Sharing Economy 6
> Diegomorellidm
Cooperative Alternatives to the Sharing Economy. The sharing economy is bullsh!t. Here’s how we can take it back. The sharing economy is bullshit.
Airbnb is a rental broker. Uber and Lyft are unregulated cab services. Taskrabbit and similar “servant economy” enterprises let well-off people pay less well-off people to do their chores — without providing anyone the benefits and security of traditional employment. “Sharing” has been appropriated and stripped of all meaning by people trying to sell you things, much like sustainability was. Once “green” became hip and important about a decade ago, corporate bigwigs started preaching about sustainable profits and misleading eco-labels got slapped on single-use disposable plastic water bottles.
The Sharing Economy is Here to Stay. The sharing economy has been taking a bit of a beating recently.
Uber continues to attract controversy, Airbnb seems to be in the news for all the wrong reasons, and car sharing is yet to become a genuine replacement for inner city vehicle ownership. But, innovators are a lot like tightrope walkers in the circus. They require a delicate balancing act between many masters – clients, practitioners and others. Every year we may have heard the same old story, but we’re at a time where innovation is taking the road less traveled.
From Sharing to Cooperation: Lessons from Mondragón in the “New Economy” - Digital Labor Working Group.
Here is a copy of the talk that I gave at the “First International Conference on the Links between USA and Spain” in April, 2014 at the University of Alcala.
The title of the talk is “From Sharing to Cooperation: Lessons from Mondragón in the ‘New Economy.'” As you may know, the phrase “the new economy” emerged in the late 1980s and 1990s and it is by no means “new” at this point, but rather points us toward an economy that has decidedly moved from Fordist arrangements of labor and production to what has been referred to as “post-Fordist”, relying on “flexible” or causalized labor and “just in time” production. Within that larger framework of a “new” economy, we have witnessed the rise of what is more specifically called “the sharing economy” and, in this paper, I sketch the terrain of labor, technology, data, and value that this phrase has come to indicate. My work here is inspired by a movement, which is taking place in New York called “platform cooperativism.”
To Reach Gen Y, Big-Name Brands Tap Sharing Economy 04/21/2015. With the latest estimates on the sharing economy hitting the stratosphere, more and more mainstream brands are tiptoeing into the territory carved out by names like Zipcar, Uber and Airbnb.
A new report from PwC says that 57% of American adults are signing on to this “access is the new ownership” sentiment, and 80% of the people it surveyed agree that sometimes, renting is smarter than owning. The consulting company says that the five key sharing sectors, which include travel, car sharing, finance, staffing and music and video streaming, generate $15 billion in revenues now, with the potential to increase to $335 billion by 2025.
Some sharing companies already dominate their old-fashioned predecessors, with Airbnb averaging 425,000 guests a night, about 22% more than Hilton Worldwide, it says.
Here’s Why the Sharing Economy Is Soaring. If you've seen the movie The Holiday, starring Cameron Diaz, you're familiar with home swapping and how much more interesting and affordable it can make a vacation.
In Hollywood's version, the experience includes glamorous homes, unexpected and unique interactions with local people and businesses, even a dashing love interest. In Debbie Wosskow's version it's really just the handsome leading man that's missing. Related: The Sharing Economy Takes a Giant Step Forward "You genuinely have experiences that money can't buy — authentic, local, different experiences — when you're staying in a neighborhood at someone's home or in a community, instead of in a hotel," says Wosskow, founder of the world's largest home exchange club, Love Home Swap.
Uber, Airbnb and Consequences of the Sharing Economy: Research Roundup. Joanna Penn and John Wihbey - 14th April 2015 What is the sharing economy?
A definition, understanding and analysis of the sharing economy, of those who participate in it and its economic impact.
6 Cities That Are Great At Sharing. The "Sharing Economy" might be this decade's "Creative Class": a set of hot concepts in urban policy, from ridesharing to foodsharing, that are said to create jobs, attract young, educated residents, and boost a community's livability and sustainability to boot.
A new report just out from and the San Francisco-based Sustainable Economies Law Center provides a "policy primer" for urban leaders who want to bring the benefits of sharing home. In a previous post, I wrote about the "shadow side" of the sharing economy, especially legal and regulatory gaps. This new report offers practical ways for cities to update their rules to catalyze more sharing. Four Ways To Share Based on citations within the report, the following cities came out tops in terms of the elements that make for a sustainable, shareable city.
San Francisco New York Washington, D.C.
Global Sharing Week 2015: Recognising the true potential of the sharing economy. At the official launch of Global Sharing Week at the House of Lords, STWR’s Rajesh Makwana presented a talk on the critical social, environmental and political aspects of the sharing economy.
It’s great to be here at the launch of Global Sharing Week, especially at a time when millions of people across the world are discovering the value of sharing in their lives and communities. The ethic and practice of sharing is central to our research and advocacy work at STWR, as we’re a civil society organisation campaigning for a fairer sharing of wealth, power and resources within and between countries.
For us, the growing interest in the sharing economy in recent years signals an important shift in consciousness that could transform the way we understand and address some of the most urgent crises facing humanity – including poverty and inequality, climate change and the wider environmental crisis, as well as military conflict over land and scarce natural resources.
Ademia is a reputation economy — data-sharing policies should take incentives into account.
Data sharing has the potential to facilitate wider collaboration and foster scientific progress.
But while 88% of researchers in a recent study confirmed they would like to use shared data, only 13% had actually made their own data publicly available. Benedikt Fecher, Sascha Friesike, Marcel Hebing, Stephanie Linek, and Armin Sauermann look at the mismatch between ideal and reality and argue that academia is a reputation economy, an exchange system that is not driven by monetary incentives, nor the desire for scientific progress, but by individual reputation. Data sharing will only be widely adopted among research professionals if it pays in the form of reputation. In autumn 2014, we conducted a survey on academic data sharing among 1564 researchers in Germany, a follow-up study on our paper “What Drives Academic Data Sharing?”. One has to know that reusing data is often regarded as the next big thing in academic research.
Image credit: Noyster2 Pixabay Public Domain. Accessibility and the sharing economy: Leap, Uber, Lyft and ADA requirements. The disruption of traditional transportation by startups like Uber and Lyft has created waves and caused many cities and agencies to re-examine how they regulate taxis and the livery system.
Now it looks like upstarts like Leap and Chariot, aiming to disrupt public transit, may be on the same course. It was reported that last month a complaint was filed with the Department of Justice (DOJ) because Leap has failed to make its buses accessible to wheelchairs. This echoes similar concerns that have been expressed about Uber and Lyft.
Crowdsourcing Successes Force Utilities to Consider their Role in a Sharing Energy Economy.
To Examine Competition, Consumer Protection, and Economic Issues Raised by the Sharing Economy at June Workshop. On June 9, 2015, the Federal Trade Commission will host a workshop to examine competition, consumer protection, and economic issues raised by the proliferation of online and mobile peer-to peer business platforms in certain sectors of the economy, often referred to as the “sharing economy.” The workshop will take place in Washington, D.C., at the FTC’s Constitution Center conference space. Peer-to-peer platforms, which enable suppliers and consumers to connect and do business, have led to the emergence of new business models in industries that have been subject to regulation.
Will Airbnb and the sharing economy hurt or help responsible tourism?
Airbnb gives travellers seeking authentic sides of destinations the chance to discover (and stay in) real residential districts and homes A few years ago I visited around 200 ecolodges, homestays, community run guests houses etc around the world as part of my research for a book on the best in sustainable tourism. As a result of my experiences, I knew I would always seek out these places for my own holidays. Not just because of their ethics, but because I had a much better time. I met more inspiring people, got closer to wildlife, stayed in more remarkable places.
End of the car age: how cities are outgrowing the automobile. Gilles Vesco calls it the “new mobility”. It’s a vision of cities in which residents no longer rely on their cars but on public transport, shared cars and bikes and, above all, on real-time data on their smartphones. He anticipates a revolution which will transform not just transport but the cities themselves. “The goal is to rebalance the public space and create a city for people,” he says.
“There will be less pollution, less noise, less stress; it will be a more walkable city.” Vesco, the politician responsible for sustainable transport in Lyon, played a leading role in introducing the city’s Vélo’v bike-sharing scheme a decade ago.
Welcome to Forbes. Crowdsourcing Successes Force Utilities to Consider their Role in a Sharing Energy Economy - Energy Priorities. This is the year of the crowd, says Jeremiah Owyang. Will a kWber emerge to disrupt the energy industry? Jeremiah Owyang, founder of Crowd Companies, was the keynote speaker at Efficiency Exchange 2015. His message is hopeful for frustrated utility customers, even if frightening for the utilities. Uber , Airbnb and Kickstarter are just three examples of successful sharing platforms. Technology empowers people to get what they need from each other – rides, lodging, money – so why not energy?
“With crowdsourcing, the crowd becomes an organization, bypassing inefficient companies,” Mr.
When The Sharing Economy Brings Unexpected Experiences : All Tech Considered. Our modern relationship to property — namely that it's burdensome to own, and therefore less valuable — has allowed the sharing economy to expand. Gustav Dejert/Ikon Images/Corbis hide caption itoggle caption Gustav Dejert/Ikon Images/Corbis Our modern relationship to property — namely that it's burdensome to own, and therefore less valuable — has allowed the sharing economy to expand. Gustav Dejert/Ikon Images/Corbis Thanks to the fast-growing sharing economy, anyone can make money renting out his home or car — or by becoming a personal chef. Just ask Time magazine columnist Joel Stein.
How will crowdsourcing and the sharing economy develop in the next five years?
The traveller's guide to the sharing economy - Triplify. So I paid a stranger to give me a lift to a stranger’s house, borrowed their motorhome and pulled up on another stranger’s front yard by an idyllic beach, used their bathroom for my stay and enjoyed some home cooked meals with their family.
Regolamentare la sharing economy? - cheFare. 5 Start Ups changing the sharing economy in Hong Kong. The Fail of the Sharing Economy and Building Your Business on Independent Contractors - EPW Small Business Law PC. L'EPOCALE PORTATA DELLO SHARING ECONOMY. Cosa hanno in comune un'azienda che noleggia borse firmate, una piattaforma che coordina il prestito di denaro tra privati e un portale che organizza partite di calcetto?
Nulla, verrebbe da dire.
A New Industry: These Groups Love Freelancers. Airbnb, o il comunitarismo neoliberista. Airbnb gode forse più di ogni altro dell’aura mitica che avvolge tutto ciò che si presenta con l’etichetta dell’economia collaborativa.
Sales meets the Sharing Economy as Universal Avenue picks up $2 Million from MOOR Capital. Stockholm-based Universal Avenue announces today it's picked up $2 million (€1.84 million) seed from Kaj Hed's MOOR Capital for a Sales as a Service concept that allows tech companies to connect with brick-and-mortar businesses without having to add more heads to the official payroll. So far Universal Avenue has launched with larger Swedish tech companies like iZettle, Wrapp, Lodgify, and Spotify Business from Soundtrack Your Brand.
We've bumped into outsourced sales companies from the region that work more as consultants, but going by their website messaging and video this one feels different - it's the Uberification of sales. Energetic 20-somethings that believe in tech products and want them to be used in hotels, shops, or other businesses can discover leads through Universal Avenues app and make some money with the promise of a flexible lifestyle. To plug in as a brand ambassador, you fill out an application to Universal Avenue, and are hired as a freelancer.
Can the talent sharing economy plug the IT skills gap?
The war for top tech talent rages on. Last year a survey of Tech London Advocates highlighted that 43 pert cent of its members feared that a shortage of key tech talent was threatening continued growth in the city’s digital sector. SEE ALSO: Steve "the Woz" Wozniak trolls Samsung: Sells "worthless" Galaxy Gear smartwatch on eBay In fact, in the fast growing London tech businesses the average number of such vacancies is seven, according to a survey of Tech London Advocates group members.
So despite Mayor Bloomberg discerning a “technological zeitgeist sweeping across London,” for UK tech businesses a significant challenge remains.
Sharing with whom?
Sharing and Caring. A new wave of technology companies claims to be expanding the possibilities of sharing and collaboration, and is clashing with established industries such as hospitality and transit. These companies make up what is being called the “sharing economy”: they provide web sites and applications through which individual residents or drivers can offer to “share” their apartment or car with a guest, for a price.
The industries they threaten have long been subject to city-level consumer protection and zoning regulations, but sharing economy advocates claim that these rules are rendered obsolete by the Internet.
When The Sharing Economy Brings Unexpected Experiences : All Tech Considered. Airbnb: A Case Study in Occupancy Regulation and Taxation. 82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 103 [Essay PDF]
Is Ubair the New Uber for Private Jets? - Condé Nast Traveler.
The Sharing Economy: Capitalism's Last Stand?
Mi fido di te, Gea Scancarello. Reclaiming the ‘real’ sharing economy. 5 Start Ups changing the sharing economy in Hong Kong. Airbnb profits prompted S.F. eviction, ex-tenant says. Myth of the sharing economy: There's no such thing.
The Airbnb Economy in New York: Lucrative but Often Illegal. Airbnb gentrification: How the sharing economy drives up housing prices.
The Dark Side of the Sharing Economy: Could Airbnb Accelerate Gentrification?
'Sharing economy' apps to boom with their lure of cheap and easy. Sharing Economy, Sharing School - Rural HubRural Hub. Is Any Industry Safe From disruption?
5 Start Ups changing the sharing economy in Hong Kong. Welcome to Forbes. Sharing economy: condividere e guadagnare (soldi e amici)
How Small Businesses Can Use the Sharing Economy. How the Sharing and Collaborative Economy Is impacting the Energy Sector
Peer-to-Peer, Social and the Sharing Economy for Insurance. Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy. Untitled. Uber’s Identity Crisis and Its Place in the ‘Sharing Economy’
Is the Public Etsy Still Part of the Sharing Economy?
A Sharing Economy Fail: Organic Produce. No Uber yet, but 'sharing economy' is happening here. Complete Freight, Warehousing, and Installation of your Hospitality Project. The sharing economy generation - Zopa blog. Business brutality and the 'sharing' economy. IB - Sharing Economy. Da Airbnb a Uber, piccolo prontuario sulla sharing economy. Airbnb and HomeAway: What You Need To Know (Part 2)
What companies offering shared services are doing to survive in India.
Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky on global expansion, Cuba and legal pushback. In a sharing economy, labor laws fall short. Is the Public Etsy Still Part of the Sharing Economy?
How the Sharing Economy Could Make the Labor Movement More Relevant. Finances, Freedom & Convenience – The Sharing Economy Is Here To Stay. The Future of Collaborative Economy - Future of work. The sharing economy and the future of movement in smart, human-scale cities. St James Ethics Centre - The Ethics Centre.
The FTC wants to talk about the ‘sharing economy’
Five steps to success in the sharing economy. Sharing the Future Consultation - Andrew Leigh MP. In a sharing economy, labor laws fall short. Peer to Peer, Social and the Sharing Economy for Insurance. Consumer Intelligence Series: The sharing economy: PwC. To Reach Gen Y, Big-Name Brands Tap Sharing Economy 04/21/2015. La sharing economy entra in azienda. The sharing economy.
Avviso pubblico sulla Sharing Economy. Econsultancy. Collaboriamo! – La sharing economy entra in azienda. Who are the new pioneers of the sharing economy?
Brandchannel:PwC: Americans Subscribe to the Sharing Economy. Millennials would rather use internet 'sharing economy' for cars and pets. Uber Adds a Low-Tech Twist to Its Modern Business Model in India. No Purchase Necessary: the Sharing Economy in China. Uber, Airbnb and Consequences of the Sharing Economy: Research Roundup. Sharing your economy with Airtasker. What is Britain's 'sharing economy' and why are young people driving it?
Successful Leadership in the Sharing Economy – The Journey to Authentic Dialogue.
A Meditation on the Meaning of Collaboration. Is a "Sharing Economy" the Key To a Brighter Future?
How These 5 Uber for X Startups Handle Challenges of the Sharing Economy. How will crowdsourcing and the sharing economy develop in the next five years?
Meet the lawyer taking on Uber and the rest of the on-demand economy. The Sharing Economy: Access Is The New Ownership.