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Google.® Monopoly World Edition - POGO. When it's your turn in MONOPOLY, you click the "Roll" button to roll the dice and move your MONOPOLY piece the number of spaces indicated on your roll. What happens next depends on the space you land on... Un-owned property You can buy the property if you want. If not, the property will get auctioned off to the highest bidder. Property owned by somebody else Like the classic board game, you pay the owner rent.

Mortgaged Property You don't need to pay rent. Income Tax or Luxury Tax space You'll need to pay either 2.00M, or 1.00M, respectively. Community Chest or Chance card Draw the next card off the deck and do what it says. If you land on or pass GO, you collect 2.00M! Jail Spend some time in the Just Visiting area. Free Parking According to official MONOPOLY board game rules, nothing happens. Go To Jail Go to jail! If you roll doubles, then at the end of your current move, you get to roll again. Complete Game Guide More Games Like MONOPOLY The World Edition. Monopoly Classic - POGO. Here are some additional pointers designed to help with MONOPOLY online board game play: ROLLING DOUBLES!

If both dice show the same number, you've rolled doubles. Your token will move to the sum of the two dice. If it's your first time rolling doubles on one turn, you get to roll again! But watch out: If you roll doubles for the third time in a row, you'll get thrown “In Jail” and your token will automatically move to the jail space on the board. GET RICH TIP! Try to own all the Title Deeds in a color-group on the board. CHANCE & COMMUNITY CHEST CARDS. GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARDS. BANKRUPTCY. LOW ON CASH? GAME.CO.IN. Yahoo! Yahoo! Games. Yahoo! Mail.

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