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KUBO Architecture. KUBO Architecture. Join Online Architecture Courses. Architecture exam Preparation. CAREER OPTIONS AFTER ARCHITECTURE. THINGS ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS SHOULD KNOW. EVERY DETAILS OF The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) EXAM. WHY ONLINE CLASSES FOR NATA AND JEE MAINS PAPER 2? KUBO Architecture. NATA Online Classes. Black Raspberries: The Superfood that might Prevent Cancer. What are Superfoods?

Black Raspberries: The Superfood that might Prevent Cancer

Superfoods are foods that have a really high nutritional density. This suggests that they supply a considerable amount of nutrients and really few calories. A high volume of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants are present in it. Antioxidants are the natural molecules that occur in certain foods. They assist in neutralizing the free radicals in our bodies.

Screen Time Regulations for Kids of Different Ages & Implementing them. Screen time for kids has always been an issue and a necessity of our daily lives.

Screen Time Regulations for Kids of Different Ages & Implementing them

Since last year, it has dominated every aspect of our lives. It has become an addiction for people of all age groups. Keeping in mind all its awful impacts, screen time regulations and limitations have become very necessary. Effects of Excessive Screen Time Poor eyesight - Abnormal screen time has both long and short-term effects on eyesight.

Is Cyber Security a Concern when it comes to Online Learning? The importance of online learning in these pandemic-struck days has been stressed enough.

Is Cyber Security a Concern when it comes to Online Learning?

Our country’s been badly hit by the second wave of the pandemic, urging all of us to get locked inside our homes and follow social distancing to remain safe from the grip of the virus. This has made online learning the only mode of acquiring education in the current scenario. However, exposure to the online world cannot be completely safe for kids. KV School Admissions: All your Queries Answered. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, this time of the year generally marked the starting of a new academic year.

KV School Admissions: All your Queries Answered

Young kids would go to schools for the first time, making new friends, and the older ones would get promoted to higher classes and sometimes also meet new friends. All of this is happening this year too, but only from our homes. The impact of experiential learning on the students. “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” ― Aristotle Changes are a part of today’s world.

The impact of experiential learning on the students

We all deal with changes in our everyday lives, whether at the personal or professional level. Therefore, it is very noticeable that each generation expects change. Developing a Sense of Identity in Children. Children are not things to be moulded, but are people to be unfolded. - Jess Lair Identity, in general, is the process of knowing oneself and learning that we have an important place in the world around us.

Developing a Sense of Identity in Children

It might sound quite bizarre, but children do develop a sense of identity from a rather young age. The sense of identity starts developing from a young age and with the active participation of people that are constantly in touch with the children. They do think of answers regarding who they are and how the people around perceive them. The Best Ways to Make Your Child Productive at Home. We have to prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.

The Best Ways to Make Your Child Productive at Home

-Tim Elmore Each parent wants their child to be responsible and productive. And we know that they wish to have the best results from their child. Intellectual Development in Children. “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only on death.”

Intellectual Development in Children

Albert Einstein Intelligence is an adaptation to new situations. When a situation is new and when there are no reflexes to rely on than the subject is obliged to search for something new. It has been well established through many types of research, that ninety per cent of the brain develops by the age of six years. The foundation for further learning is formed in the early years of life. List of Top 20 Best Schools in Gurgaon. We all want our children to get into the top schools that are said to be the best.

List of Top 20 Best Schools in Gurgaon

However, it is only essential to choose the right school that brings the best in your child and not just the best in a wide percentage of children. The right school will enhance and improve your child's skills and amplify their growth and make their future brighter and better with the education that is perfect just for them.

Gurgaon, being a financial and technology hub with a focus on the growth of the city and its future proffers a sea of options for schools, each of which wants the best for your child by providing excellent services to support their values. The list of schools in Gurgaon is pretty long. Even so, there are only a few that fits best for your child, pushing them to become the best version of themselves. Learning Cannot be Quarantined. Education has evolved like never before during this pandemic, which became an opportunity in disguise for young learners.

Learning Cannot be Quarantined

While our lives became socially distanced, we interestingly connected much more and forged many meaningful relationships in the global village. From virtual student exchange programs, virtual international student debates to immersive room sessions in virtual classrooms, learning evolved into a whole new experience. How Important are Awards & Accolades in a Student's School Life? A person who is appreciated will always do more than is expected. Appreciating and rewarding is a great approach to celebrate hard work and success especially in a student's school life.

It might be a certificate or an award for everyone else, but the ones who are appreciated look upon it as an honor. Great Teachers Inspire Great Students. Teaching is the one profession that creates all the other professions. A child is hardly three to four years old when they are admitted to a school and are introduced to a stranger known as a teacher. A student spends more active hours of his/her day with the teachers at school than with family back at home.

How to enhance creative thinking in your children? “Creativity is intelligence having fun” – Albert Einstein. We all know that creativity is such an essential component of life. It makes one more flexible as well as happy. But parents often think that increasing creativity in their children is a difficult task. List of top 20 best schools in Pune. List of top 20 best schools in Pune. Selecting the Right schooling for your child has been a Strenuous task. For choosing the right schooling for your child, you have to examine the different institutions and their policies which will help your child in his overall development and growth. You have to check the procedures and accommodations that the school will provide for educating your child. The new approach to education: Atal Tinkering Labs. The new approach to education: Atal Tinkering Labs A modern education system includes the theoretical as well as the practical approach to learning. And in India, the education system is also improving.

The Substance of Quality Education. Pros and Cons of Transferring Schools. Why you should teach your kids martial arts! How Outings And Picnics Can Help Your Family. Talking to your daughter about periods and menstruation. How to use modern technology effectively. Busting Learning Myths. Games: The New Learning Mechanism. Homeschooling vs Traditional Schooling: Which is Better for the Student?

Considering Sending your Kids for Offline Classes? A Guide on Picking the Right Stream After Grade 10th. A Guide on Picking the Right Stream After Grade 10th. Schools in greater noida west. School in greater noida west. Apply Online School Admission 2021-22 in Greater noida. Schools in Delhi. Schools in central delhi. Schools in north delhi. Best coaching for GATE Architecture.

Online gate coaching for architecture. Designer Juttis for Women Online. Nitrogen Gas Generator Manufacturers.