English Language Lab
Digital English language lab provides a different experience from traditional system of learning languages, teaching; offering advanced features & functionalities.
Digital Classroom Services Provider in Hyderabad, India. What is Digital Teacher?
Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies Pvt Ltd is offering an effective new teaching tool to the instructors at the school level. This is a more effective and authentic digital tool developed in accordance with the recently evolved State Govt. Curriculum Policy. The product is apt for teaching subjects at school level using educational technology. It would drastically bring down the time and efforts spent by the teacher in preparing the content and presenting it to the learners in the classroom. What is Digital Teacher? Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies Pvt Ltd is offering an effective new teaching tool to the instructors at the school level. The product is apt for teaching subjects at school level using educational technology. Smart Class Solution. Smart Class Solution for Schools, Smart Classroom. Smart class A smart class needs no introduction. It is an innovation for the education system that provides a visual representation of the subject being taught.
It is a solution which is changing the way how students are taught, which is, in turn, enhancing their knowledge. Every student has a unique perception of things. This perception helps them grow as an individual in day-to-day activities. It also helps them develop their self-learning abilities which can further boost their interest levels that promotes a healthy educational experience. Smart Class Solution for Schools, Smart Classroom. Smart Class Services Provider, Hyderabad. Digital Class Board is proved to be the effective digital equipment. Smart Classroom Services Provider, Hyderabad. Digital Classroom Software, Hyderabad. Role of “Digital Classes in schools” Smart Classroom Solution for CBSE and SSC (AP&TS) Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Services Levels in Hyderabad. If you are a Vendor / Supplier / OEM or a PSU/Defense lab looking for Interactive Electronic Technical Manual delivery then you are in right place.
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A brief about us: We are the only company that has delivered around 30 IETM projects of all types of IETMS (Leve-2, Level3, and Level 4/5) to the Indian Navy, Army, and Air force. WHY YOU ARE HERE, Let us guess!! Digital Classroom Software, Hyderabad. Smart Class is an Innovation for the Education System. The English Language. Digital Classroom Software, Hyderabad. Digital language lab software, Hyderabad. A1 After completion of this level, user: Comprehension and familiarization of everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the needs of a concrete type.
Self introduction, introduction of others personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Will be able to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly, clearly and is willing to help. A2 After completion of this level, user: Will be able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment) Will be able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Will be able to describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need. B1 After completion of this level, user: B2 After completion of this level, user: Smart classroom aims to redefine modern age teaching.
Digital Classroom Content for CBSE and AP & TS State Board Syllabus. English language lab, Hyderabad. Digital language lab software, Hyderabad. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Services Levels in Hyderabad. Digital Teacher English language lab. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Services Levels in Hyderabad. Language laboratory in K 12 Education Digital language lab converted. English language lab, Hyderabad. Digital Teacher English language lab. English language lab, Hyderabad. Digital Teacher English language lab. Language laboratory in K 12 Education Digital language lab converted. Features of English Language Lab.