add to my original Digital Citizenship Kit that I created last year.

Comfortably 2.0: The "New and Improved" Digital Citizenship Survival Kit

Like I said in that blog post, I love using props when teaching. After some great conversations with the good wife @jenbadura on what I should include, I have come up with some new items to include in the survival kit. Yes, you can use this with your students! After I blogged about the original kit, I had a plethora of teachers email me or send me a tweet me asking if it was okay to use this idea at their school. Please do! Packet of Seeds Any packet of seeds will do for your kit.

Plug In I used a six foot extension cord and cut it so that I have the male and female end together. Mirror Imagine having the mirror attached to your computer/device. Sheet of Paper One of the most powerful items in the kit. Magnifying Glass Remember when first impressions started with a handshake? Strainer The amount of information on the internet is amazing! Soap. Mike Smith Live. For our last episode in season one of The Harbor, we are joined by action sports personality and overall amazing friend, The Dingo!

Mike Smith Live

Stay tuned for season two through our friends at Jostens later this summer! From attending a private school to moving to a brand new country, The Dingo did everything he had to do to pursue his dream of becoming a pro snowboarder. As he began competing in America, however, Dingo realized that he could never match up to snowboarders like Shaun White. Eventually, he had to come to terms with the fact that he would never achieve his dream. Nonetheless, Dingo persevered and used his failures as a platform to achieve successes in television and radio. CRITICAL THINKING – THE DINGO: Print version (PDF) // Digital version (PDF) For years, photographer Steve Rosenfield thought that living in a single-parent home and visiting his father in jail never had an impact on him.

CRITICAL THINKING – STEVE ROSENFIELD: Print version (PDF) // Digital version (PDF) Craig Badura on Pinterest. Log in Home Categories There’s more to see...

Craig Badura on Pinterest

Come take a look at what else is here! Craig Badura Craig Badura ÜT: 40.88714,-97.58976 · · Dad, Husband, Son, pK-12 Technology Coach, Gardener, Golfer. Digital Citizenship. Digital Life Student Intro Video - Digital Life 101. VVSD Educational Services: Digital Literacy & Citizenship Toolkit: Home Page. Digital Survival. Addressing digital citizenship with the “Digital Citizenship Survival Kit”.

Digital Survival

GUEST COLUMN | by Craig Badura It’s a simple little prop I use when teaching Digital Citizenship to our pK-12 Aurora Huskies students, but I think it sends a powerful message. I love utilizing props to try to get my point across to students and thought that creating a kit full of props would be a great way to reinforce a very important topic in our schools. Let me introduce you to Mr. Badura’s “Digital Citizenship Survival Kit.” Padlock. Toothbrush. Permanent Marker. Tube of Toothpaste.