02_01. ACCAD - Motion Capture Lab - data and downloads. BioMotionLab. Carnegie Mellon University - CMU Graphics Lab - motion capture library. Cgspeed. CMU Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database Files Converted by B. Hahne. These are the BVH conversions of the 2500-motion Carnegie-Mellon motion capture dataset files available on Cgspeed's site.google.com at a one-click Filehoster by Cgspeed.com (Making hobbyist 3D animating easier, cheaper, faster).You may download them directly on this page.
I am not affiliated with any of these people. Click on one of the following applications for a corresponding list of searchable download links: Daz3D, 3ds Max, MotionBuilder 52 files. CMU Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database Files Converted by B. Hahne. Documentation. Download. Note for windows users: Having python installed on the system in some cases can crash MakeHuman.
See this FAQ item. Nightly Builds A nightly build is a build that reflects the current state of the source code. Each night a script runs and creates an executable including the latest changes. This is a great way to preview the latest improvements we're making and to test fixes to bugs that have been checked-in between releases. Blender tools The Blender tools (vers. 1.0.2), to import MakeHuman models in Blender 2.7x or to create new MakeHuman assets with Blender 2.7x. Extra files Extra files used to create or use MakeHuman libraries. MHBlenderTools: MakeWalk basic workflow. MakeWalk is a Blender add-on for retargeting mocap data (.bvh files) to a given armature.
Retargeting: how it works The goal of retargeting is to transfer a motion from a source armature (e.g. from a BVH file) to a given target armature (e.g. the MHX rig). However, it is not straightforward to assign the source action to the target rig, even if the bones have identical names. The motion of each bone is specified in local coordinates, relative to the parent and the bone's own rest pose.
If the rest poses of the source and target armatures differ, the source F-curves can not be used directly by the target armature. The picture above shows a transformation in the local coordinate system. Source local => Global => Target local. This will ensure that the source bone and the target bone will have the same global orientation. Unfortunately, things are a little more complicated. Basic Workflow Retargeting.
Mixamo. Motion Capture - cgspeed. This page contains links and information about Motion Capture software and datasets.
BVH conversions of the 2500-motion Carnegie-Mellon motion capture dataset:1. Daz-friendly version (released July 2010, by B. Hahne)2. 3dsMax-friendly version (released May 2009, by B. The Motionbuilder-friendly BVH Conversion Release of CMU's Motion Capture Database - cgspeed. June 26, 2010: I've now re-released the Motionbuilder-friendly BVH conversion of the CMU motion files with some minor improvements to the frame-1 T pose.
I recommend the 2010 release over the original 2008 release, however links to both data sets are available below. Please see the 2010 README file for details of the minor changes. There have been no changes to the actual CMU motion data or to the bone structure or names -- only the initial T pose, which isn't part of CMU's original dataset to begin with, has changed. The Motionbuilder-friendly BVH Conversion Release of CMU's Motion Capture Database - cgspeed. Tutos creation humain - Page : 2 - LightWave - Logiciels 3D. Honnêtement je saurais pas te dire, j'ai appris lightwave sans bouquin et sans internet (à l'époque, c'était pas très répandu), à coups de "tiens, à quoi ça sert ce bouton?
" *clic*je peux te dire que quand il y avait un tuto lightwave dans computer arts, je débouchais le champagne inutile de te dire que c'est la méthode la plus longue et la plus incertaine qui soit j'aurais tendance à te dire de matter des tutos sur (la plus grande ressource de tuto à ma connaissance) aprés, passé un certain stade, les tutos servent plus à grand chose, c'est surtout l'experience qui paie (une fois que t'as modélisé 50 visages, le 51e devient presque un automatisme) sinon ouais, rigger, c'est creer le skelette pour ton personnage, mais aussi paramètrer les deformations provoquées par chaque "os", ainsi que leur comportement entre eux (cinematique inverse).
Pour faire simple, tu t'embarques pour quelques années de galère, dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Welcome to The Universal BVH Motion Converter!