95 % des 220 milliards « d’aides » à la Grèce a servi à renflouer les banques – Le blog A Lupus un regard hagard sur Lécocomics et ses finances. Grèce : moins de revenus, plus d'impôts. Greece’s 3. bailout: Dramatic decreases in pensions and welfare benefits. Tagged: 3. bailout, cuts, decrease, Greece, hunger pensions, minimum guaranteed pension, minimum pension, pensions, reforms, welfare benefits Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Society How did German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble say it exactly?
“The deal is a good thing and a chance for Greece.” While everybody can assume what Schaueble considered as “good” with Greece’s creditors in his mind, the same “everybody” can assume that if it is good for Greece the country, it be must certainly the hell for Greeks, the debt-ridden country’s people. The 3. bailout program approved by the majority of SYRIZA’s MPs, its junior coalition government partner ANEL, three opposition parties and the Eurogroup Finance Ministers will bring dramatic cuts on pensions and welfare benefits – next to tax increases and health care contributions. Cuts on welfare benefits, main and supplementary pensions will reach even 60% of the state spending. Minimum Pension down to €392 gross per month Table I. Table II.
Bill for 3. bailout & Greece’s oxymoron: the more taxes citizens pay, the less public services they receive. Tagged: 3. bailout, 387 pages, austerity measures, Beef, bill, details, early retirement, farmers, Greece, health care sector, private education, shipping companies, structural reforms, taxes, unified property tax (ENFIA) Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Economy The bill of the 3. bailout for Greece has been uploaded on the website of the Greek Parliament at 3:30 am on Wednesday: 7 files in PDF, a total of 387 pages.
The uploading of the bill deprives lawmakers and ministers from ‘future’ claims, that they had no idea what he voted for in the first and second bailout program, exactly like some PASOK minister/s did in the past. By all criticism to SYRIZA, no one can blame the left-wing night-owls that they lack transparency or collective responsibility. Greece – Creditors reach Deal: 27 austerity measures & structural reforms. Tagged: austerity measures, creditors, deal, details, Greece, measures, prior actions, structural reforms, voting, when Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Politics After a negotiations marathon that lasted 22 hours, the Greek government and its creditors reached an agreement on the 3. bailout for Greece.
Information indicates that there have been compromises on both sides so that the deal could be sealed on technical teams level, some minor issues were still open. “Some minor details were still being discussed,” a Greek official told Reuters Tuesday morning, something confirmed also by Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos. “We are very close. According to Greek media, both sides agreed not to take any new measures concerning the achievement of the budgetary targets for 2015-2016. Primary Deficit of -0.25% of GDP for 2015, but Primary Surplus of 0.5% for 2016, 1.75% for 2017 and 3.5% for 2018. The deal will be submitted to Parliament in one bill comprising two articles: Greece’s govt cuts lawmakers’ tax breaks, ministers’ salaries by 15% Tagged: cuts, Greece, ministers, MPs, Parliament, salaries, state organizations & institutions, syriza, tax breaks, Tsipras Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Politics Finally, good news!
In the direction of correcting what we call “social injustice”. That is that while the poor and the needy and the vulnerable society groups are being disproportionally overtaxed, lawmakers and politicians pay less taxes and enjoy tax breaks with ‘whatever’ justification the legislator who introduced this system of privileges had in mind. The Greek government will slash lawmakers’ tax breaks and ministers’ salaries in a n effective cut of some 20 percent. Information from the European Commission on the latest draft proposals in the context of negotiations with Greece. In the interest of transparency and for the information of the Greek people, the European Commission is publishing the latest proposals agreed among the three institutions (European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund), which take into account the proposals of the Greek authorities of 8, 14, 22 and 25 June 2015 as well as the talks at political and technical level throughout the week.
Discussions on this text were ongoing with the Greek authorities on Friday night in view of the Eurogroup of 27 June 2015. The understanding of all parties involved was that this Eurogroup meeting should achieve a comprehensive deal for Greece, one that would have included not just the measures to be jointly agreed, but would also have addressed future financing needs and the sustainability of the Greek debt. Euro Summit Statement : 12/07/15. Greece looks to seal bailout deal in weeks.